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Displaying items 1 to 1 of total 1 items that match the search parameters.
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Displaying items 1 to 21 of total 21 items that match the search parameters.
#NamePromotionCareer StartCareer EndLength of careerRatingVotes
1Anakin Rosa 11.12.2021 2 years  
2Michelle Green 27.11.2021 2 years  
3Whisky Sauer 10.2021 2 years  
4Caramel Lightning 06.2021 3 years  
5Hoss Holding 05.05.2021 3 years  
6Bino Bleu 05.2021 3 years  
7Charity KingNational Wrestling Alliance25.04.2021 3 years  
8Mystii Marks 05.01.2021 3 years  
9Sodapop Hendrix 2021 3 years  
10Kobe Dalen Payne 2020 4 years  
11Austin Jordan 2020 4 years  
12Pac Ortega 27.07.2019 5 years  
13Vertvixen 06.2019 5 years7.7113
14David Kidd 30.10.2018 5 years  
15Braxton Hunter 2018 6 years  
16Big Jay Bishop 17.08.2014 10 years  
17Big Daddy Yum Yum 2004202016 years5.1734
18Trudi DeNucci 200020055 years  
19Kevin Douglas 1999201415 years  
20Austin Lane      
21Jordan Jaa