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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 3.79
Jamesmac015 wrote on 20.03.2024:
[7.0] "Not sure why Debra is rated so low. I think she did an effective job as a manager in the late 90s to early 00s. I really loved her the most when she was the WWF Women's Champion in 1999, and wish they did more with her as the champion. I think that her work later on was pretty good as well, seeing that the WrestleMania X-7 Feud between Steve Austin & The Rock is basically centered around her."
Bar786788 wrote on 29.11.2023:
[7.0] "Debra was like the Dolly Parton of wrestling if Porter Wagner was more famous and talented than Dolly. Actually probably the only three things they have in common is blonde hair, fake boobs, and Southern accents. But I liked Debra and she was an entertaining character and valet who provided us with many great moments. I guess these ratings are on her non existent in-ring career? Cuz she was pretty great valet both for Jeff Jarrett and the troublemaking wife of Stone Cold."
mizzysha wrote on 15.07.2023:
[7.0] "Judging strictly as a manager which is all I really consider Debra, she was really good lol. She was able build a tremendous amount of heat during the nWo days, even compared to the biggest pests in WCW. Debra had a deeper understanding of fan psychology than most of the wrestlers of her time ever did."
MasteroftheMatchGuide99 wrote on 08.05.2023:
[5.0] "Debra was good as a manager without a doubt, but her wrestling was limited at its worst and kinda good at best. Her only title win came thanks to a technicality by a turned-on HBK. Debra could've been a force to be reckoned with if she had received proper training and coaching. She wasn't tiny or weak. She actually was able to have a good match with the right supporting cast, but never got the best to improve in circumstances. Debra is always going to be a good manager, but I would've loved to have seen her as a great wrestler as well."
MainEventMaster wrote on 02.12.2022:
[4.0] "Good valet but simply not a good wrestler, she should have stayed out of the ring because maybe the rating would be higher."
texasyosh wrote on 05.06.2022:
[4.0] "Debra had a pretty long career as a valet and was in some pretty high profile storylines in both WCW and WWF."
CMX-7 wrote on 17.04.2022:
[6.0] "As a manager, she is decent, but a wrestler is not very good ... especially since she was a champion, which was strange for me."
WhatTheHeckles wrote on 03.08.2021:
[6.0] "A pretty good manager with a decent amount of character. the thing about managers is that you can't really judge them on wrestling ability because that's not what they were there for. Debra also was pretty entertaining and had a bit of charisma, unlike Sable."
Moomoomiltank wrote on 21.02.2021:
[7.0] "As a valet Debra was amazing. She was very entertaining and knew how to whoo the crowd. With Austin she was hilarious, and in the attitude era she got over with her "puppies". As a wrestler she would deserve a 2, but as a valet I think she deserves more recognition."
sabbathbloodysabbath wrote on 12.07.2020:
[4.0] "People judging her for her wrestling ability are idiots. Her primary role was a valet, and she was never seen as a wrestler even when she held the title (unlike Sable whom they did try to convince us could wrestle, even though she was awful). It's the women's title that was seen a joke then, but you can't blame the performer for that. Now, all that being said, I'm not a Debra fan. Unlike Sunny or Terri, she never managed to be entertaining at all, and I felt that like with Sable, her roles made her overshadow the wrestler she was supposed to valet for, which should never happen. Still, unlike Sable she had a modicum of charisma. Not sure how Sable is rated higher here."
KyleEnjoysWrestling wrote on 27.07.2019:
[0.0] "Such an unnatural look, I don't get what anyone sees in her. She had the face of a 50 year old & the body of a mannequin. Obnoxious personality, wasn't a wrestler & a terrible manager. Just brought nothing to the table. If I can't think of a single pro (which I can't) I have to rate accordingly."
DanTalksRasslin wrote on 21.12.2018:
[4.0] "Debra was an OK talker and could draw some legitimate heel heat with her snobbish Southern belle character, and in WCW she did some decent work as a manager when getting involved in the affairs of Jeff Jarrett, Alex Wright and then-husband Steve McMichael. In WWF she was often placed in more of an in-ring role, which she really shouldn't have been as she was never cut out for in-ring competition."
jackleone wrote on 03.03.2018:
[2.0] "She is a natural heel, in WCW she got a lot of heat just by doing the manager for Steve McMichael and Jeff Jarrett. Her WWF role was more of a wrestler and she was terrible. I believe she should have just stayed as a manager, but even that is still irritating. Also, one of the most forgettable when she spoke."
StonedCold420 wrote on 17.02.2018:
[1.0] "Screw this bitch. She set the lowest bar for women's wrestling arguably in the history of the entire sport. Now I'll cut her some slack since Russo was behind a lot of it but man this woman was an embarrassment. Even worse than Sable."
thebigmontbowski wrote on 08.09.2016:
[8.0] "I guess it depends on what you are rating exactly. If you are rating actual in ring work, Debra was terrible. She was not a great worker, by any stretch. But, if you measure whether she could grab and hold interest, and draw fans, well, she was fantastic at that. She was a part of an era that set records in ratings when she was on television. Fans regularly disliked the wrestlers she was a valet for, yet held back on her most of the time, because you sort of felt she was just a damned great looking lady, who would be an absolute joy to be around. That in itself, whether true or not I have no clue, is some pretty impressive acting chops."
La Trina wrote on 12.11.2015:
[3.0] "Debra never really deserved to be a Women's Champion, but she sure had a defining look and personality, her reveals are probably remembered fondly by some folks."
PWC wrote on 19.06.2015:
[3.0] "Debra was a Southern Belle and the former ex-wife to Stone Cold Steve Austin. She really didn't do anything and I honestly haven't heard anything from her anymore other than providing some insight to the Chris Benoit tragedy in 2007 but, that headline and relevancy is more directed towards to the loss of Benoit than her."
Y2J316 wrote on 28.11.2014:
[2.0] "2 Punkte für die leckern cookies die sie für scsa immer gemacht hat. Abgesehen davon nicht wirklich wert erwähnt zu werden."
zackwoowoowooryder wrote on 08.05.2014:
[4.0] "Hot Hot Hot! Sie war aufjeden Fall eine richtige Augenweide. Von den In-Ring Fähigkeiten her, sagen wir solala. Aber nicht schlechter als die meisten Diven."
WCWler wrote on 11.10.2013:
[0.0] "Eine unerträgliche Frau bei Interviews und vor allem jemand die im Umfeld der IV Horseman nichts zu suchen hatte. Auch mit Austin in der WWE wurde sie nicht erträglicher."
The Meanbeast wrote on 05.01.2012:
"Ironie des Schicksals dass die Gesamtwertung eine direkte Verbindung zu ihrem Ex-Ehemann darstellt! :D"
C0nspiracy wrote on 28.03.2011:
[0.0] "Hat beim Wrestling nichts verloren. Konnte nicht einmal in den Ring steigen , war nichtmal besonders Hübsch , was ja oft als grund zu genügen schein. Hier fehlts wirklich an allen ecken und enden. Wozu war diese Frau bei einer Wrestling Show gut? Ich verstehe es nicht."
Eazye wrote on 20.03.2010:
[4.0] "Irgendwie nervte sie mich mit ihren Auftritten. Im Ring für die TOnne, der Women's Titelgewinn war unberechtigt. Aber irgendwie war sie doch ein Teil der Attidude Ära, sorgte doch für gute Segments usw. Deswegen immerhin 4 Punkte."
The-Game91 wrote on 12.05.2009:
[10.0] "Egal was andere sagen diese Frau hat die Fans in den 90ern kontrolliert. Sie hat unglaubliche Fanreaktionen hervorgebracht und war die beste Managerin die ein Mann damals haben konnte."
Typhix wrote on 22.07.2008:
[2.0] "Zu barbiehaft, nicht ansprechend. Hat mir nie gefallen."
LordTrailer wrote on 04.07.2008:
[2.0] "Wirkte immer künstlich und wie ein Fremdkörper im Ring, was noch nichtmal auf ihr wrestlerisches Talent gemünzt ist. Keine Ahnung was sie im Wrestling wollte. Einige gute Segmente an der Seite von Steve Austin, der hier es wohl rettete reichen nicht für mehr als ein mangelhaft."
Garvin wrote on 23.04.2008:
[2.0] "Gab als Valet eigentlich eine recht gute, wenn auch leider unscheinbare Figur ab. Heutzutage hat sie keine Chance mehr und sollte sich dementsprechend auch aus dem Business raushalten."
Fountain of Misinformation wrote on 20.04.2008:
[5.0] "Gutes "MILF"-Aussehen, allerdings ansonsten scheinbar wenig Talent und eigentlich nur "Eye Candy"."
nevermore811 wrote on 04.02.2008:
[8.0] "scharfes Valet! Body 1A! Rest interessiert niemanden!"
jimpanse1980 wrote on 23.01.2008:
[6.0] "Ms Puppys war ein reines Valet und sollte daher auch so bewertet werden. Für Tit*** und Ar*** gibts befriedigend ;-) Für das nicht vorhandene Talent leider nur ausreichend. Sie war halt wie die mesten Diven heutzutage austauschbar."
The Showstopper wrote on 16.01.2008:
[2.0] "Ich weiß net, wer der andere Showstopper ist, der hier kommentiert, aber meiner Meinung nach hat sie außer 2 großen Argumenten nichts zu bieten. Dennoch das beste, was Steve McMichael ins Wrestling eingebracht hat - und das will was heißen."
LexLuger4ever wrote on 06.12.2007:
[2.0] "Hübsch fand ich Debra noch NIE, sie wirkte eher künstlich und im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes aufgeblasen! 2 Punkte wegen ihrer einzig erträglichen Zeit an der Seite von Stone Cold Steve Austin in der Alliance Zeit."
shannonmoore wrote on 01.12.2007:
[0.0] "Hässlich, übeflüssig aber das Zeug zum hochschlafen hatte sie :)"
CM Danny wrote on 14.11.2007:
[2.0] "Genau wie Sable war Debra eher ein Kunstobjekt als eine schöne Frau. Immerhin ist sie aber die einzige Diva die zu ihrer WCW-Zeit deutlich besser aussah als zu ihrer WWF-Zeit."
Masterpiece wrote on 06.11.2007:
[0.0] "Sorry ... eines der schlechtesten Managerinnen in diesem Business ... diese Frau fehlt mir überhaupt nicht!"