[3.0] ""And here I am, putting on 5 star matches! That I don't even get the recognition for! Huh Meltzer? Where's my stars? You want to give stars to all your favourites, but where's my stars? "-Sammy Guevara. He deserves a low rating just for this promo alone, genuinely one of the worst of all time. How this was allowed to be put on a pretape without anyone thinking it's cringe is incomprehensible. He really is AEW's Miz, he's just not as good as he thinks he is and is so obnoxious, but when you say so people will tell you "well they're both heels so they're doing their job right if you don't like them" not knowing the difference between good and bad heat. In the ring, he falls into a category of wrestler who can do the moves but doesn't put much story behind them, if you get me. He also seems like a massive twat behind the scenes, seems to have an ego, gets into petty "fights" with other talent and the comment he made about Mercedes Mone (you know the one). But that cutter he gave to Cody in Cody's last AEW match is a spot that lives rent free in my head, so I'll give him credit for that."
[6.0] "Dreht sich für mich seit 5 Jahren bei AEW im Kreis, es gibt keine wirkliche Entwicklung bei Charakter oder im Ring auch wenn er dort recht gut ist."
[5.0] "I feel like Sammy Guevara could be a very good wrestler. The biggest issue for him is that he just isn't able to put all the pieces together to truly unlock his full potential. I'm not saying he could be the greatest wrestler of all time, but he could easily be a very good wrestler. I'm not keen on him as a babyface, as I feel like he just has that face and "attitude" in-ring that's very easy to hate. He's decent in-ring, takes a lot of risks which is always nice to see. Just needs to keep improving and figure out what works best for him, because I haven't really been into a lot of his "gimmicks" throughout his tenure in AEW."
[2.0] "Sammy Guevara is a phenomenal athlete who rarely puts together compelling matches. Can be relied on for a fun high spot in multiman clusterfuck deals but I simply have no desire to see him in serious singles matches. He gets points for having a really cool set of moves but they do not mean much in the boring matches Sammy Guevara is apart of. He's too flippy to be a good heel and too generally unlikable to be a decent babyface. Hopefully being alongside Dustin Rhodes in Ring of Honor can unlock a new more interesting side of him."
[5.0] "I'm not really a huge fan of Sammy... of course his move-set can be considered impressive, with a lot of acrobatic moves, but overall during his entire career he didn't caught my attention and have a lot of problems, inside the ring and mostly outside of it. Never found himself as a character, and irritates me a lot, even though at his best, I admit that he has the potential to do some exciting stuff."
[7.0] "Sammy is a good high flyer, pretty smooth in ring, and capable of some really good moves. Unfortunately he has almost no character development and fails to tell in-ring stories at a high enough level, despite how athletically capable he is. Hopefully he'll find room to improve on character in the future, but he's far too concerned with doing moves that look cool rather than stringing together some sort of story with his moves. Connects much better with smaller audiences than larger ones."
[5.0] "Sammy Guevara is a performer who has certainly made a name for himself in the wrestling world, but his overall impact is still a mixed bag. While he has the potential to deliver high-quality matches, his reliance on flashy high spots often detracts from the storytelling that makes a match memorable. Theres no denying that Sammy has a natural athleticism and a willingness to put his body on the line, but he often falls short when it comes to connecting with the audience through in-ring psychology and promos. One of the standout aspects of Sammy's career has been his ability to deliver when it counts, particularly in his matches against Cody Rhodes and MJF. His series of matches with Cody, especially their ladder match, was a showcase of both his athletic prowess and his potential to tell a compelling story in the ring. Similarly, his encounters with MJF highlighted his ability to hang with one of the best heels in the business. These matches demonstrated that when Sammy focuses on the story, he can be a top-tier performer. However, not all of Sammys feuds have been as successful. His program with Scorpio Sky was underwhelming and lacked the intensity needed to elevate both men. The feud felt forced and failed to connect with the audience in a meaningful way. Likewise, his feud with Matt Hardy, despite some memorable moments, ultimately dragged on for too long and became more about shock value than substance. These duds highlight the inconsistency in Sammys career, where the highs are high, but the lows are glaring. In conclusion, Sammy Guevara is a solid performer with undeniable talent, but he still has some growing to do. He excels when paired with the right opponents and when he focuses on storytelling rather than relying solely on high spots. However, his inconsistency and lack of promo effectiveness hold him back from reaching the next level. Sammy has the potential to be a major star, but he needs to refine his approach and develop a stronger connection with the audience to fully realize that potential."
[5.0] "Just a very mid wrestler. He's should not be considered a pillar and pretty mediocre in ring. He's ok on the mic and can sometimes have a decent match but overall just kinda boring. He's definitely not worth the hassle when he causes problems every other month with his bad attitude. Overall he just kinda meh"
[2.0] "This guy is the most unimpressive of Aew's "four pillars" it's quite well documented that he has an attitude problem and holds himself on a pedestal so I won't really be weighing in on that very much I'll be critiquing him as a performer, this guy here is Will ospreay if you strip away everything that makes Will if you strip away all the substance, charisma, timing and about 80% of the talent and now that he's basically in the same company with the man who he is essentially a lesser clone of I don't really see how he'll stand out other than going back to the Jericho well once more and attachi g himself to Jericho and his stupid, god-awful, uninspired and downright bad lion tree shtick. This guy couldn't cut a compelling promo even if his life depended on it and he certainly is no main event player nor will he ever be one unless he starts taking himself and his career serioou and breaks out on his own instead of attaching himself to jericho and being paired up with his wife on screen. This guys work is hollow and he does moves for moves sake with one of his most impressive looking moves being his Spanish fly which if you guessed it Will ospreay does it 10x better. This guy is certainly no pillar and shouldn't be stroked with the same coat of paint as Darby and MJF, he and Jack perry are the weak links on the the pillars and should be phased out and replaced with Takeshita and Daniel Garcia who clearly are better and have more potential honestly. Edit: I just realised that this guy is 30 and is still as bad as he is I think it's time to accept that he probably won't be getting any better with time I mean this guy is just a year? Younger than Will and the same age as dragunov and yet he has less Aura than Danny who is still finding his stride post his run with the JAS stuff(also worth noting Danny would be far ahead of the game than he is right now had it not been for Jericho's stubbornness and his refusal to let Danny carve out his own path when his popularity with the fans was at a fever pitch but rather insisted that he been one of his stoogies)."
[0.0] "The Spanish God who can't speak Spanish, (he was doing that as a babyface so it's not the heat, brother), does a lot of flips and jumps, incorporated his personal life into the wrestling public then begged fans to not be so nosy when that blew up in his face, has a history of being unsafe, runs a personal vlog that's filled with obnoxious clickbait thumbnails and behaves like a 14 year old. Again, he was doing that as a babyface so the heat excuse isn't going to fly. He can't cut a promo and is constantly tied to Jericho. They feud, they're friends, reverse and repeat to the delight of no one. He's not talented enough to continue to take up a roster spot. There's far too many wrestlers with more talent and less hassle. He also has what is one of the worst finishers in wrestling. The move is set up cool enough but he always does the laziest and most blatant thigh slap he could possibly do and it makes the move look like shit."
[10.0] "He cant always get blamed for being unsafe when sometimes its when the referee should have done something. He is so good in the ring and he doesnt deserve any hate whats so ever. All of his matches are so good and he deserves to be World champion. He has great charisma and great ring work."
[4.0] "Hard to believe that one point this guy was considered one of AEW's pillars given he has absolutely not improved at all in the ring or as a character. Even worse, he's what you would never want to be called as a wrestler, which is unsafe. He is still quite young but I don't see him ever rising above a passable midcarder."
[5.0] "Pretty cooked whenever he leaves Chris Jericho's shadow. Pretty much any time I hear about him outside of kayfabe, it's negative. You literally can't turn him face, they've tried multiple times. He just has a face you want to punch, but even his heel work ends there. Can't cut a promo. High athleticism, but that's still middle-of-the-pack in AEW. Maybe he can turn things around, but I think he might need an excursion in Japan or hop to another promotion like TNA or MLW or something."
[2.0] "Looks like a 2K CAW with even less personality. I'm really not a fan of his style of work, he's injured several opponents and is generally unsafe to be working on national television. He's considered a "pillar" of AEW but he's done nothing to really justify a title like that. If he ends up being anything in pro wrestling, I can maybe see him as a midcard or preliminary guy but he's not someone you want to build a company around. Supposedly he's been wrestling for 13 years and somehow graduated from Booker T's school but he acts and works like someone whose doing it for pops rather than actually being good at pro wrestling. Like I mentioned prior, his wrestling style is really unsafe both to himself and his opponent, I've seen him drop people on their heads which shows his carelessness when it comes to taking care of his opponents. He also opens himself up to injury but does a better job at protecting himself than protecting his opponents. Then theres his backstage antics, he's been in 3 separate incidents while in AEW but he's done little to change his backstage behavior. Overall, like I said, I'm not a fan of Guevara. I've seen people compare him to Eddie Guerrero but in what reality is that even possible? He's only 30 so maybe he'll turn it around in the coming years"
[4.0] "Unsafe, grating, and physically unimpressive. He's still young so there's time for him to improve on that but there's a lot more to dislike about his performances than to praise at present. Standard c-lister heel. Reminds me of a less impressive, less studious Miz from 20 years ago."
[4.0] "Sammy Guevara is indeed a talented wrestler, but his ego and treatment of other wrestlers is inexcusable. Guevara has been suspended numerous times during his time with AEW. He is an adequate competitor, when he wants to be. He has gotten into backstage fights and has been willing to vacate a title instead of losing it. Just a bad human."
[2.0] "Man kann ganz deutlich erkennen, dass sich Guevara seit seiner Ankunft bei AEW kein Stück weiterentwickelt hat und selbst dann eher Rückschritte macht. Im Ring kann er nichts weiter als die generischsten Spot-"Matches" zeigen, die man bei jeder Indie-Show sehen kann. Hat keinen Funken Ahnung von Selling, Psychologie oder sonst irgendetwas Besseres als die repetitive Aneinanderreihung von Moves/Spots. Noch wesentlich erschwerender kommt hinzu, dass Guevara keine Promos halten kann und weder Ausstrahlung noch Charakter hat. Ich verstehe nicht, warum AEW nicht aufgibt und versucht mehr aus ihm zu machen, was er eigentlich ist: ein vollkommen gewöhnlicher Spot-Monkey ohne Potenzial."
[5.0] "Somehow incredibly talented and yet so tedious and annoying, without even going into his personal of screen personality.doesnt help hes not really been out in good storylines, just mainly with Jericho & the four pillars which him and jungle boy were out the place"
[6.0] "Sammy is what people like to pretend guys like Ospreay and Ricochet are. Really just exists for highlight reels and Twitter GIFs. But, hey, there's space for a wrestler like that in modern wrestling, and he plays the "holy shit moment machine" role well. Now if only they stopped trying to make him some kinda babyface..."
[4.0] "This man cannot be a babyface even if his life depended on it. He's so naturally unlikable. I don't understand why he wants to be an uppercard babyface so badly. He's just coasting on Jericho's success and even then the pair of them are not a pair you want to root for. The audience wants to boo Sammy so badly. I get it, he's a dad now, but if he wants to he believable as a babyface then he needs some more character motivation than just wanting to be the best to give your kid a good life or whatever."
[6.0] "Sammy is my least favorite of the 4 AEW Pillars(MJF, Darby and Jungle Boy); It doesn't mean he's bad, he is a decent wrestler but I think he is a bit overrated. He is an athletic in ring worker but his moves look very clumsy and sloppy and his matches tends to drag. However, he is a versatile wrestler with an arsenal of cool moves and perhaps he is able to fix his little missteps both in ring as well as promo work. He is gonna be one of the leading wrestlers of AEW so hopefully I grow on him."
[5.0] "Sammy Guevara is very hit or miss for me, he's a very good in ring wrestler when it comes to doing the moves and being athletic, but he fails to remember how to sell and have psychology, not to mention being a terrible promo with no charisma or personality."
[10.0] "Great guy, incredibly skilled. He can easily make a whole crowd hate him. He embraces being a great wrestler. Being led by chris jericho really helped him. Once he comes back from injury he deserves a chance at the title. That match has always been great. Sammy deserves another run with a title as well."
[10.0] "Sammy Guevara is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time. I almost instantly fell in love with him. The first ever AEW match I saw was his match against Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed TNT Championship, I became a fan of his shortly after and I guess the rest is history. Now, I know some people don't like him because he's considered "controversial" but I personally believe that he's not a bad person and is just misunderstood in a way. What he said and did can't be excused but I think that people shouldn't just automatically consider him a bad person. If you watch his vlogs then you'll know that he's actually really nice and considerate. Overall I don't think his controversies should overshadow his talent in the ring and people should start realizing that."
[4.0] "He doesn't have it, he has never had it and never will have it. He is too unlikeable to be a babyface and has a move set that doesn't fit being a heel. He should have been downcycled at least two years ago at this point but Tony will keep trying to get him over and it will keep failing."
[5.0] "I remember following Sammy's career since he had 2k subscribers in YouTube. When he got signed with AEW I expected him to change, to improve himself and become a star with this chance. He looks the same still. He's a very talented athlete, and high flyer. But in a company where MOST are high flyers, that isn't really special. As a character, he has this arrogant character that could work if not for the fact that he is so uninteresting talking. Not really interesting, but let's hope he changes."
[8.0] "Easily the best in ring worker of the 4 pillers. Sammy is one of the cleanest wrestlers not just in AEW but in the entire world of wrestling. He isnt the absolute best in the world, but he has one of the brightest futures as long as he doesnt screw up. Plays a good face, makes a great heel, you cant go wrng with this guy on your rpster period."
[5.0] "As a wrestler, he's fine. Can do some cool high flying moves. His selling is inadequate, it always feels like he's popping up a minute after nearly injuring himself on a dive. His character as of late is unlikable, his mic skills are subpar, and I only like it when he loses. EDIT: After all the backstage nonsense I feel it's only fair to tank his rating. He's got severe go-away heat with me, similar to someone like Austin Theory. EDIT 2: he seems to have cleaned up his act, thankfully. Still not too terribly high on him though."
[7.0] "Sammy is a good wrestler. He is very athletic and has an impressive moveset. His biggest issues is his charisma where he can be a good heel but does not connect as a face. His booking is very inconsistent which hurts him as well."
"Sammy has improved TONS since his first title runs, when you watch him it is obvious why Cody put him over. In my opinion, he put on the best performance in the highly promoted four pillars match with his smooth aerial attacks and willingness to take big bumps for spots."
[6.0] "Honestly the BEST body control I have ever seen in wrestling, and quite a varied move set. But his lack of character was killing his career. He sometimes like pandas; he occasionally is best friends with Fuego Del Sol; he is engaged to his high school sweetheart but dating Tay Conti errr Tay Melo; and this is just gleaned from watching AEW TV. I do not care about his personal life or seek out any such thing. Rejoining Chris Jericho in his new faction after the dissolution of the Inner Circle has rectified that loophole since he was seemingly unaffected when they split up despite being their biggest advocate. As an arrogant heel, he has potential and just needs to work on his promo ability. But for the sake of his career, he needs to find his character and stick with it, and if he changes, make sure it is on screen and has a motivation."
[4.0] "A good in-ring worker, horrible heel and unusable babyface. Guys like MJF proved that you don't have to be annoying to be a good heel, but Sammy is straight up annoying. And all of this is 100% the fans' fault for making such a big deal of him getting with Tay. They used it to get cheap heat and it was so boring"
[3.0] "Sammy has been overpushed and overhyped by the company literally since day one. He's never been over to the extent that he's been pushed, he's just not likeable, his promos suck, and there are probably literally 80 guys working for AEW that can do everything he does in the ring as good or better. I do not understand why Tony (and Excalibur) love him so much."
[6.0] "I don't get the hype with this guy. He's a decent wrestler, I'll give him that. BUt he doesn't have much charisma, at least not enough for the annoying Eddie Guerrero comparisons by Jim Ross every week. The only thing they have in common is being HIspanic wrestlers. Sammy will never be in Eddie's class, so please stop, Jim. It's never going to happen."
[4.0] "As of now, he is still the WORST pillar in AEW, but he is better this year than last year, but still he is so f#cking annoying, at least he is now getting heat and not go away heat"
[7.0] "You can hate him as a person all you want but there's no denying that Sammy Guevara's a fantastic wrestler. His backstage antics and attitude rubbed people the wrong way but it looks as if he's finally cleaned up his act. I feel like he's stuck in a weird position where no matter how good he performs in his matches, it won't be enough for him to win over the crowd. He's had go away heat for months now and his on-screen pairing with Tay Conti has only made things worse for him. He continues to be pushed in big feuds, including the current 4 pillars storyline, but most people don't seem to care for him or see him as a legitimate threat. The guy's very talented for his age but still has a long way to go, especially when it comes to talking on the microphone."
[6.0] "Sammy feels like someone who's been stagnating for a few years now. After the disaster that was his feud with Scorpio Sky made it so that he'd never be accepted as a baby face again, he's just kinda been costing on his "I'm Chris Jericho's annoying friend" energy ever since. This is a shame as he does have legitimate talent, I wish he'd show it off more often."
[7.0] "A lot of talent, but I find a real problem with his attitude. The guy really comes off as disrespectful when he's online. I feel that if he didn't have Jericho giving him a good word, we would've likely not seem him on AEW television as much."
[8.0] "Tremendous wrestler and extremely talented. I just think his style and attitude rubs people the wrong way unfortunately. Having said that the Future seems very bright for Sammy and I can see him as a future world champion"
[8.0] "Yall don't know Talent from the back of your hand. Sammy is very technical and a good wrestler especially on the Ropes. He's still very young too with plenty of room to grow."
[5.0] "Overhyped from the start. Good guy for high spots and should always have a place in the fun multi man matches, but as a singles star I just dont see it. His 3 TNT title runs were all massive flops. I'm glad hes no longer trotting his gf out with him every week because literally nobody wanted to see it. Sammy is starting to build back some good faith again, but I was never a massive fan anyway."
[10.0] "My personal favorite in AEW. Sammy gets too much hate. He has amazing matches every night he is on TV, and the stuff he does is mind blowing. The YouTube channel really helps him show his bright side, because he is such a great guy. That being said, even as a big fan of his, the stuff with Scorpio and Tay did not help his case at all. The only knock I have on him is his terrible mic skills. He has great charisma, but he just cannot show it on the mic, which sucks. One of the best high flyers in wrestling today, and yes, he is still one of the four pillars."
[6.0] "I learned about Sammy from his performances in Mexico, where he fit well into the local no-selling wrestling system. He's good at high-flying, but I don't think that alone is enough to become a big star. He is an acceptable mid-carder who is fine as heel, but absolutely boring as a good guy. Sammy has a perfect chemistry with Chris Jericho, he is able to show a spectacular match, but as for me he is quite average, although I think he still has everything ahead of him, and he is quite capable of becoming a bigger name in the future."
[6.0] "Sammy Guevara is an average wrestler with a decent gimmick. His ladders match with Cody was insane, but other than that, I can't really name a good match of his. All he's been in the past few years is Chris Jericho's hype man, with a little break to win the TNT Championship. He just really needs to find a way to shine, because right now, he looks like an idiot."
[8.0] "I think the hate Sammy receives is way overblown. He's actually not bad as a face, but he and Tay got put into a story that was meant for Brandi and Cody with Dan Lambert and it suuuucked, which killed a promising babyface run. As a smarmy heel, he's amazing. However, he's not totally a victim of circumstance, as he does get into unforced errors backstage sometimes, although who knows if he's more prone to that than any other wrestler. One thing I will say, though, is that when the bell rings there are few other people who have his athleticism, and his matches are often must-see with how exciting they are-- even if that does mean that he doesn't always work as safely as you'd like."
[5.0] "A good athlete but still hasn't learned how to put a match together. He seems lost when he's not doing his few moves and still needs to be hidden in tag and multi-man matches. He occasionally cuts a good promo but his real talent lies in getting heat. He's just got one of those faces. He can never be a babyface unless he evolves."
[6.0] "In my opinion, the worst of the prematurely named pillars of AEW. I do not mind Sammy and he is able to put on a good match, but he tends to do very little for me."
[9.0] "I really like Sammy. He's EXCELLENT as a heel, though I don't think he particularly makes a good babyface. He's really bounced back from a pretty crappy run lately, he's naturally talented as hell and he deserves way more credit. He'll take any bump, he'll do tons of crazy shit, he'll sell his ass off, he can work with anyone, and he naturally gets heat. He's great!"
[8.0] "He's better than his rating. I think people are jealous that he is Tony Khan's pet project, but I have seen him get better in the ring. He needs to stay heel though because the guy under the character desperately wants to be babyface and he gets his heartbroken when the fans shit on him which they WANT to do, so stay heel. I mean look at the tk relationship, the tongue thing, the girl! YOURE A HEEL. 4 life."
[8.0] "Gutes Gesamtpaket aus Wrestlingskill, Selling, Charisma und er hat auch den Look. Mit dem richtigen Aufbau haben wir hier einen guten Co-Maineventer."
[3.0] "Sammy is daring, I'll give him that. Not daring enough to maybe change it up a bit though. He can do a 630 but that doesn't matter when his wrestling is the opposite of engaging, from his horrible match structure and pacing to his X-Pac heat, I want him off my screen. He's a PR nightmare who associated with the right people (Jericho) at the right time and frankly that's the only reason he's still getting opportunities like facing the American Dragon this upcoming Wednesday. Also who complains about getting stiffed in wrestling nowadays?"
[7.0] "I used to really enjoy his early AEW work, however, lately I found that I cannot push through one or any of his segments/promos/ or matches. I will not blame Sammy entirely on this since it is also on part due to the entire way they are booking everything lately. I feel that Sammy in the ring can be very entertaining, his workrate and his ability are excellent, yet I cannot comprehend any appeal to his character or persona especially when he is trying to be serious."
[7.0] "Einer meiner Favoriten bei AEW. Toller In Ring Worker mit natural Charisma und einer coolen Präsentation. Scheint auch hinter den Kulissen ein korrekter Typ zu sein, was auch gut in seinen Vlogs durchkommt. In meinen Augen recht wahrscheinlich ein future World Champ bei AEW (oder auch bei WWE möglicherweise). Sein TNT Title Run ist noch zu frisch, um ihn zu raten, aber war mit das beste was ihm passieren konnte. Edit: Einer der schlecht gealtertsten Comments aller Zeiten :D Verbaut sich leider mit seinem Verhalten grade viel. In den Shows auch bei weitem nicht mehr so unterhaltsam, was aber daran liegen könnte, dass AEW generell schlechter wird. Im Ring weiterhin stark und Charisma hat er irgendwie auch, aber Promo work hat sich somehow verschlimmert, keine Ahnung wie das passieren konnte. Von 9(? ! ) Punkten auf 7 Punkte."
[1.0] "Zu Zeiten von PWG und auch seiner Anfangszeit bei AEW war ich durchaus ein Fan von ihm. Im Ring ein guter Highflyer der durchaus entsprechende matches worken kann. Allerdings wirkte er schon immer ziemlich kindisch und nicht gerade sympathisch. (Damit meine ich nicht das Gimmick) Seit Ende des inner circle ging es steil bergab und mittlerweile kann ich ihn nicht mehr ertragen. Seine Beziehung / Ehe sind Privatsache aber was er da auf Socialmedia und on air mit tay abfeiert ist absolut kindisch und peinlich. On air als Paar unerträglich und dabei spreche ich definitiv von "go away heat" Der Versuch die Nummer mit dem turn zur JAS zu retten ist leider ebenfalls gescheitert. (Ohne Jericho kann er anscheinend nicht funktionieren) Wirklich schade der Junge hat Potenzial aber verbaut sich durch seine Art vieles. (Siehe auch ständiges Backstage Theater) Vielleicht wird er ja irgendwann mal erwachsen und nimmt an einem Social Media Training teil."
[3.0] "weak af, not charismatic, bad at promos, decent in ring and a horrible person all around. my least favorite wrestler. let's see if he improves as a person and a wrestler, cause i cant take this fuck«ng sh! t!"
[0.0] "thought about this for a while, but now seems like a good time. guevara is my least favorite wrestler rn, maybe of all time. from an in ring standpoint he is a 3-4/10, he can get carried to good matches but as a whole he is s just really bland in ring unless he is in spotfests. he is one of the worst promo workers in the world. cant cut a babyface or heel promo. just the drizzling shits. outside h the e ring he is a terrible person who is a man child and does not respect anyone. and now he is starting fights with everyone backstage and getting pushed even harder because of it. talentless, bitchy manchild who was a favor hire to jericho and is now stinking it up on national tv weekly. embarrassment to the sport."
[5.0] "Würde ihm gerne mehr Punkte geben aber seit er mit seiner jetzigen Frau so rumknutscht was auf die sozial Media Aufmerksamkeit zurück geht nervt er einfach nur unglaublich"
[3.0] "Ich vergesse gerne, dass Guevara schon über zehn Jahre dabei ist. Denn er ist in Teilen noch so roh/ungeschliffen in seinen Aktionen, dass es eher grün aussieht. Die Big Spots sitzen gut und er geht da teilweise ein Risiko, welches schon speziell ist, aber in all seinen Bewegungen zwischen und auch bei den Basics ist es oft einfach wild und immer noch sehr grün. Sein Face-Charisma ist so sperrig, dass er als glücklich vergebener Mann automatisch heel turned. Nachvollziehbar. Er hat keine Promo-Fähigkeiten und weiß nicht, wie er mit Mimik und Körpersprache im Ring arbeiten kann. Schwach und mit einer stabilen Portion Go Away-Heat mittlerweile."
[6.0] "Extremely talented high flying wrestler. Seems to have a serious problem with selling during his matches. Better suited to be a heel because of his natural cockiness. Not a very good promo. His cue card gimmick is meant to cover up his promo weakness, and it also seems like something that a heel would do for attention. Is he really one of the "Pillars" that AEW thinks that he is? as he does not seem like a leader type, and obviously has maturity issues. Did well as a member of Chris Jericho's "Inner Circle" faction. Has proven to be an excellent TNT Champion in the past, and it seems like that is meant to become "His belt", meaning that no matter what, it ends up back around his waist. Is unfortunately involved in a candidate for 2022 Worst Feud of the Year: Sammy Guevara & Tay Conti vs. American Top Team & Men of the Year. His on-screen pairing with his real life girlfriend, Tay Conti, has received negative reception from many as they are seen as obnoxious, unbearable, not cute, and has them both on verge of receiving "Go Away" Heat. UPDATED: I have just realized that Sammy Guevara reminds me of The Annoying Orange."
[2.0] "You know he was still doing good stuff in ring even as he got more annoying but now its to the point I'm finding other shit to do if he's on my screen. It's not booking or anything that fumbled no no no that shit is completely on him. He's always been a hot head but it's been showing more and more in ring and in promos and its not the good kind either. Not all heat is good heat when it hinders every single thing you do. It's an absolute shame given we've seen how talented he is."
[8.0] "Nun, Sammy Guevara ist ein zweischneidiges Schwert. Einerseits ist er extrem Athletisch und hat ein solides Moveset, andererseits lässt seine Match-Psychologie bisher zu Wünschen übrig. Sammy Guevara ist bei vielen Leuten wegen seinem Cocky-Character sehr unbeliebt. Genau das aber schätze ich an ihn. Er ist einer der wenigen im aktuellen Wrestler, der wirklich Heat zieht. Viele würden jetzt mit dem Argument "Go-Away-Heat" kommen, jedoch sprechen die Ratings bei Sammy Matches / Segmenten einfach eine andere Sprache. Sammy muss sich definitiv in Sachen Ringpsychologie verbessern. Sein konsequentes Spot-Only Wrestling und Non-Selling lässt seine Matches z.T sehr unglaubwürdig wirken, jedoch ist er ein Klasse Athlet mit sehr viel Charisma. Potenzial: 3x AEW World Champion - 400 Tage insgesamt - 10(+)x TNT Champion - 450 Tage insgesamt"
[4.0] "I've been watching his matches since he first came to AEW, with a fine rhythm and a few big spots giving the illusion that he's very skilled, with average character and average ability."
[7.0] "Seine Matches machen Spaß. Nur sein Heel work gefällt mir einfach nicht. Das wirkt teilweise zu übertrieben und zu sehr aufdrücken wie fies Tay und er ja nun sind. Trodzdem 7/10 alleine für seine In-Ring Leistungen auch wenn er manchmal da auch übertreibt, zeigt er oft tolle Matches."
[1.0] "I've been watching Sammy since his PWG days and he hasn't improved a bit. His ladder match with Cody earlier this year is one of the worst "5 Star" matches I ever seen. He demonstrates some impressive high-fly stuff but his selling is lackluster and there is nothing about in-ring psychology. Among so called "Pillars of AEW" he is by far the worst one."
[9.0] "I still can't understand why this man gets so much hate from AEW fans? He has performed some of the best matches in AEW history so far and should be rated way more higher."
[5.0] "Er ist ein guter highflyer aber das war es dann auch wieder... Ich find ihn ein bisschen überbewertet.. oft vergisst er einfach Sachen zu sellen. Dann nimmt er noch irgendwelche harten bumbs und 3min später hüpft er wieder durch den Ring als wäre nichts passiert... Und das ist gefühlt in jedem Match von ihm so und das regt einen einfach irgendwann auf deswegen 5 von 10"
[8.0] "Extremely talented wrestler capable of putting on amazing matches, but is really struggling at the moment with his charachter work given, their emphasis on his relationship with his girlfriend Tay Conti emits heel energy which itself is not something the company should be striving towards. Edit: As of recently, Sammy and Tay have turned heel making their obnoxious relationship all the more fitting."
[4.0] "Not a fan of the character, person (still can't get over him saying he wanted to rape Sasha Banks on an interview), or his selling. I've enjoyed a good bit of his matches and spots but he mostly evokes feelings of cringe outside of flashes of greatness in the ring. The tongue schtick and his inability to cut a decent babyface promo don't help either."
[3.0] "[Update from 7.0 to 3.0] This guy and that schmuck single handedly destroyed any credibility the TNT title had with great champions like Miro and Darby. What a waste of a roster spot, his go-away heat is real as it gets, this guy is one of the worst faces I've seen in this business. His 3 points are for his in-ring skills. [Old Review]: His character seems genuine since he does come off as a bad person in real life, but I don't know if it has longevity. If he can figure out how to keep his character fresh, he can go a long way, but for now he'll become stale and turned on real quick. In-ring skills are great and rarely botches, I'd say Guevara can primarily work on his rather boring look and develop his character further. Other than that, good stuff."
[2.0] "Sammy can be great in the ring but he no-sells way more than anyone can really tolerate. I didn't even really like him when he was a babyface so I was confused as to why so many people liked him. His whole "crazy" hand motion with his dreadful tongue sticking out and then proceeding to do a highly dangerous spot never did it for me either. He's always generated go-away heat from me in the most genuine way possible."
[8.0] "Another poor victim of the "We decided to hate you for no reason" internet wrestling club along with Seth rollins, britt baker and cody rhodes before he signed with WWE and people forgot to hate him. Sammy is a great high flyer, I didn't like him at all in PWG/ indy days but boy did he change my mind when he signed to AEW and put some banger of a match after banger. Decent on the mic, great on the ring he is probably one of the four pillars of AEW with MJF, Darby Allin and Jungle Boy"
[7.0] "Heel Sammy has the potential to be an 8, or even a 9, but the dude needs to stop taking needless risks, and start selling his opponents offense (yes, I'm writing this in the aftermath of the Sky/Guevara ladder match). As for face Sammy, there is no face Sammy."
[7.0] "Incredibly athletic, can work crowds well and has a great high flying moveset. Currently miscast as a babyface, as his run with Tay at his side (not dissing their relationship, just the cringiness of their on screen personas) and his nonstop TNT Title wins have unfortunately tainted the title and the fan? s perception of him as a face. He needs to be cooled off for a bit, and then they can go for his big face push again because right now, that X-Pac heat is very obvious, and it? s not going away anytime soon."
[6.0] "Sammy is a good worker but good God man can he be fucking annoying outside of that. Thats stupid tongue gimmick he keeps working is just cringy to look at. He was on top of the world when he was feuding with Cody because Cody by default was the most hated man in AEW, now that he's moved on from that I'm getting sick of seeing him with no real character evolution. Not to know Sammy, but he looks like a complete douche. Definitely not a babyface."
[0.0] ""Sammy Guevara a talented young fighter with good fights but a bad person. He proposed to his girlfriend in the ring only to cheat on us with another woman apart who was already suspended from aew for inappropriate behavior" Although he is a 3-time TNT champion, his segments and promos are currently the worst in AEW And it seems that he only thinks about having sex with Tay Conti."
[4.0] "Sammy can pull off impressive spots but besides that I don't see much worth in his working capabilities. There's a reason all of his promos were literal cue cards for a while too. but he seems to be a consistent problem backstage, with the things that he has said and actions he's done throughout his career. Out of the (very stupid) 'four pillars' he is by far the weakest."
[0.0] "Honestly I cannot stand this guy, the cue card BS is unbearable, his promos suck, and his moveset is mediocre. His version of the GTS is probably the worst one I've seen. And for god's sake fucking sell a move. At this point I will either change the channel if he's on or skip ahead if its recorded, definition of go away heat for me"
[7.0] "he was pretty alright with me until he got with tay then he just became cringe and very average at best in ring liked him in the inner cricle thats about it"
[0.0] "I have NEVER liked Sammy Guevara, for numerous reasons. I don't like his wrestling style at all, too much high flying. Doesn't help that his selling is so inconsistent and some of the worst in the business today. Someone targets his leg? I'm going to kip up and hit a springboard moonsault with absolutely no issue. It's bullshit and makes wrestling look so unbelievably fake. His persona is obnoxious, and he is completely miscast as a babyface. Of AEW's "four pillars", he has received the biggest spotlight, and has become extremely overexposed. His push feels like it's actively sabotaging everybody else. Doesn't help that he said he wanted to r*pe Sasha Banks. Fuck this guy, man. Push MJF and Jungle Boy instead."
[6.0] "I was almost liked him and nothing more than like him when he was in a heel character and even when he did a face turn I still like his work in the ring, but lately and with this Tay Conti's disgusting storyline, he's become the most cringey person in this industry."
[0.0] "It's been awhile since I enjoyed Guevara's matches. In AEW's early days I saw potential in him as a high-flyer, but the more matches I see, the more disappointed I become in Sammy's work. He doesn't care about match making, doesn't care about his no-selling and, most important, doesn't care about his own personality. I don't know, what Tony Khan found in him (Adam Cole moment, maybe), but his two reigns as TNT champion are absolute cringey. I hope, he will be kept away from title races, because he is not a championship material, in my opinion. UPD: his tandem with Tay Conti is the most shameful thing in pro wrestling nowadays."
[9.0] "Sammy has been a great young gun wrestler in AEW. Had a pretty good TNT title run and I am very excited to see what his 2nd reign does. Been a great part of the 2 stadium stampedes."
[7.0] "One of the most exciting performers in AEW. Sammy is probably the 3rd best of AEW's "Four Young Pillars", but that's no knock on him or his skill level. I thought he was pretty generic in his earlier days in the company, but he's proven time and time again that he can easily run with the ball when given it, creating many memorable moments where he's pulled off some crazy stunts and taken some wild bumps. Making him the young guy in AEW World Champion Chris Jericho's 'Inner Circle' stable was a smart way to get Sammy acquainted with the TV audience, and he's since managed to branch out into having his own feuds separate from Jericho, even developing into him having his own, well-deserved titles reigns. His athleticism is very impressive, and off the top of my head I can't really remember him ever having a remotely significant botch. The only real issues I have with him are (1) his occasional lack of selling in his more spotfest-based matches (but that's usually excusable because his spots end up being so great), and (2) the rather forced way he gets pushed as a babyface. Sammy seems like he's probably a genuinely cool guy, but he's just got the confident aura and the face of a prick heel who is in love with himself because of all the cool stunts he can pull off, and I'd rather see that side of him. I can enjoy his babyface work when he comes off as one who is occasionally arrogant, aggressive, and cheap when his matches call for it, but I can't help feeling that he's better as the cocky villain who loves to brag about himself and destroy the fans' favourite wrestlers with his spectacular attacks. His promo abilities need a bit of work, but his body language is pretty good already. He's still quite young, so I hope to see him develop into a top star in the years to come as he sorts out those few issues in his game."
[9.0] "I originally ranked Guevara at 8 with this comment: "Guevara is solid in the ring and is great at playing the part of the cocky heel with a punchable face. I like him in the Inner Circle, but in the longer term I think he has a bigger future than playing second fiddle to Chris Jericho." Based on his last year or so, I'm bumping Guevara up to 9, both because he's had a bunch of excellent matches (especially the ladder match with Cody Rhodes, which was a classic) and because he's shown he's good as a babyface in addition to being a strong heel."
[8.0] "The Spanish God is undoubtedly a potential talent, does he have much left' Well, I wouldn't know what to say, in every fight he shows everything he's worth and I don't think there's not much left for people to consider him as a TOP of AEW."
[3.0] "I don't like this guy, and I don't like every wrestler who neglects selling in his matches. It seems to me that if you take a few random matches, and cut out moments with big moves that don't affect the course of the match and are absolutely not sold after, you will get a video for twenty minutes. Offhand: Sammy's match against Irie, where Guevara doesn't sell his leg; Stampede 2, where Guevara cheerfully stands on his feet a minute after hitting a chair on the head, and even make 630 senton; lack of rib selling in the match against Lethal; Losing match against Rhodes after several finishers, when he behaves as if he was caught on a successful roll-up; the last match against Rhodes, where he COMPLETELY IGNORED the Cross Rhodes from the ladder, and the subsequent Swanton Bomb, when he bounced off the stairs like a ping-pong ball. I don't believe a single match, because this terminator devalues literally every step of his opponent, he's like the Hulk Hogan of our time, but they forgot to tell everyone that he is really positioned that way. This flaw wouldn't look so disastrous if Sammy Guevara wasn't a completely in-ring product that can stand out only through matches, but he doesn't have a catchy character, he is a rather mediocre speaker, doesn't cling as a person, in view of the average charisma that reveals itself in the role of a disgusting guy infuriating the audience. But now every match is a test of my nerves, and the most interesting thing is that most users will definitely like the same last match against Cody, because there were a lot of spots that, of course, didn't cause any damage to our hero, but they ... they... They were so epic! I'll be glad if Guevara pulls himself together over time, but for now he's just terrible and unbearable."
[8.0] "Didn't think I could get to a point where I supported Sammy as a babyface. He doesn't naturally suit the position of garnering sympathy, but his in-ring performances can make you back him. His TNT title win vs Miro is one of my favourite AEW matches this year, and his reign was actually great, especially the defense against Jay Lethal. I don't like him being pushed as a company cornerstone this early, as he still has a long way to go as an AEW focal point."
[5.0] "I don't see it with this guy. He sucks on the mic and has basically no character to speak of + is difficult to portray as a good guy because of his incredibly punchable face. I feel like he lucked into the whole four pillars thing and his current push by happening to be a young guy who was with AEW from day one, because he really doesn't seem to be anything more than a good wrestler."
[7.0] "In my opinion, Sammy is the worst of the 4 pillars. One of the reasons why is because it feels like he is just a part of the Inner Circle. It'd be nice to see him go solo sometime."
[9.0] "Überzeugend als Face, sowie als Heel. Tolle Ausstrahlung, im Ring sowie am Mic sehr überzeugend und sein Selling ist aller erste Sahne. Knapp an der 10 vorbei, aber er ist erst 28 und deshalb wird es für ihn hoffentlich noch weiter bergauf gehen"
[9.0] "There is a reason Sammy is considered 1 of the 4 pillars of AEW. ---- His improvement since day 1 is evident, every week he gets great reactions from the crowd, deservedly won the TNT championship and he has the tools to be a World Champion one day. ----- His biggest weakness will probably be his promos but he has improved on the microphone, especially in the past few months, working with Jericho and the Inner Circle has done wonders to allow him to develop his weaknesses slowly over time without being exposed. ----- Also for being a 'smaller' guy compared to others in the main event scene, Sammy is freakishly strong and combined with his high flying style it makes his matches 'must-see'!"
"9.0 Has truly stepped up in every way this year, seems comfortable standing among top level talent only to become one himself. Still enjoy his heel work more as he carries himself perfectly in that role"
"Sammy has all the tools to be a top player for years to come. He's properly place in the upper mid card in AEW. I mean this as a compliment but the first time I saw him. I told my buddy. "He's everything we thought Alex Wright would eventually be.""
[6.0] "I don't really see what's supposed to be the big deal with Sammy. He's a decent hand but he's had no "fantastic" or great matches, nothing special really. He's a pretty good high flyer but like, we've seen so much better at this point, and it's not like he's fantastic on the mic either, he's still quite stilted and while he works as a annoying young gun heel, his face work hasn't been so amazing thus far and I don't see anything about him that engages me character wise. Solid worker when he's with someone who can go with his pace without overdoing it but he has a long way to go before I can consider him anywhere close to a main eventer."
[9.0] "Na gut Sammy ist jetzt echt nicht so einfach zu bewerten schließlich wird ihm das von 2020 noch zig Jahre begleiten aktuell ist es mal wieder ruhig. Im Ring spitze keine Frage, hat einen tollen YouTube Kanal seine Vlogs sind so eine Art wie Being The Elite wo auch viele AEW Wrestler auftauchen. Die Frage ist für mich wie lange geht das mit MJF und ihn noch gut. Er war einer der nicht wollte das MJF in den Inner Circle kam."
[8.0] "Has really been good in AEW has charisma and can take sick looking bumps. Sometimes in AEW his push starts to gain momentum and then he disappears but that is hardly his fault."
[9.0] "Sammy is liked by everyone. He is really good in ring performer. Mic skills are good but not his special point and he is very funny. Currently he is using an egoistic gimmick but looks like he will be turned into a face that's good for him. I see very big things for him because he is young and ready to hit big scene."
[8.0] "Sammy Guevara has had a solid 2020, with only a few misteps. After a great feud with Darby Allin, and taking some of the most brutal spots in the build up to Inner Circle vs. the Elite, Sammy's established his willingness to take his matches to another level. Even in the rough feud with Matt Hardy, they still carved out a solid Tables match and an eventual deletion match. Finally, AEW has primed Guevara for an amazing turn and eventual feud with MJF, which could turn his 2021 into a career defining year."
[10.0] "My favorite wrestler. An incredible high-flyer who's really come into his own as a character, and plays an incredible loudmouth, entitled heel, but has also shown himself as a strong fiery babyface antihero when given a chance to on the indies. Watching his rise from Texas indies in 2016 to Dynamite and the Inner Circle now has been incredible. Never a bad moment when Sammy's on the screen."
[7.0] "Sammy Guevara kommt mit seinem doch sehr schmächtigen Körperbau eher wie ein Jobber daher. Bei Lucha Underground hat er noch nicht so viel zeigen können oder dürfen. Bei AEW hingegen geht er als Kronprinz im Inner Circle regelrecht auf. Die Matches sind noch nicht durchgehend auf höchstem Niveau, aber der Junge macht sich wirklich. Der Spanish God sollte aber auch noch etwas an seinen Promos feilen. Bis dahin 7 Punkte und viel Potential nach oben. Schauen wir mal, ob er es verwirklichen kann..."
[10.0] "Der gefällt doch schon ganz gut. Ist zwar etwas schmächtig, aber hat dennoch eine penetrante Art im Gedächtnis zu bleiben. Beherrscht im AEW-TV seinen Charakter und fällt durch viele gemeine oder arrogante Seitenhiebe und Frechheiten auf. Die Matches sind nichts besonderes. EDIT: Also der Junge ist einfach "sehr gut", geht im Inner Circle vollständig auf"
[10.0] "Sammy has absolutely amazing talent, despite how young he is. Great in the indie scene and doing great in AEW. I really love his style of wrestling and he never fails to entertain."
[7.0] "The comment from Kuzmen434 is why cage match needs to have a feature to flag reviews. That is just stupid. A zero for being ugly? Jeez. Second, I'm a fan of Sammy. He has a lot of personality, and is so punchable. His cockiness is irritating in the best way, and he is a great flyer, with crisp clean lucha, and indie high flying moves being his main repertoire. He's young and has the potential to grow as a wrestler, and I hope to see more than the usual indie flippy stuff to help him stand out more"
[6.0] "Sammy Guevara is another young very athletic cruiserweight who prioritizes moves ahead of anything else. This kind of performer is a dime a dozen right now. So many of the lightweight 20-something year olds in the scene today were just getting into their training when TNA's X-division was taking off & they are clearly all heavily influence by that. What sets Sammy apart from the rest of the pack? I have not seen anything very memorable from him yet. Solid in the ring, but he needs something for people to latch onto & the only thing more cliche than being a fast paced flippy guy is doing the "I'm better than you" heel schtick."
[10.0] "Sammy is one of the only independent wrestlers that I really pay attention to. He's extremely athletic, has nice mic skills and his "fuck you" boy gimmick makes him quite an interesting heel. Plus, his youtube channel is really entertaining, definitely worth watching."
"Bei Sammy Guevara ist trotz seines jungen Alters wirklich schon alles auf gutem Niveau. Im Ring sicherlich einer der guten Highflyer in der Indyszene, der aber nicht nur fliegen kann sondern auch technisch einiges drauf hat. So ein bisschen fehlt ihm noch die Konstanz, da er hier und da unsauber ist aber dennoch ist das schon wirklich mehr als ordentlich und deshalb 8 Punkte. Charisma ist besonders als Heel schon wirklich groß. Kann Hallen gegen sich aufbringen. Auf der Faceseite muss er noch ein bisschen. Insgesamt auch in diesem Bereich 8 Punkte. Das Micwork ist ebenfalls bereits auf wirklich gutem Niveau. Die Promos sind gut im Charakter und sicher. Auch hier 8 Punkte und damit auch alles in Allem 8 Punkte für einen Wrestler, der ein wirklich großes Talent ist."
[7.0] "I can honestly say i've never come across a wrestler who I've seen about three matches of, and just know 100% that he will be a star. Sammy Guevara will be a superstar, and I'm surprised it's not happened quicker. Seems to belong in the same category as Aj styles and will ospreay, but seems to possess charisma way earlier. Absolute dead cert to be a top indy one day, and then in the 'big league's the sky is the limit depending on several more factors out of his control."
[9.0] "This kid is pretty good. He already get himself booking in PWG and it say something. I don't know about his attitude but seems to me that he try motivate younger generation to be at least successful like him judge from his youtube video."
[8.0] "The kid's pretty freaking good. I saw his matches a few times, both live and on Youtube, and he's got it all. I bet in time, he'll become a true star in wrestling, and as of right now, he's quickly gaining ranks in the Independent scene. I wish I could see him on TV soon!"
[8.0] "The panda loving, flip giving, self proclaimed "Best Ever" Sammy Guevara is very good for his age and has a great charisma about him. This guy could have a very bright future in the pro wrestling. ."
[8.0] "His talent is phenomenal and the vlogs he produces on YouTube are quite inspirational. It's looking good for him that he's in FIP now, and the companies he wrestles for have enough faith in him to put quite a few titles on him. And he's still young. He will undoubtedly be a star someday, but he seems kind of stagnant now. Does he have the drive to make it to the likes of WWE? I think so, but I'm not really sure."
[0.0] "Don't get me wrong, he's extremely talented. He has all the potential to even be in the WWE, TNA, ROH. But his attitude is holding him back, and on top of that he's a huge crybaby. He's extremely hated here in Texas after his disrespectful comments about a guy that passed away who was a dear friend of the wrestling promoter after he did a "SHOOT" at Inspire Pro. Not only did he SHOOT the promoter and his company, he quit. Now, I understand unfair treatment when u have the potential 2 b groomed into doing bigger things in the workplace, but he has nothing to complain about when he was holding two titles at once, getting the good matches, going up against top Texas Indy wrestlers and even defeated Homicide and Masada in the same match. So he has nothing to bitch about. Yes, he's a talented wrestler that can go really far in the business, but he gets no luv from me when he dissed a guy that suddenly passes away and did nothing wrong for Sammy to just say something that was extremely uncalled for. What's really fucked up bout this is him taking the coward way out. He bashed the promotion at another promotion and disrespected the deceased man over the internet which is the ultimate bitch move IMO. Once again, this guy has talent, but his attitude and personality is shit."