[9.0] "SHLAK will go down in history as one of the greatest to ever death match. HeS taken home trophy's from several tournaments and held several belts. A very well rounded wrestler who still keeps improving his game. The xpw run and current matches in rpw and others are vicious. Very intense, very violent he personifies what a "hardcore" wrestler should be."
[3.0] "Honestly never been a fan of SHLAK as I find his Deathmatch work mostly boring. Sure he can hype up the crowd but that's pretty much all he's good at to me. Has a couple decent matches, but other than that he's not very good. His match against Nick Gage a couple years ago in GCW is the best match in his career other than that bother really never sticks out. Maybe I just need to try and watch some more matches and I will get him but, currently I'm not a fan, sorry for all the SHLAK lovers."
"SHLAK is one of a kind wrestler that can be a great asset. He brings a ton of raw charisma and doesn't really need to do much. Just his looks and antics alone can carry him in any kind of match/situation. It also helps that he is a decent brawler, who is not afraid of anything."
[9.0] "In a sea of garbage making current wrastlin look more like an Olympic dance routine, you have this guy. Shalk is brutalizing. His matches come off as actual fighting annd there isn't many guys out there like him for that alone I score him high. He's been all over the world and sets the current standard for violence. He has won several major tournaments and continues to impress showing that he's more than just a bloody trash wrestler."
[5.0] "A guy with few skills even for Death Match, he has incredible endurance and the guy looks like a monster, in the 80s in WWE, NWA he could have been valid even today just with his appearance he could be in the midcard but it seems that he prefers to jump against tables with glass."
"not going rate. Shlak is really a mixed bag. the character has that heavy metal feel that makes you a bit excited for his death matches and gives the impression that he really wants to hurt people (clarifying character not the actual dude) but I think ive only really seen like 2 matches where he lived up to the hype and I feel like I have a good sample size. I will give him a benefit of a doubt since ive picked matches throughout his career and since hes a deathmatch wrestler, he may have had an injury or off day. I say that cause in the bad matches ive seen, he moves like he has a pinched nerve and he walks a bit stiff and that really impacted what I thought of him. I would try to seek out more but some of the rumors that have come is a bit concerning."
[10.0] "Guy is a legit beast and can take a lot of punishment. I've watched him slowly over the years become a better and better wrestler over the years, the guy has put the work in. I don't think anyone on the Indy scene can match his aura."
"Shlak is one of the most overrated deathmatch wrestlers in the business. He brings an aura of chaos, but that is about all he has to offer. Not much talent mediocre promos nothing special at all. He is a guy fueled entirely by booze, steroids & CTE. There are much better deathmatch wrestlers out there. He does not live up to the hype."
[7.0] "Amazing deathmatch powerhouse. Has genuine wrestling skills, while being tough enough to hang with any of the toughest deathmatch wrestlers out there. Shlak is a monster and would make a great heel in any company. Also if you hate this guy cause hes a deathmatch wrestler, open your eyes and watch more modern death matches. These guy have skill and are without a doubt the toughest guys in the world."
[8.0] "Deathmatch powerhouse, don't fear anything and some big charisma, Can improve in some moves but he is really good. Ps: amazing at promo skills."
[3.0] "Once saw him almost break someone's neck trying to do a move as basic as the magistral. Not particularly unique or interesting as far as deathmatch wrestlers go either."
[0.0] "A glorified backyard wrestler who encapsulates everything wrong with 21st century deathmatch wrestling. Exhibits zero ability other than the ability to hit opponents with weapons, and inflict massive amounts of pain on himself to the point that it ceases to be shocking or meaningful and he's left doing more and more ridiculous and reckless spots to make anything matter."
[8.0] "An absolute bruiser in the ring. There is nobody out there like him really. A tuff as nails throwback wrestler that is always entertaining to watch."
[8.0] "Shlak is legit. His matches seem like actual fights, something lost in professional wrestling these days. The guy moves like a truck covered in dents, reckless at times but that is part of his charm. Haha. He has been on a warpath recently and it has been amazing to watch."
[9.0] "Public Animal #1, No God... Only Shlak. He is one of the best deathmatch wrestlers today. He has such a charism aabout him and he has a look where he almost looks like a cartoon character. He's had great matches in GCW and Horror Slam, where he is their current Deathmatch Champion. But every match, he goes all out, willing to take crazy bumps, but he can wrestle as well and cuts great promos and has a great look too. He is one of the most over wrestlers at Horror Slam, quickly getting a huge following, the crowd goes nuts every time he comes out."
[8.0] "Super entertaining death match wrestler and super good dude outside of the ring. Its really no wonder why he was chosen to go to Japan with GCW"
[8.0] "I love this guy, he is as crazy as they come. SHLAK gives zero fux almost to a fault. Intimidating, built like a tank, and respectable ringwork. If you appreciate his style or not is one thing, but his believability factor is undeniable."
[2.0] "SHLAK is definitely a scary looking dude, but that's about it. His promos are bad, really killing his illusion, and he isn't good at wrestling - deathmatch or otherwise. When it comes to things like taking a powerbomb or going up for a slam, it always looks like he is struggling (and not in a way that looks like selling). While he can take a ton of punishment in deathmatches, there's no real rhyme or reason to what he does, and his intensity can be lacking at times (which is odd to say for a man of his size)."
[2.0] "Just as people are finally accepting deathmatches for what they are, and recognising that there is, for a lack of a better word, "art" to it, you get Shlak. I don't like to take in account personality tbh, especially if it doesn't interfere with the wresting side so I won't but it's dubious. SHLAK's matches are bad and send Death matches back a long time."
[0.0] "I have seen a picture of him doing the nazi salute. That is more than enough for me to give him a zero. I can t understand how this man is still being booked, I guess the issue flew under the radar and that not many people remember the whole neo nazi part. Im disappointed that places like gcw still book this man..."
[0.0] "SHLAK is every popular negative aspect of deathmatch wrestling in one performer. There are so many good, charismatic and skilled performers in deathmatch wrestling so to see a slow, sloppy guy like him continually win and be pushed by places like GCW is disheartening. His "both sides are bad" bullshit response to old pictures of him with skinheads makes matters even worse. The dregs of independent wrestling."
[1.0] "He has a cool look and aura. He looks great on a poster or match graphic and his energyband aura during his entrance. And then the bell rings. He legit may have the worst technical ability I've ever seen. Madman Pondo is a better actual wrestler than him. Despite admitting to taken steroids he struggles lifting opponents none of whom are actually that big or heavy. Also, he's a upstanding human being in and out of the ring as the boys in the back attest to."
[6.0] "Shlak is very intimidating but his name makes me chuckle. Not good not bad, probably his best thing going is just the pure intimidating aura surrounding him. I feel like he'd rob me though so minus some points for that."
[0.0] "how in the hell is he still getting booked? He is not a very good wrestler, he is not even a very good deathmatch worker, He doesn't have any good mic skills or skills in ring, he should be a crappy backyard wrestler, rather than pollute the indys with his garbage wrestling, possibly the worst wrestler I've ever seen."
[9.0] "The most badass wrestler right now on the Deathmatch scene. This dude will fuck you up. Jacked? Check. Scary? Check? Awesome hair? Check. He has everything. He even sets his elbow on fire. How can you not like this guy. His TOD promo the funniest thing i've seen in a while. SHLAK is the next Brain Damage I think."