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Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Rocky Maivia


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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 6.20
Scott Bailey wrote on 16.03.2024:
[7.0] "The Rock was a rookie here, but his selling for Hunters offense here was top notch. Really looked like an underdog all match, which really put his victory here over the top in my opinion. These two would go on to have several great matches and big character changes throughout their careers, but this was an interesting first chapter and the in ring action here was solid as was the storytelling."
Smi-48 wrote on 04.02.2024:
[5.0] "In der Tat sieht man den Erfahrungsunterschied zwischen beiden Performern, aber auch den Willen Helmsleys, die Kiste zusammenzuhalten. Das ist leider nicht immer hübsch, und weil man bis zum Schluss nicht weiß, das man hier doch einen Titelwechsel vorgesetzt bekommt, wirkt das Geschehen lange Zeit undramatisch und stellenweise auch behäbig. Am Ende funktioniert der Upset aber solide."
Uweuwesen wrote on 14.03.2023:
[7.0] "Das war wirklich gut mit anzusehen! Triple H tritt hier als dominanter Heel auf und Rocky wehrt sich erfolgreich und holt den Underdog Sieg! Das war gut anzusehen"
kasainity433 wrote on 30.01.2023:
[6.0] "A very solid match, although with a bit of an anti-climactic ending. Rock did some very good selling in the match and Helmsley kept the heat interesting throughout the match. Not the best match, certainly not the best these two have had, but it was still quite good."
cactus wrote on 28.12.2022:
[6.0] "It's still early days for Rocky, as you can tell he is still very inexperienced here. He put in a good effort here, even if he has already started to receive heckles from the audience. Hunter was calling this and did a good job at guiding his green opponent. This starts slow and takes a while to get going. The Honky Tonk Man comes down after the commercial break and joins the commentary team. Hunter brings some much-needed color to the match by slapping Rocky in the face and showing some aggression as he wails away at him. After Rocky takes a lot of punishment and kicks out all everything that Hunter throws at him, the fans seem to be into Rock and he gets a huge pop when Rocky is able to sneak away with the win after catching Hunter in a small package."
anarchovamp wrote on 19.03.2022:
[7.0] "Actually a pretty good match, and foreshadows the future rivalry between the two. Although rock is still fairly green here, triple h is just about to hit his prime and looks really good here and also helps rock deliver a strong performance. I don? t know why they would give rock the title on Thursday raw, on the Shawn Michaels smileless show, but it? s cool seeing Rocky getting the quasi-big one. ***1/2"
Wrestlingfan wrote on 06.02.2022:
[6.0] "Similar to Prince laukea, they might have just got him over for one night only. As we all know, it's going to take a drastic character change for the Rock. ***"
Wrestling Forever wrote on 21.11.2021:
[7.0] "Ein wichtigstes Match in der Karriere von The Rock für seinen Aufstieg und vielleicht das allererste Singles Match zwischen den WWE Legenden (***). Es folgten über 70 Matches."
Mudshow Idol wrote on 21.11.2021:
[6.0] "This was pretty good, but too one-sided for me. It got quite ridiculous with Rocky tanking so much damage and not getting any of his own offense in."
Longa-46 wrote on 26.12.2020:
[5.0] "Die beiden kriegen hier gute 15 Minuten, machen das dann auch ganz anständig, auch wenn die Partie an manchen Stellen ziemlich zäh ist. Finish ist ganz okay und somit hat man da im Opener eine doch dicke Überraschung mut Rocky als Champ. Ganz okay so - 5 Punkte."