[5.0] "I don't think he's the worst wrestler in the world or anything, but he frequently gives the impression that his biggest claim to fame is being around or attached to bigger stars and... well, no one has a favorite Konnan match."
[3.0] "Konnan is most known for shouting catchphrases and thats probably the best I can say regarding his screen time. Ok as a Manager, less than average in ring skills. Always had a bad attitude in real life that cut his WWF run short and had a standard career as a midcarder."
[7.0] "An above average wrestler in his prime, but what he really earns his place in the history book for is opening the pipeline for Mexican talent to come into mainstream American wrestling, which sparked a revolution in the late 90's. That likely doesn't happen, or doesn't happen at the same level, without him."
[4.0] "Konnan looked impressive as a star in Mexico in the early stages of his career, but when it came to his performances in the big leagues in America, primarily WCW, it was often just pathetic. He may have been charismatic enough, but most of his matches were mediocre or even lower, and there were no particularly memorable moments or storylines with him, although he did manage to really shine much later as an LAX member. There may also be questions for him as a booker as well. Nevertheless, his status as a legend locally and his work as a manager do not allow me to give a lower grade."
[2.0] "Konnan's great "skill" was to fool promoters and leach people with actual talent. His actual matches and I don't care if you are talking Lucha, WCW, TNA all just kind of blend together. His booking of AAA has often been awful. But hey he's Rey Mysterio's "big brother" he's the guy that claims he found Fenix an Penta so he makes people think he's done something. Of course he's the added bonus of being a part of an nwo so that gives points with the "Good Old Days" fans. Yet no one wanted to actually watch a Konnan match."
[5.0] "Liked him fine from the AAA stuff I have seen and his first year in WCW, but then he started doing the cholo gimmick and he was kinda botchy through the rest of his WCW days. Did ALOT of work to set up business with Bischoff to bring in the rest of the luchadores and create the best thing about WCW that the WWF couldn't touch!"
[7.0] "What he did for American Pro Wrestling in introducing the Lucha styles to WCW by bringing in guys like Mysterio and Psicosis. He was solid in the ring but made his money on the mic. Overall influential figure in American and Latin American wrestling."
[4.0] "Proof that charisma and a good look can get you very very far in wrestling because he was the absolute drizzling shits as soon as the bell rang."
[8.0] "For people that grew up watching WCW and also followed TNA and AEW, it? s hard to convey just how big Konnan was in Mexico. Often referred to as Mexico's Hulk Hogan, he was, and still is, insanely charismatic and talented on the mic. Was he the best luchador of the 90s? No, but he was no slouch in the ring either. Honestly, he could have been WCW World Heavyweight Champion as well with how over he was in 1998."
[10.0] "Konnan. The architect of lucha libre. In ring he is or was average, nothing special but he is very charismatic. Great Speaker and one of the best managers in the business. AAA and The Crash co founder. Also a huge creative factor in impact and MLW. As a Booker he is probably the best today, he has done a tremendous job of putting on memorable events in the Crash mainly. He's also played a huge part in the rise of many wrestlers especially luchadors like Lucha bros, arez, aramis, Bestia, Mr 450 and many more along with wrestlers fromthe US such as Low Ki, Homicide, Eddie Kingston, Limelight among others. Long story short, konnan is a wrestling genius when it comes to scoping out talent and booking incredible shows. He also is an important voice that speaks the truth about everything without holding back, his podcast Keeping it 100 is fire"
[6.0] "He had an interesting look, his promo was usually pretty much always the same, but he could pull it off - had a lot of practice..he had personality. he was extremely sloppy in the ring though. I ve seen him miss so many moves, stumble, slip and fall over. I know he was a big star in Mexico, I never understood why and how, but he was reasonably over in WCW when he was hanging out with the cool kids in the NWO Wolfpac."
[5.0] "I don't remember much about him other than from his cartel persona as part of WCW's nWo. He was fine in the ring and all right on the mic, but I found myself getting increasingly frustrated as time went on and Konnan still got pushed."
[5.0] "For a guy who was mostly positioned as a high flyer during the early days when he was in WCW, jesus he wasn't very good at it, lol. No doubt about how big of a draw he was in Mexico but like many big draws he wasn't really very good in ring: even guys like Liger and Eddie Guerrero struggled to get a better than average bout out of him. Guy was pretty solid on the mic and that's basically been his big thing for the last 20 years or so. He wasn't terrible in the ring when the other person weren't trying to work fast paced lucha libre with him (mostly because he was just too big and clumsy to make it look convincing) and he was perfectly fine and even pretty decent when he was with the right guy. That being said, even in his prime he wasn't spectacular."
[6.0] "Ich finde Konnan gut. In der WCW anfangs in der Dungeon of Doom oder nWo von 1996-1997 konnte er sich noch nicht komplett etabilieren, wie später in der nWo Wolfpac (1998). Aber gerade 1998 finde ich, war seine beste Zeit zu WCW-Zeiten. Seine Promos sind Geschmackssache, ich finde sie waren cool. Er waren ein guter Powerhouse und ist ne Legende in Mexico. (So etwa wie Hulk Hogan in den Vereinigten Staaten, oder generell in Pro Wrestling. )"
[2.0] "Massively over in 90's AAA, but also very limited in the ring, with a serious attitude problem (albeit nowhere near as bad as Vampiro) and behaved shockingly bad with AAA which had literally built him as the star he was. In WCW he kept on being pushed in spite of being the weakest lucha libre star by a fair margin and failing to get over with US fans: the guy has always been a backstage politician of the highest magnitude, not unlike Hulk Hogan. His return to AAA (after Antonio Peña had died), allegedly for more money than the rest of the talent was making and surely with a far less grueling working schedule, caused no small amount of troubles and finally led to a talent exodus led by Heavy Metal. I've always wondered why the guy hasn't gone into politics since he seems born for the role..."
[8.0] "Konnan was not the typical lucha performer who American audiences really started to know with the influx during the WCW cruiserweight boom. Konnan was positioned more like a cartel guy than a superhero. The uniqueness set him apart at a time where a lot of wrestling was feeling too kid friendly. Konnan has paved the way for scores of Mexican performers to find success stateside, most notably Rey Mysterio. His ring work was not always as crisp as some may have liked, but he was still an interesting character well into his retirement phase."
[4.0] "Probably the most important foreign wrestler in the history of the lucha libre in Mexico. The way he was over with the fans in the early 90s was insane, although he was never the best in the ring. Very limited."
[7.0] "Eine der Legenden im Lucha Libre, der auch in den USA sehr groß war bzw. immer noch ist und das zurecht. Sicherlich war er im Ring nie der ganz große Techniker, war aber auch nicht schlecht. Richtig gut gefällt er mir aber vor allem in den letzten Jahren als Manager von u. a. LAX bei TNA und auch bei Lucha Underground als Manager von Prince Puma. In diese Rolle passt er einfach perfekt und er kann auch absolut am Mic überzeugen."
[6.0] "For some reason I never was a big fan of Konnan. I don;t know why for some reason. Maybe it was just his fighting style or the gimmicks. The Max Moon gimmick was just like diarrhea on him meaning that it looked horrible. I don't blame him for arguing with Vince McMahon. He was great on the mic. During his WCW-NWO days he was a big hit but he was just boring to watch. TNA he was okay with BG James and Ron Killings. His best time was in Mexico during his early days. I think that was his biggest peak of his career. Today he is great as a manager of LAX in Impact and Prince Puma in Lucha Underground. He has helped Lucha Underground. Also is a great color commentator, booker, and creative consultant."
[4.0] "Konnan was always sloppy in the ring. He has some mic skills and natural charisma, but for much of his career his mic work leaned way too heavily on overused, lame catchphrases. The only time I really enjoyed his work was in TNA when he managed LAX in their heel incarnations. Otherwise, meh."
[3.0] "Ich mochte Konnan nie. Seine Matches fand ich die meiste Zeit nur langweilig und am Mikrofon war er einfach grauenhaft. Dazu gab es in der WCW zeitweise dauernd seine schlechten Musikvideos, die auch wirklich schlecht waren. Einer der unzähligen Wrestler, die nie in eine Version der nWo gehört haben."
[10.0] "Konnan ist für mich ein gutes Gesamtpaket. Er kann alles Promos, Managen, booken, er hat Ausstrahlung und Charisma, im Ring ist er auch ok. Und seine Stables fand ich immer cool."
[5.0] "Ich bewerte jetzt mal seine beste Zeit(Anfang bis Mitte der 90er). Halt für US-Verhältnisse ein atypischer Mexikaner der viel auf Kraft gesetzt hat. Im Ring eig ganz kompatibel mit vielen aber am Mic war außer diesen Pseudogangster-catchphrases absolut garnichts. Konnan hat seinen Zweck mehr oder minder gut erfüllt-aber konnte mmn zu keiner Zeit als besonders durchgehen. Matches waren zu seiner prime absolut ok ohne in irgendwelche Sphären aufzusteigen, die man als großartig becshreiben könnte. Aus seiner besten Zeit kann man sich ohne Angst mal ein paar matches anschauen-alles was danach kam sollte man definitiv meiden. :)"
[6.0] "Seine Karriere in Mexiko ist höhen anzusehen als in den Staaten, obwohl er in den USA bei größeren ligen angestellt war. Seine Zeit in der WWE als Max Moon beschweig ich jetzt einfach mal, ECW hab ich nichts gesehen und in der WCW war er eigentlich immer jemand der solide Leistungen zeigte, dennoch immer gut bei den Fans ankam. Bei TNA mit der 3LK und dem LAX in guten Stables unterwegs gewesen, jedoch immer im Schatten der anderen gestanden. In letzter Zeit häufen sich allerdings merkwürdige Aussagen, und was man so von ihm im Bezug auf den Umgang mit anderen hört ist auch nicht immer Positiv."
[7.0] "One of the best luchador ever compete in this industry, trained by the late great Eddie Guerrero himself, Konnan proves that he is not a rookie but a true veteran of lucha libre wrestler, oh and by the way his work in ECW was excellent"
[7.0] "Probably THE most charismatic English-speaking wrestler to come out of Mexico (by way of Cuba), and a talented wrestler as well. It's a shame that I've heard he's difficult to work with, because he stops the show and excites the audience everywhere he goes in the world."
[8.0] "Charismatischer, sehr guter Micworker, jedoch nur mittelmäßig im Ring. Zu AAA-Zeiten ein absoluter Superstar, in der WCW ein solider Midcarder, der jedoch sehr over war. Als Sprachrohr für L. A. X. bei TNA auch sehr gut, als Headbooker für AAA genau der richtige Mann. Auch seine Vermittlungen von Luchadores wie Rey, Juventud etc. an Heyman/ECW, die alle in den USA den Durchruch schafften, muss man ihn noch hoch anrechnen."
[3.0] "If you like your lucha sloppy and sluggishly slow, then Konnan is the guy to watch. The only role I ever enjoyed him in was as the heel manager for LAX, and that wasn't enough to make up for the years of crap I watched from him in other roles."
[3.0] "Konnan kenne ich nur aus der WCW und da fiel er mir nur durch seine ständig wiederholende " Viva la Raza" Catchphrase auf. Im Ring konnte er mich nie überzeugen, versteh bis heute nicht wie er U. S. Heavyweight Champion werden konnte."
[4.0] "Ausdrucksstarker Mexiko-Import, der mir mit seinen Nehmerqualitäten in der AAA Anfang der 90er und der Mitte-90er ECW ganz gut gefiel. Sein Repertoire im Ring ließ jedoch spätestens in der Blütezeit der WCW deutlich nach, die ihm viel zu viel Spotlight, aufgrund des spanisch sprachigen Publikums gab. Seine Arbeit außerhalb des Rings, Micwork, Booking etc. konnten und können für mich kaum eine positive Erwähnung finden."
[4.0] "Hat mich nie wirklich überzeugt, auch wenn meine Wertung einzig und allein auf nseiner WCW-Zeit begründet. Im Ring zwar durchaus nicht untalentiert, aber alles in allem sehr langweilig und uninspiriert."
[7.0] "Als Wrestler fand ich ihn in der WCW zumeist nervig, aber er war da eigentlich auch sehr gut, wenn man sich Material von anderswo anschaut. Als LAX-Manager fand ich ihn grandios."
[6.0] "Befriedigend. In den 90gern bis 1998/99 wusste er gut zu gefallen. Er stand im Begin des Monday Night Wars auf seiten der WCW, trug da den US-Belt und war pre-nWo ein Grund für WCW und gegen WWF. Er hat aber leider den rechtzeitigen Abgang verpasst. Ansonsten sind seine relativ häufigen Upfucks und Botches (hinlänglich durch u. a. Botchemania) bekannt."
[6.0] "Zu seinen ECW-/WCW-/TNA-Zeiten wrestlerisch eher unterdurchschnittlich. Dafür ein schönes Gimmick, ein wahrer "Cholo" eben. Wusste mit seiner Personality zu überzeugen."
[4.0] "Ich fand sein Gimmick schon zu einem sehr frühen Zeitpunkt seiner Karriere ziemlich ausgelutscht! Ist für mich nur einer von vielen Midcard Wrestlern, die aufgrund ihres Mangels an Charisma nie mehr erreichen werden."
[6.0] "Ich kann nicht immer nachvollziehen, warum er als Wrestler meist so mies bewertet wird. Er bewegt sich sicherlich im Ring nicht so wie andere Mexikaner, ist aber sicher kein schlechter Wrestler. Leider hat man ihn in der WCW zu den Filthy Animals und in dieses bescheuerte Rap-Team gesteckt."
[8.0] "Er gehört sicher nicht zu den besten Wrestlern aber er schaffte es für die LAX unglaublich Heat mit seinen Promos zu ziehen und er hatte den Mumm sich gegen geschmacklose Angles um Eddie's Namen zu sperren was ich ihm sehr hoch anrechne"