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Displaying items 1 to 24 of total 24 items that match the search parameters.
1Wrestling In The USA - Freelance ShowsSMITTY Memorial Tournament23.08.2024eliminated before the semi finals  
2Asylum Wrestling RevolutionAsylum Deathmatch Tournament 202208.07.2022 - 09.07.2022finals participant  
3Paradigm Pro WrestlingFighting Spirit Heavyweight Grand Prix18.03.2022eliminated before the semi finals  
4Asylum Wrestling RevolutionAsylum Deathmatch Tournament 202110.07.2021 - 11.07.2021semi finals participant  
5Pro Wrestling TrainwreckSouthern Sickness Cup 202114.05.2021 - 15.05.2021eliminated before the semi finals  
6IWA Mid-SouthDouble Death Tag Team Tournament 202103.04.2021semi finals participant  
7Paradigm Pro WrestlingFighting Spirit Heavyweight Grand Prix06.11.2020eliminated before the semi finals  
8IWA Mid-SouthKing Of The Death Matches 202031.07.2020 - 01.08.2020eliminated before the semi finals  
9Vicious Outcast WrestlingLord Of Anarchy 401.09.2018eliminated before the semi finals  
10Combat Zone WrestlingTournament Of Death 1709.06.2018eliminated before the semi finals  
11Vicious Outcast WrestlingLord Of Anarchy 302.09.2017semi finals participant  
12IWA Deep SouthCarnage Cup 1129.04.2017Winner  
13Vicious Outcast WrestlingLord Of Anarchy 203.09.2016finals participant  
14IWA Mid-SouthKing Of The Death Matches 201606.08.2016eliminated before the semi finals  
15Combat Zone WrestlingTournament Of Death 1413.06.2015eliminated before the semi finals  
16IWA East CoastMasters Of Pain 201502.05.2015semi finals participant  
17IWA Deep SouthCarnage Cup 1028.02.2015 - 01.03.2015finals participant  
18Evolution Pro WrestlingDeath Match Tournament11.10.2014semi finals participant  
19IWA Mid-SouthKing Of The Death Matches 201428.06.2014finals participant  
20Carolina Wrestling Federation Mid-AtlanticPWI Tag Team Tournament28.02.2014 - 01.03.2014eliminated before the semi finals  
21On Point WrestlingOPW Heavyweight Title Tournament04.01.2014 - 07.02.2015eliminated before the semi finals  
22Evolution Pro WrestlingEPW Openweight Title Tournament12.12.2013finals participant  
23Evolution Pro WrestlingDeath Match Tournament01.11.2013Winner  
24IWA-UnlimitedIWAU 1UP Tournament 201324.05.2013eliminated before the semi finals