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No items were found that match the search parameters.
Displaying items 1 to 14 of total 14 items that match the search parameters.
#NamePromotionCareer StartCareer EndLength of careerRatingVotes
1Munchie Gonzalez 2019 5 years  
2Cortland Moore 2018 6 years  
3Stonewall 2017 7 years  
4Vanderpool 2016 8 years  
5Jones 2016 8 years  
6Tony EvansOhio Valley Wrestling2016 8 years  
7Tyler Hawkins 2015 9 years  
8Drake Jaxon 2015 9 years  
9Nick Depp 2012 12 years  
10Nick Willis 2012 12 years  
11Dakota France 2010 14 years  
12Lizzy Sixx 18.08.2008 16 years  
13Jake Bravado 2008 16 years  
14Kris Falcon