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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 6.02
MrRaider959 wrote on 01.08.2023:
[5.0] "Rick was THE Steiner Brother when teaming with Scott. After Superbrawl in '98, Rick was thrown down to the mid-card while Scott was getting his push in the nWo and became "Big Poppa Pump". The Dog-Faced Gremlin did have a mean suplex and an okay rivalry with Scott with their break-up. Sad we never got a clean 1 on 1 battle of the Steiners."
Sky23 wrote on 16.06.2023:
[6.0] "You know, the sad part is that before the Steiner Brothers broke up, Rick Steiner was considered the better wrestler of the two, and they were absolutely right. For the absolute BEAST Scott was during the early 90s, Rick had *it* when it came to in-ring. That was before they were given the chance to show their entertainment value solo, which had widely varying results. Scott had Big Poppa Pump, Rick had... barking a bit and arguing with Chucky. Not exactly a glowing record."
Giantfan1980 wrote on 25.05.2023:
[6.0] "Had a unique look and was a legit mat wrestler and could do the power stuff and suplex guys like Vader. Started going downhill in the Russo era WCW, but that was like a bunch of guys who were hanging on to their aging careers."
face painted legend wrote on 19.11.2022:
[10.0] "A legit tough guy, A two time all-American in amateur wrestling as a shoot. Strong as a ox. Would waylay guys in the chest with his Steiner lines, could take the biggest guy/ smallest guy and suplex them on their heads, and threw a mean bulldog from the top rope. He was one of the guys who inside the ring could do what he wanted to with you and there wasn't much you were gonna do to stop him, and outside of the ring he wasn't a guy you wanted to mess around with either for the same reason. Also, I don't wanna give too much of my tag team speil on a singles, but as a tag wrestler whether it was varsity club with Rotunda, Steiners with his brother Scott, or later years with Tank Abbott, Rick always pulled his end of the team."
Uweuwesen wrote on 07.10.2022:
[6.0] "Rick Steiner ist im Prinzip ein Bilderbuch-Wrestler mit Ringer-Hintergrund. Er hatte nie groß Charakter und war entsprechend limitiert. Suplessen und Powerhouse Style ist waren natürlich seine Stärke. Ich seh ihn immernoch gerne, aber er ist halt kein Highlight"
Conquistador37 wrote on 20.08.2022:
[9.0] "Was totally solid and very watchable until the Steiner Brothers split, then he became one of the most useless WCW employees altogether. Started in the UWF as a meathead to respect but not totally fear, soon enough though you were taught to fear him. Extremely physical in the ring, especially for the time. Loved The Varsity Club run and felt the face turn against Mike Rotundo was very well done. The transition to a lovable goof was seamless, and well received by the fans, He was then paired with his brother Scott (and after a brief hiccup of growing pains), the team went on to be one of THE BEST TAG TEAMS IN THE HISTORY OF WRESTLING. Things were going well enough until the split where Scott became Big Poppa Pump and Rick became a reason to fast forward. While I am a fan, those last few years were B A D. really REALLY bad. so bad they drag the overall score down. Post Steiner Brothers = Avoid. 8.5 rounded up."
Die hard fan wrote on 06.01.2022:
[10.0] "How could a man like Rick steiner be rated that low, 5.71'! Really'! ..... Classic matches everywhere, the best in ring within the two brothers and don't get me wrong, Scott was also athletic but rick was a beast and deserves more recognition for his work in both singles and tag team competition."
WrestlingStuff wrote on 19.10.2021:
[10.0] "All I hear is "solid tag team presence" and "goof charisma", yet these are the same who give Big E a bigger rating for the same reasons and he's just like Rick. When he got off Varsity Club and made a run for himself, Rick was hella over and his win against Mike Rotunda for the TV belt screams that in your face. Rick was the best between the two when it came to wrestling skills. He was better when Scotty was green and after he roided up, due to him keeping his mobility. Dogfaced Gremlin although it sounds lame, it stuck good with him because of how he attacked (like a rabid bulldog), and let's remember that a gimmick like that could get over back then. This is his very first 10, and those are the reasons for it."
MatteoMerdok wrote on 30.09.2021:
[9.0] "I really do not understand how one of the best tag team wrestlers of all time can be rated lower than Eve Torres. Inmates, what are you thinking? Classic matches in New Japan, some solid WCW work and responsible for shooting out the greatness that will be Bron Breakker. This is a really good wrestler."
Mizzle Assault Ant wrote on 23.09.2021:
[9.0] "This low rating seems very silly considering how many years Rick Steiner spent as an absolute beast, throwing around opponents with ease and just generally being a blast to watch. To be sure, he had a few bad years towards the end, but most of his career is very impressive and he was so popular in the late 80s that he was considered to beat Flair for the world title."
AmericanNumbers wrote on 22.09.2021:
[8.0] "You people are nuts. The Dog faced gremlin was great and a tag legend. His Varsity club stuff was also great as was his stuff in UWF."
texasyosh wrote on 17.09.2021:
[7.0] "Rick was a badass, I think he deserves a higher rating. Wasn't as good as his brother, but had great suplexes."
Pete Gallows wrote on 03.09.2021:
[9.0] "My - in ring style - absolutely most favourite wrestler. Legitimate wrestler, if he wants to suplex you, he will suplex you. He looked badass, because he was badass. The Buff injury was horrible, but his top rope bulldog was otherwise a great move, so was the dead valley driver. He was over with the crowd, his later ring attire - the leather jacket with the chrome like dogs on his shoulders looked cool. Not the greatest promo, not exactly a world champion material, but a solid wrestler, that can just beat people up. To me, that is way more interesting than Hogan hulking up and tearing 5 millionth tshirt."
thebigmilkman wrote on 28.06.2021:
[1.0] "In my opinion Rick is one of the most overrated wrestlers of all time. His 1998-1999 WCW run itself is very hard to watch most of the time minus the one good match he had with Scott."
Shoot Headbutt Lover wrote on 23.06.2021:
[9.0] "Rick Steiner's awesome! He wasn't a great promo or anything but the guy was a beast in the ring, like an ameture rasslin' version of all the great hosses today. People forget that the Steiner were innovators back in the day, some of them we today like the Steinerizer which was used by American Alpha a few years ago. and then there are some we don't like Rick's lariat, Nobody does it like him with the whole shoulder into it. Scott may have exceeded Rick on a technical and charismatic standpoint, but that doesn't mean Rick wasn't any good, Rick's a beast."
Daigotsu wrote on 20.06.2021:
[5.0] "While the Steiner brothers were a great tag team, neither guy was as good on his own, especially Rick. He had absolutely no charisma, and his utter lack of selling ability really hurt his ability to put on stories. He had some skills in the ring, but they really needed a tag partner to shine."
WrestlingStats1 wrote on 03.11.2020:
[8.0] "Assets: Had the technical wrestling prowess and toughness that professional wrestling promotions craved. Was an exceptional tag specialist at the highest level. Despite his tag team success, he quietly had a decent career as a midcard wrestler. - - - Flaws: His promo work didn't transition well with age. Wasn't ever figured for a spot in the main event. Was stocky, but didn't necessarily have great height. - - - Career Potential: Admirable major league wrestler and elite tag specialist."
Jetlag wrote on 28.08.2020:
[4.0] "Ganz unterhaltsam, wenn er einfach nur irgendwelche Jobber rumsuplext. Intelligente Ringpsychologie oder gar Innovation darf man aber nicht erwarten."
stc13 wrote on 11.01.2020:
[8.0] "The Steiners were one of the most over acts in North America in the early to mid 90's. Rick had a strong amateur wrestling pedigree, and was a solid in-ring worker. He played his role in the team and played it well, and his physical charisma made up for a lack of mic skills. By the late 90's it was pretty clear he was done with the business and was simply going through the motions, like much of the WCW roster. His tag team accomplishments more than speak for themselves."
staarpress wrote on 17.11.2019:
[7.0] "A really good in-ring competitor, with some great amateur wrestling background, yet always failed to make it as a singles star, no doubt because of his lack of charisma. Still, the Steiners are one of the best tag teams of all time and a lot of that is due to Rick and some of his singles matches were good."
zephyr wrote on 03.09.2019:
[6.0] "Rick Steiner was solid in the ring, definitely above average for his time. But he had zero charisma, which held him back significantly."
KyleEnjoysWrestling wrote on 08.08.2019:
[6.0] "Despite arguable having a more interesting look that Scott (at least, until Scott got super roided) Rick never had the charm to make it as a singles star. Having a face that literally resembles a bulldog, you would think he might have some connection as a solo. But he always floundered. He was great in the team with his brother & the Steiners were quite revolutionary for their time."
JEK 1991 wrote on 10.12.2018:
[5.0] "Rick will also be remember as the banana of the Steiners. Scott had a successful run as a singles. Rick was successful with the Varsity Club and with Scott. When Rick wrestled he was okay with a Greco-Roman background but his movers didn't always excite me. When the Steiners split up, went downhill. I remember him as a singles wrestler in WCW and it was not successful."
RatingsMachine wrote on 11.10.2018:
[5.0] "Rick Steiner had a pair of decent singles runs, in 1988-1989 and 1991, but outside of that, his singles career didn't amount to a whole lot. As a worker, he was OK, but he needed an opponent willing to be thrown around in order to have a good match."
pappahouse wrote on 02.09.2018:
[6.0] "The Dog faced Gremlin war Anfang der 90er mit seinem Bruder Scott in einem sehr guten Run unterwegs. Der deutlich schlechtere der Brüder. Man konnte bei ihm den Ringer-Hintergrund schön beobachten, mehr aber auch nicht."
IsThisWrestling wrote on 07.05.2018:
[5.0] "Had a very good first decade or so of his career. Everything since then has been, more or less, forgettable garbage. Scott was obviously the true star."
Gauntlet84 wrote on 22.03.2018:
[8.0] "He didn't make quite the impact that his brother Scott made but I thought the Steiner Brothers were one of the best tag-teams around."
Devitciiu wrote on 18.09.2016:
[3.0] "Steiner was a perfect example of everything wrong with the final days of WCW. He had no personality, a terrible gimmick, and could not tell a story in the ring. He may have been better at some point in his career, but 99-00 Steiner didn't have a single good match/promo/feud."
horseman5 wrote on 27.05.2016:
[9.0] "Rick Steiner was in the top two tag teams of all time The Steiner brothers. He is one of the most athletic wrestlers ever. With great power and speed. Probably the first wrestler to bring the Japanese style to the US. He worked stiff or was skilled enough to make it look stiff and believable. A skill lacking today's wrestlers."
EGeraldhuebner wrote on 04.05.2016:
"Rick Steiner ... Markenzeichen, Ringerhaube und Hundegebell (später auch als Rocker, Biker oder etwas in der Art unterwegs gewesen). ^^ Zusammen mit seinem Bruder Scott im Tag Team noch richtig gut gewesen. Aber alles, was er später als Single Wrestler zustande brachte, sorry, das sehe ich immer seine Comedy Gimmicks vor mir. Und das nimmt mir irgendwie den ganzen Respekt vor ihm aus meiner Betrachtungsweise. ^^ Nicht mal, das er wirklich schlecht gewesen ist, ganz im Gegenteil, er hat überraschend viel Talent gehabt. Er machte sich halt nur zu sehr zum Affen. Aber das konnte er ganz gut. Sein Auftreten, besonders in solchen Kostümen verursachte bei mir nur eher Lachanfälle. Naja, Rick, egal, begnadeter Entertainer."
DanTalksRasslin wrote on 11.02.2016:
[7.0] "While the Dog-Faced Gremlin never made quite as successful a transition to singles competition as his brother, Rick Steiner was always a solid tag team presence both while tagging with Scott and as part of the Varsity Club. He didn't have quite the flashy ring style as Scott, but did have a solid mat game and was always hard-hitting, and always came off as a very tough competitor. He and Scott will certainly go down as one of the top tag teams of the 1990s."
Brudguns wrote on 21.09.2015:
[9.0] "The dog faced gremlin, great tag team specialist with his brother Scott and with the varsity club, always hard hitting with great suplexes. Very underrated performer"
Ayatollah wrote on 30.10.2014:
[5.0] "Deutlich besser als sein Bruder, aber irgendwie immer nur mittelmaß. Als Tag-Team jedoch unvergessen"
Daneras wrote on 03.11.2013:
[5.0] "Ich mag ihn lieber als Scott Steiner. Er sah damals zu seiner Zeit mit seinem Bruder im Team sehr kräftig aus, und hatte viel Charme. Wie er sich dann weiter entwickelt hat, hat es mir immer weniger gefallen. Traurig!"
Rey2004 wrote on 07.09.2011:
[9.0] "Einer der besten Tag Team Wrestler überhaupt. Schade, dass Bischoffs Gimmick Spielchen zu WCW Zeiten die Steiners trennten."
Fall Out Boy wrote on 27.08.2011:
[5.0] "Puuuh. Als Tag Team Wrestler richtig gut, keine Frage. Alleine fand ich Rick aber immer sehr uninteressant. Seine Matches hatten dagegen Höhen und Tiefen, mal wars hui, mal auch wieder pfui."
The Formless One wrote on 26.04.2011:
[6.0] "Sicherlich ein passabler Wrestler wenn es um Suplexes sowohl als auch Submission ging. Dennoch sprang bei mir der Funke zu Rick Steiner in seiner Singles Zeit nie über (im Tag Team muss man das differenzierter betrachten). Vielleicht lag es auch daran, dass man den "Dog Faced Gremlin" stets als ""goofy character" in Erinnerung hatte und dieser Gimmick-Umschwung auf den harten Biker einfach nur deplatziert wirkte. Immerhin trug er die Ringerohrenschützer fast 10 Jahre. Seine Promos wirkten oft lieblos vorgetragen (das killte eben i. d. R. schon das gesamte Gimmick) und die meisten Stories die er hatte, befanden sich zu Recht in der Midcard. Ich weiß noch, dass ich es damals unverständlich fand, als er den US Title gewann. Und das will bei einem etablierten Mann im Ring eigentlich schon was heißen."
Eddie wrote on 28.02.2010:
[5.0] "Die Steiner Brothers waren geil, aber zu lange im Geschäft.. Irgendwann muss man sich doch eingestehen dass mans nicht mehr drauf hat, deswegen auch Abzüge, 5 Punkte."
downtown2 wrote on 11.01.2010:
[2.0] "Kult? Klasse Wrestler? Alles Blödsinn. Die Steiner Brothers waren mit ihren bunten Ringer Outfits, den Brawls von Rick und den athletischeren Bewegungen von Scott recht unterhaltsam, aber nichts Besonderes. Ganz speziell Rick zeigt doch deutliche Defizite als Single Kämpfer und war auch schon im Team sehr, sehr langweilig."
108 Sterne wrote on 25.09.2009:
[6.0] "Der bessere Steiner, und im Gegensatz zu seinem Bruder kein widerliches Zeugnis von übermäßigem Steroidmißbrauchs."
The-Game91 wrote on 10.08.2009:
[6.0] "Ich weiss nicht wieso aber ich finde ihn besser als seinen Bruder Scott. Wahrscheinlich weil er sich nicht mit irgendwelchen Hilfsmitteln aufgepumpt hat."
Excellence of Execution wrote on 23.12.2008:
[5.0] "War früher mit Bruder Scott Bestandteil eines renommierten Tag Teams und brachte dort vor allem die "muscle power". Leider entschied sich sein Bruder dazu, selbst ein wenig "muscle power" zu erwerben und startete eine Solo Karriere. Von da an wurde Rick Steiner konsequent uninteressanter. Overall reicht es aber noch zu fünf Punkten."
WCWler wrote on 26.09.2008:
[2.0] "Im Tag Team ja noch annehmbar aber als Einzelwrestler grausam."
The Wise Warrior wrote on 17.09.2008:
[7.0] "Nur im Tag Team überzeugend - aber dort sehr unterhaltsam."
Frutz wrote on 09.06.2008:
[5.0] "Der schwächere Part der Steiner Brothers, im Nachhinein betrachtet aber der sympathischere. Allerdings reicht es nicht, bellend durch den Ring zu laufen und ein paar Power-Moves zu zeigen."
Pingu wrote on 08.04.2008:
[2.0] "Hat mir im Tag Team besser gefallen. Sein Bruder war erfolgreicher!"
Mick Funk wrote on 11.02.2008:
[2.0] "Fand ihn bei den Steiners absolut lächerlich und auch ansonsten kann ich mich an kein weltbewegendes Match erinnern. Einfach überflüssig. Wegen einiger ordentlicher Matches im Tag Team gibts eine 5 (+)."
Horscht2904 wrote on 01.01.2008:
[8.0] "Im Team mit seinem Bruder sehr unterhaltsam gewesen."
Amurebku wrote on 07.12.2007:
[2.0] "Als den "bellenden Hund" im Ring mit seinen Ringerohrenschutz fand ich ihn nur lächerlich. Die härteren Gimmicks kaufte ich ihm mehr ab. Trotz allem für mich keine Besonderheit im Wrestlingbusiness. Kein Typ von dem mir irgendein tolles Match in den Gedanken hängen blieb."
mdbnase wrote on 27.10.2007:
[6.0] "Ist mir nach den Steiners in der damaligen WWF nicht mehr aufgefallen. Im Team mit Rick damals einfach nur gut, auch die lustigen Ohrschützer waren damals sehr passend. Die ReUnion fand ich dagegen nicht ganz überzeugend, aber er is immer noch 'n Tick charismatischer als sein aufgepumpter Bruder! Daher knappe 6 pts."
H-Scorpio wrote on 27.07.2007:
[6.0] "Als Einzelwrestler wirkte er blass. Später hat die WCW versucht, ihm etwas mehr Profil zu geben, das ist aber auch nur teilweise gelungen."
shannonmoore wrote on 22.07.2007:
[6.0] "Der ist Lehrer......... ok da möchte ich nicht Schüler sein. Als Einzelwrestler ne 8 und im Single Bereich ne 4 also 6 Points :)"
Sabu316 wrote on 21.07.2007:
[4.0] "An der Seite von Scott bildete er ein sehr gutes Tag Team. Als Singles Wrestler kann er leider gar nicht überzeugen."
LexLuger4ever wrote on 12.07.2007:
[6.0] "Fast die gleiche Geschichte wie mit seinem Bruder, nur ist er aufgrund seines Aussehens um einiges uncharismatischer! Und das hat zur Folge, dass er ohne seinen Bruder Scott eine Schlaftablette ist!"
Masterpiece wrote on 24.06.2007:
[2.0] "Zusammen mit Bruder Scott als die "Steiner Brothers" ganz OK ... als Single Wrestler einfach nur schlecht!"
timbo7111 wrote on 24.06.2007:
[4.0] "Konnte mich nie wirklich begeistern, dazu fehlten im Charisma und Technik."
Hypocrisy wrote on 24.06.2007:
[6.0] "Was will TNA mit Rick Steiner? Gebt den jungen Wilden eine Chance. Rick Steiner war, gerade im Team mit Scott Steiner ein wirklich Guter. Aber seine Zeit ist einfach vorbei. Sein Hundegebell hat mich manchmal aber genervt."