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Braun Strowman vs. Seth Rollins


Displaying items 1 to 98 of total 98 items that match the search parameters.
1507.07.2023MainEventMaster5.0This was just pure nothingness, your typical Strowman bad match, nothing could help this man in 2019, he was ass.
1702.06.2023Trevor Struthers6.0 
1811.05.2023Fillosetti8.0Let's face it, in the end for Rollins this match was basically a light version of the match against Brock Lesnar from SummerSlam 2019. But honestly this didn't hurt it in my eyes, it was still really enjoyable and fun. Honestly, I didn't expect anything from a match between these two, but I enjoyed it and it entertained me properly. The post-match will probably give me nightmares in the next few days
2728.06.2022I Am Phenomenal7.0 
2825.05.2022GonzoAppreciator6.0This was a fun David vs Goliath-style title match. Strowman's selling was great and I liked that big splash he hit.
2910.05.2022Shoot Headbutt Lover5.0 
3018.04.2022Reinhard Lohengramm6.0 
3709.11.2021Wrestling Fan7.0 
3808.11.2021flightaker3217.0This was a very fun match that to me was honestly much better than the Summerslam match Seth had just had. Strowman hitting the splash was easily the best spot in this match. The match isn't too long and is full of action so this is worth a watch to me.***1/2
4005.09.2021Crippler Crossface6.0 
4502.05.2021TheLegitBoss7.0This was a cool little match between Rollins and Strowman here, maybe not worthy of a PPV main event but still a solid sprint that I find quite underrated. This match has its flaws and I'm going to mention them right away, why did they spend so much time outside the ring when it was a singles match ? It's a problem that we find a lot in modern wrestling and anywhere, sometimes there are long sequences outside the ring and the referee doesn't count when he should. Another problem of this match is obviously the finish with this rain of Stomp from Rollins and it was also a problem in all his matches at that time, it was possibly the least credible finisher of history, everyone kicked out of it without any problem, sometimes even at 1. I understand that they wanted to make Braun look like an unstoppable guy who is hard to beat but I don't think that all those nearfalls were necessary, it discredits Rollins' finish more than anything else, the proof is that he even had to add the Pedigree to his arsenal to be able to beat him. Also, I didn't really understand why Rollins attacked Braun's leg right at the beginning of the match and then never attacked him again, it was a good strategy but I remember that Braun still sold his leg at some points in the match. Some will say that this is too many flaws to give this match a 7 but I'm going to do it anyway, because I thought it was a very enjotable match that didn't last too long and was still really fun to watch. It wasn't perfect by any means but the action was cool and the crowd was invested, so I got caught up in the game too. Satisfactory main event for what it was.
4706.02.2021Belka 0176.0 
5131.10.2020Uweuwesen5.0Dies war ein mittelmäßiger Kampf zwischen den ehemaligen Partnern, der komplett von Seth Rollins getragen wurde! Es war nicht allzu spannend und Strowman hätte deutlich besser agieren können!
5321.09.2020Wrestling Forever 7.0War ein gutes das Main Event (***). Braun hat bei der Nase geblutet. Irgendwie erinnert mich das von Braun vs Seth von Bad Blood 2004 nur das hier nicht auch die Tag Team Partner noch ein Match hatten.
5420.09.2020Okaro1437.0Okay on rewatch, that was really good. Seth Rollins just being an amazing performer and this was imo the best Braun Strowman singles match. That being said, there were a bit of hiccups and too many finisher kickouts but I guess making Strowman almost unbeatable is kind of a smart booking decision. Rollins had to hit 3 stomps and a pedigree followed by another stomp to finally put away Strowman. I also loved the selling by Strowman (knees) especially after that huge splash from the top rope. Good. ***3/4
5614.08.2020thebigmilkman2.0This match sucked. Big time. I can't justify giving it more than a 2. I was so bored watching this back. Please do not watch this match
5913.07.2020arkhamoutlaw100.0A nightmare. Both men not taking into account any of their strengths or differences in size/workrate and just putting on the most boring Raw main event style match they could conceive of is still insulting to think about. This match proved that neither man should have been holding that red belt at the time. Both are talented performers but the last couple years has been rough for both, and even gimmick changes or different brands hasn? t helped fix the lack of magnetism in their big match performances as of late. What a boring meaningless main event.
6230.03.2020Oregano Jackson7.0 
6428.01.2020Danil Czar6.0 
7103.10.2019Smi-486.0Erneut eine Story nach dem David-gegen-Goliath Prinzip für den amtierenden Champion. Nach Lesnar darf er sich also mit dem nächsten Monster auseinandersetzen und holt auch aus Strowman ein für dessen Verhältnisse brauchbares Match heraus. Mit dem Splash des Riesen ist das Highlight der Partie schnell erzählt, welche sich ansonsten in Intensität und Impact, statt Technik und Dramaturgie ergeht. Das kann man so machen und die Tatsache, dass Rollins auch Lesnar schon clean niederringen konnte, schadet dann am Ende Strowman auch nicht über Gebühr. Akzeptabel angerichtet, aber unterm Strich jetzt auch nicht überragend.
7429.09.2019Antonio AKA Zotany7.0 
7527.09.2019marexcel7.0Gewiss kein Hightlight und dennoch schon deutlich über meinen Erwartungen. TooSweetPhils Vergleich mit einem typischen Lesnar-Match passt absolut. Man bedient sich der Blaupause, da man das scheinbar für die beste Matchstory gehalten hat und so falsch waren sie sicherlich nicht. Der Schlagabtausch war offener als bei einem typischen Brock-Match, aber da spielt natürlich der Aufbau für Seth auch etwas mit rein. Dramatik war jedoch kaum vorhanden und erinnerungswürdige Sequenzen stellen sie auch nicht auf die Beine, dennoch perfomen sie doch auf einem ordentlichen Niveau und erfüllen voll und ganz den Zweck in meinen Augen.
7627.09.2019NastyYaffa8.0On paper this looked like an intriguing styles clash, and thankfully it was exactly that. 11-minutes of Braun being a fantastic monster bulldozer & Seth fighting against that with his high impact, speedy moves + aerial attacks. It's absolutely awesome -- a real tight & compact World Championship match, perfectly suit for a PPV like this. Best match on the show out of the three that I watched.
8022.09.2019nWo Member5.0Not a bad match, but i think they can do better than this if they give this more time. The pace was good, Strowman top rope splash was awsome but i didn´t like the finish to the match.
8420.09.2019Sebastian V6.0Dieses ME hat mir besser gefallen als Lesnar gegen Rollins beim SummerSlam. Ja es war auch nichts irgendwie besonderes oder etwas, das für immer im Kopf bleibt aber es war ein anständiges, intensives Match ohne eine große Story aber mit einigen guten Aktionen, gutem Matchfluss und insgesamt auch guter Aktionsdichte in anständigem Tempo und einer gewissen Spannung aber es war halt eher ein Moves Match, welches als solches anständig war und daher 6 Punkte verdient.
8520.09.2019cricketbandit4.0Just didn't feel right to me, a face v face match where you're keeping the championship on the same guy and your monster sized face challenger is losing just seems like a recipe for disaster. Points for the overall story including the tag championships which was pretty cool but I can't help but feeling there should've been a different challenger. So the match basically became a rerun of Seth v Brock which we just saw a few weeks ago.
8820.09.2019TheRatemaker6.0The problem with these type of matches is that you can't do them that often and expect them to work all the times. IMO they still have not capture the same feeling that they had with the Balor/Lesnar at the Rumble. Action was packed but no variety in moves and crowd wasn't as hot as it should, they even booed Rollins after stomp #4 or #5. It was good action wise but they don't work enough on the story in this kind of matches recently. (***)
8919.09.2019TooSweetPhil6.0Das geht vollkommen in Ordnung. Ziemlicher Best Hits Main Event in der Art und Weise wie man das normalerweise von Brock Lesnar gewohnt ist. Das erreicht nie ein weiteres Level und die zu erzählende Geschichte passt nur teilweise aber beide machen das grundsolide. Einen Stomp weniger hätte ich allerdings bevorzugt, so wirkt das am Ende etwas künstlich dramatisch (***).
9219.09.2019Joy Black6.0 
9419.09.2019aka PRI7.0 
9519.09.2019ShibataWresler7.0This match felt like it was a bit rushed. They started hot, and delivered a good action packed match for 10 something minutes. I agree with everyone that Seth overused the Curb Stomp, but that's pretty much the only thing he can do to bigger guys like Strowman and Lesnar. He cannot give them Falcon Arrows or Buckle Bombs, so this finisher fest was expected. Strowman's top rope splash was nuts, I've never seen him deliver that move. The ending was stupid because Seth's rivalry with HHH ended a few years ago, and he hasn't used the Pedigree since. ***1/2....... The post match attack by The Fiend was chilling and awesome though.
9819.09.2019respect-wres8.0A solid match and easily one of Brauns best single performances. He looked like a beast a Seth looked like a resilient champion. The only part that I didn? t appreciate were the four curb stomps that were needed to put Strowman down. Other than that this was a fun main event that the crowd appreciated. The post , arch attack was great stuff.