[9.0] "From a member of a group that most people probably forgot about (which is ironic considering their names was literally The Forgotten Sons) to arguably the best and most interesting character and wrestler in an entire promotion, the evolution of Steve Maclin needs to be studied. Dude is AMAZING in TNA and should seriously be the face of the company. His feud with Josh Alexander and his TNA Title run were both incredible at building him up to be the massive star that he is now."
[9.0] "Steve maclin is one of my favourite wrestlers and perhaps the best brawler of the modern era. He is a no nonsense badass wrestler with a pretty solid and intense moveset. His intense persona suits his wrestling style and he thrives in no holds barred/no dq matches. His world title run was not very long and he deserves a better reign in my opinion. His matches en route to world championships victory were all bangers and till this day he continues to put up solid matches with everybody."
[5.0] "He has had a lot of strong booking in NXT and Impact but has not done enough with it. There are usually other workers on the roster who could do more with the opportunities. Too generic to make a mark. More creativity in his character would help. Being angry for no reason is wearing out as a gimmick"
[5.0] "The definition of average. Not a lot stands out with this guy. I don't buy him as a world champion, or any champion for that matter. His best role is putting others over, and he's alright at that. It also rubbed me the wrong way when he and Deonna went to a party unmasked in the middle of a pandemic, potentially risking people's health and safety."
[5.0] "While I think he's better since he was in WWE, he's still a bit of a charisma vacuum. He also has a comically square head and when he's on the mic doling out threatening remarks they just don't land for me. He's a solid worker and will give you his best but there's more wrestlers wherever he works that are better than him and have more charisma. Finally, because I watched Parks and Recreation, all I can think of is Steve Maclin, FBI!"
[8.0] "He just has half the years in TNA as he had in WWE, but anyone possible associates Steve Maclin more as a TNA guy, than a WWE guy. Hell, he even won the World Title in TNA - ok, that doesn't mean much, but you get the point. He has a really masculine look, with his Josh Brolin/Thanos face/jaw and even his way of speaking is similar (coinciden? ). But I digress. What I mostly like about him, is his physicality in the ring. He isn't shy to put up the work and even sacrifice his body. Besides Moose, TNA's most outstanding guy, who isn't a TNA original. I was really glad to hear, that he re-signed with TNA. At least one good news. He probably is underused at the moment. Doing intermission feuds with newly signed guys like Nic Nemeth, Mike Santana andsoforth. He needs to be put back into the main event spot ASAP!"
[6.0] "gotten a lot better since he was in wwe. it wasn't wwe holding him back, it was that stupid tag team. I do see a lot more aggression in him that confidence, think once that clicks he'll be coasting as a good character on tna"
[7.0] "I previously rated Maclin pretty low two years ago and since then he has proven me wrong when I said he just comes across as a generic create a wrestler. He has really found his grove within Impact wrestling and although he won't really blow you away he is a very decent watch."
[5.0] "He does moves, makes faces, speaks into mics and all the rest but it never really means anything or connects. The large amounts of blood gets some attention but it's only for an hour or two. The fundamental character work is not there to make it stick. In ring is OK."
[7.0] "Was never impressed with Steve Cutler on NXT or the Main Roster. Once outside of the WWE machine he has shined in Impact and Revolver when I watched him showing good personality and in ring action."
[8.0] "You talk about a guy who has basically crawled his way out of the depths of, basically rock bottom in wrestling to now being the World Champion of Impact. Man, that is a hell of story."
[9.0] "One of my favorite big boy wrestlers out there today. I could not have cared for him while he was in WWE, but in Impact he really found his ground and became a staple of the promotion. Ring work is a bit on the average - above average side but his character work elevates all that to give his matches a big match feel. Truly a testament to how finding the right look and character can elevate a career to the next level. As he's just picked up his first world title, sky's the limit for Maclin."
[9.0] "Maclin is excellent. The guy plays a dangerous brawling heel very well. He's also a very good seller and can do more techincal stuff when the need arises"
[9.0] "Steve is one of the best natural heels Impact has ever had, if there's one guy on the whole roster who can believably end Josh Alexander's title reign and take Impact to the next stage, it's this guy"
[8.0] "Though his run through NXT and Smackdown was forgettable and short, his current run on the indies is anything but. He has a very fast-paced and intense style that always results in really entertaining matches. His feud with Miguel over the X-Division title was some of the best stuff I've seen with the title in a while."
[4.0] "Saw him at the Impact tapings. No botches but it was wrestling by numbers. Moves were done, trash was talked but it didn't mean anything. I didn't like or dislike him"
[7.0] "Steve Maclin is one of the more surprise packages in wrestling of recent times. A forgettable WWE run where it was hard to assess his ability because he was mainly performing on NXT house house shows and was then part of a boring stable led by the vile Jaxson Ryker/Gunner. But since Impact took a chance on him he's been on a roll and improves in the ring each time I see him. There's times he reminds me of Rhino in his prime, but with even better athleticism. Has held his own against the likes of Sabin, Shelley, Ishii and Jay White. Also been part of some fun X-Division matches, showing speed and good conditioning. Has a convincing badass aura, but still feels a bit wooden as a character, so still needs more work on mic skills. I can see him getting booking offers from NJPW Strong and the like which will only raise his stock."
[10.0] "Maclin is just awesome. One of the best and most underrated Wrestlers in Impact Wrestling. He has done amazing job Since getting released by WWE. Steve knows damn well how to tell a good story while in the ring. I hope he wins the X-Division title soon."
"Shouts a lot, but much to offer beyond that. He is OK in the ring but really just a base for the the top guys to work around. There are others out there who can do what he does and more."
[8.0] "God damn man. How is the Marty Jannetty of the Forgotten Sons this good' Maclin has been on one hell of a good run since those first two matches at Beyond against Teddy Goodz and Tony Deppen, and has made himself a proper good singles act. He looks great, and has a super cool and intense style in the ring. I'm so down to see what the next couple years have in store for him."
[8.0] "Hat sich sehr stark weiterentwickelt wenn man seine Jobber Zeit bei NXT ansieht und nun wie gut er ist. Nicht nur aktuell bei Impact ein guter Mann auch in den Indies."
[10.0] "The veteran of wrestling, I think he got so much talent and need nxt tag team title. He is a great striker and better boxer. In 2014 and 2015 he was better than Kenny Omega, and I think that great tick in the list to love him!"
[5.0] "A live show regular but never seen him in a match that has really impressed. Resthold city with a few clotheslines and lariats. Mic work is OK but hard to see any aspect where he stands out or can grab the attention of the audience. Seen three or four different gimmicks but nothing sticks. Recently formed a tag team with Blake that might help him develop ."
[4.0] "Can bump well and has a solid look, but not much more beyond that. OK enhancement talent and effective in squash matches but struggles even in an enhancement role in longer matches. Developed only very slowly at house shows even though given a lot of time. Small range of moves not always delivered well."
"Darf ich mal fragen, warum er so eine gute Wertung hat? Weder bei NXT geschweige denn in den Indies einer, der heraussticht. Würde erstmal abwarten, bis er einen Charakter oder ein Gimmick verpasst bekommt, aktuell darf er noch viel zu wenig zeigen, um annähernd eine 10er-Wertung zu rechtfertigen."