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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 4.87
JediSaiyanMaster1203 wrote on 23.11.2023:
[4.0] "You know, the tale of Brian Christopher's life is actually really depressing that I don't really feel good about myself giving him a reason as to why I disliked him as a performer. So I'm just gonna say he wasn't my thing and move on from that. R.I.P. Brian Christopher"
ViolenceBret wrote on 07.08.2023:
[5.0] "In some strange way, Scotty 2 Hotty might have been the most competent member of Too Cool. Rikishi had his moments as a solo wrestler, eventually being inducted into the Hall of Fame, which leaves us with Brian Christoper or "Grandmaster Sexay." In Memphis Christopher seemed more at home and had less pressure. Once he made it to WWE, anything was possible and he found himself as guy who just liked to dance and have fun... Huh. Fast forward to an awkward comeback attempt and the life of Christopher quickly spiraled out of control. The son of Jerry Lawler deserved better..."
Giantfan1980 wrote on 21.05.2023:
[4.0] "The definite weak link in the Tool Cool trio. He was okay in the ring, but didn't have the size to go far beyond comedic goof heel who feuded with other small guys. He had one great 1 1/2 years when Too Cool took off, then he popped for drugs around Mania 17 and it was all over from there. Another sad ending."
Conquistador37 wrote on 14.11.2022:
[7.0] "As a young lad I wasn't that into anything he ever did, I just looked right past him - on purpose. As I grew older, he joined the WWF (thanks to his father no doubt) and still did not impress me. I was never into hip hop, so I didn't care for 2 Cool in the least. RETROSPECT CHANGES EVERYTHING. He worked on his physique over time, he had tremendous pacing and body control, he helped elevate those around him as he progressed himself. 2 Cool was super mega hella WTF over the top OVER over. FOR REAL over. No make believe over, MASSIVELY LEGITIMATELY OVER. About as big as over gets. Like, tippy top all time Road Warrior/The Rock over. Second only to Stone Cold/Hogan over. Recommended? If you have an open mind, certainly - you kindahavta look past the exterior to appreciate this guy."
face painted legend wrote on 14.11.2022:
[8.0] "Brain Christopher to me was one of the guys who defined what being an entertainer was. The guy oozed charisma his whole career. An extremely talented in ring performer who, when he had his head on straight, could go out and pull a good match out of anybody when called upon as a babyface or a heel. Good on the microphone as well, especially in the memphis wrestling days. WWF/E never really let him do too many promos for whatever reason. I also think that he could've been a bigger star had he kept his head on straight. The only thing was that he fell victim to his demons outside of the ring and that lead him to not getting a lot bigger than what he was in the early 2000's because most companies couldn't trust him after that to stay straight."
texasyosh wrote on 06.06.2022:
[5.0] "Brian Christopher isn't as bad as some make him out to be, he was pretty smooth in my opinion. As Grandmaster Sexay, he became one of the more over acts of the lower midcard. He had pretty good work in Memphis (because of nepotism)."
Daigotsu wrote on 20.06.2021:
[3.0] "He was ok in the ring, but his persona was just corny as hell. He was always a guy who thought he was a lot more funny than he was, and his goofiness undermined a lot of his credibility. Wasn't really special in the ring."
AnB wrote on 20.04.2021:
[4.0] "Seemed to be decent in the ring, but I just couldn't appreciate his awful gimmick in the late 90s in WWF during his feud with Taka. Those dumb faces he made and that stupid laugh. Too Cool was never too interesting or over for me either, felt a lot like the same gimmick just repackaged. I'm aware he had a long history in USWA, but I'm not familiar with any of his work there so this rating is based on his WWF stint alone."
EleceRock wrote on 20.01.2021:
[6.0] "As a wrestler he was okay, not great, not bad, just okay. He also could cut good promos and be a good heel."
Liam Willows wrote on 17.11.2019:
[7.0] "I personally enjoyed him alongside Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi in Too Cool , they were a big part of my childhood."
KyleEnjoysWrestling wrote on 26.07.2019:
[4.0] "Seemed to have a less than stellar career due to his demons & his odd relationship with his father. Had a lot of talent during his peak, but he was never able to capitalize. The Too Cool gimmick was only so interesting before it became a nuisance to sit through."
Cow Man wrote on 30.04.2019:
[8.0] "Son of Jerry Lawler. Had a great career in the Memphis USWA promotion. Sort of liked his WWF "Grandmaster Sexay" gimmick, but, alas, this seems to be the ONLY thing he's remembered for. Cut decent promos in the USWA, really likeable in both promotions. How does Brian have a rating of 4 but somebody like Joey Ryan has 7? May this man rest in peace."
JEK 1991 wrote on 23.01.2019:
[6.0] "Was great in his early days in USWA as champion. Great feuds with his dad. Also he was great in the WWF in 1997-98 when he was in the crusierweight division and feuded with Taka. I like his gimmick were he had a hysterical laugh and smirk. "I'm not Jerry's kid". When he was with Scotty 2 Hotty he went downhill. Sad that his career went downhill pretty quick. He had trouble with steroids, alcohol and the law. He wrestled in Memphis for many years with no success. Also he was not successful like his father. He is memorable in Memphis. Very sad that he killed himself. RIP"
RatingsMachine wrote on 15.10.2018:
[6.0] "Brian Christopher was an excellent souther-style worker and could have excellent matches in that style with others who employed it. But if he was in the ring with someone who worked a different style, Christopher was lost and just didn't know what to do. ."
pappahouse wrote on 03.09.2018:
[5.0] "Dieses alberne Gekicher ging mir immer tierisch auf die Nerven. Generell kein schlechter Wrestler, aber absolut ein Typ, der sein Leben nie im Griff hatte."
Kas wrote on 30.07.2018:
[6.0] "Was a decent wrestler, but was wildly entertaining in and out of the ring as part of Too Cool, will definitely have fond memories of him."
IsThisWrestling wrote on 30.07.2018:
[6.0] "Not going to try to jump on his bandwagon due to his passing, but Christopher was a very talented mid-card wrestler, similar to a Chris Candido, but with a little more personality, even if he was pretty over the top. His demons constantly fucked him out of any sort of career progress, and ultimately led to his death. It's really tragic. I'm glad he at least got a few happy moments in the WWE before his final days. A smaller guy like him would have had a better chance to blossom these days, and I don't think his dad's name would have been as much of an obstacle for him to overcome. I'm not a "god" person but I hope he is at peace."
InactiveGuru wrote on 31.05.2018:
[6.0] "A competent wrestler that really did get over in the 90's with Scotty 2 Hoty as part of Too Cool. I feel that Grandmaster often get's overlooked as he was a very solid wrestler (Even though his facial expressions were stupid)"
styles82 wrote on 10.01.2017:
[3.0] "Also ich fand ihn eigentlich immer unglaublich nervig und dieses gekreische ging mir auch auf den Zeiger. Von der Technik her eigentlich nicht schlecht aberauch die ganze too cool Sache mit dem arsch des dicken war total affig und wiederlich"
BadHawk26 wrote on 24.07.2015:
[6.0] "war ein sehr unterhaltsamer typ man hätte too cool nicht trennen dürfen sie haben perfekt zu einander gepasst und noch mit riskishi war es klasse als die nach jedem sieg tanzten ich schade das er so kaputt gegangen ist!"
Antimaster wrote on 28.06.2015:
[5.0] "Unterhaltsam! Fand ihn besser als Scotty, in ring war er absolut in Ordnung, seine Tanz-Moves waren super ! Leider stand er sich selbst im Weg, mmn hätte er sich als Comedy-Act in der Midcard etablieren können..."
Y2J316 wrote on 28.11.2014:
[4.0] "Nicht gerade die Welt. Abgesehen davon das er mit too cool gut war ist er nicht aufgefallen. Hatte seine Zeit in der Attitude Era aber der Zug ist abgefahren. Außerdem denke ich das er seine Chance nur aufgrund seines Vaters hatte, aber ich will ja nix falsches sagen. 4 Punkte von mir."
RepoMan wrote on 19.12.2013:
[2.0] "Schwacher Performer der nie aus dem Schatten seines Vaters kommen wird."
BenutzernamenBraucheIchNicht wrote on 28.08.2013:
[6.0] "Too Cool! Grandmaster Sexay gehörte zu einem meiner Lieblingswrestler und -teams als ich noch jünger war. Da will man doch immer gleich die Sonnenbrille auspacken und mittanzen ;-)"
Sentenza wrote on 30.03.2013:
[4.0] "Hat dank seines Gimmicks eigentlich durchgehend genervt, von seiner Mimik bis hin zu der dämlichen Lache. Hatte trotzdem eine Menge Potenzial, was aber leider nicht richtig umgesetzt wurde. Gimmick würde eine 0 bekommen, doch dank des vorhandenen Potenzial was er ja gerade auch in der USWA gezeigt hat noch ein okay."
Rey2004 wrote on 04.09.2011:
[5.0] "Stets schlechte Gimmicks, für einen guten Wrestler."
TAWPTierJustin wrote on 23.02.2011:
[10.0] ""Too Sexy" Brian Christopher or Grandmaster Sexay or whatever you want to call him was one of the first wrestlers I've ever seen when I started watching wrestling as a little kid watching the light heavyweight division in WWF. I thought his "Too Sexy" persona was hilarious, his laugh was hilarious and I thought his antics during his matches even when he started teaming with Scott "Too Hot" Taylor when they were Too Much before they became Too Cool was just simply hilarious! Whenever I watch old tapes of him being "Too Sexy" Brian Christopher, to me, he's still funny as hell! I love this guy!"
Necron wrote on 05.12.2010:
[3.0] "Nicht untalentiert, aber in den meisten Rollen, die er in WWF/WWE gespielt hat, eigentlich nur nervtötend und verzichtbar."
Smi-48 wrote on 08.01.2010:
[5.0] "Hatte leider nicht die körperlichen Voraussetzungen seines Vaters und scheiterte daher im Mainstream hauptsächlich an der fehlenden Plattform für Leichtgewichte (sind wir mal ehrlich, so sind Typen wie A. J. Styles und Rey Mysterio eher die Ausnahme als die Regel), besonders in den noch recht schwergewichtlich orientierten Neunzigern. Ein wrestlerisch überzeugender und überdurchschnittlich charismatischer Tag-Wrestler, der sicherlich persönliche Probleme zu haben scheint, jedoch (und da stimme ich vielen Kommentaren hier zu) es nicht verdient hat, hier mit 2 Punkten abgestraft zu werden."
Eddie wrote on 29.10.2009:
[4.0] "Einfach ein total schräger Vogel, sowohl bei der WWF, als auch bei TNA, 4 Punkte."
Orton7 wrote on 25.09.2009:
[7.0] "Für ihn gilt das gleiche wie bei Scotty Too Hotty... Hat es aber auch als Singlewrestler nicht geschafft, was wohl mehr an seinem Privatleben lag, als an seinem Ringwork, denn da fand ich ihn gar nicht so schlecht.."
Clover wrote on 12.06.2009:
[5.0] "Stand immer im Schatten seines erfolgreichen Vaters. Dennoch tat er sich auch nie durch gesteigerte In-Ring-Qualitäten hervor. Mittelklasse-Wrestler."
The-Game91 wrote on 04.02.2009:
[2.0] "Ich fand ihn immer überflüssig. Eben nichts besonderes dem man bei 2 Cool auch weglassen konnte."
The Sick Lebowski wrote on 28.10.2008:
[5.0] "Bei Too Cool ganz in Ordnung, aber als Brian Christopher war er mit seiner dämlichen Lache überhaupt nicht zu genießen."
Dizzo wrote on 08.10.2008:
[5.0] "In 2 Cool doch recht unterhaltsam auch wenn Scotty der bessere Part war."
FratzenFresse wrote on 16.07.2008:
[8.0] "Kann das gewichtete Mittel der Bewertung hier überhaupt nicht verstehen! Sehr unterhaltsamer Wrestler, der durchaus auch kämpferisch Überzeugen konnte. Genial in Too Cool an der Seite von Scooty 2 Hotty und Rikishi. Ich finds schade das so unterhaltsamer Charaktäre gehen müssen und dafür dann lächerliche Gangster wie die Jungs von Cryme Tyme kommen (bzw. zurückgeholt werden) Wrestling soll doch unterhalten, und das hat der Grandmaster!"
Heat wrote on 20.03.2008:
[2.0] "Fand ihn mit Scotty und Rikishi teilweise ganz lustig, leider aber nicht mehr."
Bekiffski wrote on 25.01.2008:
[8.0] "Ich muss sagen, dass ich den Grandmaster immer sehr unterhaltsam fand, da er das gewisse Etwas hat. Sorry, aber ich verstehe nicht weshalb er so unbeliebt ist."
ecw forever wrote on 10.01.2008:
[0.0] "Ich wüsste nicht wozu ich den Mann 2 Punkte schenken sollte, er ist und bleibt langweilig."
LexLuger4ever wrote on 01.12.2007:
[6.0] "Der Sohn vom King Jerry Lawler, konnte aber nie an dessen Erfolge auch nur ansatzweise anknüpfen. War bei Too Cool ganz ok, sonst aber wie der Partner Scotty 2 Hotty nichts weiter als ein Jobber."
Anti-Champion wrote on 04.11.2007:
[2.0] "Hat meiner Meinung nach kaum Charisma und weder Micwork noch gute Ringskills, naja es heißt ja "manchmal überspringt Talent eine Generation"."
Winnie The Pooh wrote on 24.10.2007:
[2.0] "Naja, muss eigtl. nicht sein. Bei Too Cool fand ich eigentlich nur seinen Partner wirklich cool..."
Eric wrote on 24.07.2007:
[8.0] "Too Cool war cool, hoffentlich kommt er noch zur TNA und wiederbelebt dieses Gimick! Wäre sonst echt schade um ihm."
Carlito Cena wrote on 06.07.2007:
[4.0] "Hätte der Nachfolger für Chris Candido werden können. Comedytalent ist da, hat sich leider nur absolut nicht unter Kontrolle."
Thomas Carlson wrote on 25.06.2007:
[2.0] "Too Cool ging eigentlich. Das war auch seine einzig gute Zeit. Sonst hat er nicht viel gerissen außer Toiletten zu zerstören oder einen unwichtigen Titel 20. 000 Mal zu gewinnen."
Hypocrisy wrote on 24.06.2007:
[2.0] "Ich wünsche jedem talentierten worker einen guten Vertrag. Aber ich war wirklich froh, dass die WWE ihn in 2004 ein letztes mal entlassen hat. Ich kann sein nerviges Lachen/Gekreische nicht hören."
Steven McWheeler wrote on 24.06.2007:
[4.0] "Mieser Wrestler, aber Charisma hat er doch! Mit TOO COOL war er richtig cool, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes"