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Jamie Hayter vs. Queen Aminata


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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 5.96
gaius21 wrote on 17.01.2025:
[6.0] "Solides Match.Durchgehend unterhaltsam mit netten Momenten, aber ohne die ganz großen Spots.Aminata mit einer besseren Leistung als zuletzt. ***"
Screaming Enigma wrote on 28.12.2024:
[6.0] "I was hoping for a little more here, considering how big of a fan I am of these two. That said, though, this was still god. Aminata was presented well, with Hayter getting the expected win. I'd like to see these two be able to run this back with more time."
JohnAbbaRiley wrote on 25.12.2024:
[6.0] "A good match. While it was a little aloppy in the ending and the crowd wasn't as involved, the match delivered by being lhysical. A nice contest. **3/4"
eltetechori wrote on 08.12.2024:
[6.0] "A fight I hadn't seen in AEW or even know the reason why they were the ones introduced in this qualifier, but I liked it, it got better as it went on. Mind you, what's going on in the women's division? They have no relevant storylines beyond the champions and they always take up this spot on the billboard. With what the women's division was."
FelipeTalksGraps wrote on 08.12.2024:
[6.0] "[2.75*] Good match! I wish this was longer but it was pretty nice for the time it got, the shortest match of the night."
ZooWee wrote on 05.12.2024:
[5.0] "Another match that was just OK. It started off fairly well with both women being expectedly hard hitting but went of the rails a bit towards the end with a few miscommunications and botches. It didn't help that the crowd were dead silent either. Still fairly decent but I bet these two have a better match in them. **3/4"
JoeyBingBong wrote on 03.12.2024:
[6.0] "Slightly uneven but at its best, this rocked. In fact, it began to click at a level that probably warranted more time, producing a lively TV match regardless. Aminata is such a refreshing addition to the TV rotation, bringing constant physicality and throwing herself into every matchup. ***"
AEWcrawford97 wrote on 01.12.2024:
[8.0] "LOVE BOTH THESE WOMEN. This match needed 5 more minutes to be the best match of the night. Both hard hitting stiff strikes and great near falls. 4.5 stars from me for the time they had."
EmoForkliftDriver wrote on 01.12.2024:
[6.0] "Pretty good match from these two. Started off pretty so so but after some pretty impactful strong strikes and some pretty good jossling for position that got the crowd and myself into the match"
Icekommander wrote on 01.12.2024:
[8.0] "Very enjoyable women's TV match. Stiffly worked, and Aminata had that gnarly knee into Hayter in the ropes. Multiple solid-to-good matches on this card, but I think this might have been the best of them."
WAKA Flockanoku wrote on 30.11.2024:
[5.0] "Fine enough match, but I still don't think Queen Aminata is quite at the position that people seem to think she's at. Not a bad worker, but she's still in the midst of improving. Jamie Hayter gets a nice enough match out of her though."
LuchaEric wrote on 30.11.2024:
[6.0] "Je veux retrouver l'hype que j'avais pour Jamie avant sa blessure. Queen Aminata est aussi super. Ça aurait pu donner tellement plus."
Amieras wrote on 30.11.2024:
[6.0] "Aminata has come a long way! Good TV match. Hayter picks up a needed win and I'd love to see her in Japan in the end"
maven lover wrote on 30.11.2024:
[6.0] "It's great to see that they really wrote this as an even-keeled match throughout before finally giving Jamie Hayter her first Dynamite win in a while. Not a perfect match by any means but all the moves looked stiff & crisp & both women moved around with a sense of purpose & conviction which I can't say for everything here. I'm curious to see what Hayter will ending up doing in the coming months; it would definitely be nice to see her be given a belt again. Maybe she'll win at Wrestle Dynasty. Whatever happens happens."
crs285 wrote on 29.11.2024:
[6.0] "Hard hitting women's match. I think the style of wrestling these two have looked super good together. Match had a few botches but I still enjoyed the wrestling"
Uweuwesen wrote on 29.11.2024:
[7.0] "Zu Matchbeginn war ich relativ skeptisch, da Hayter zuerst als sehr dominant gezeigt wurde. Zur Hälfte des Matches hat es sich dann irgendwie gedreht, die genaue Sequenz blieb nicht im Kopf. Beide Damen konnten jedoch überzeugend dominieren. Im Finish hatte das die rang höhere Dame die Oberhand. Wirklich sehenswert"
homunculus wrote on 29.11.2024:
[7.0] "Pretty stiff and powerful match. That's kinda both women's style of wrestling, strong power moves mostly. I really enjoyed this match, especially Aminata's massive kick to Jamie's head. The finish was a little odd, but I still think this match is really good. (***1/2)"
cal9099 wrote on 28.11.2024:
[6.0] "Solid TV match. First time seeing Aminata and was reasonably impressed. These two delivered some pretty stiff blows which was cool to see. Slightly flat finish but overall pretty good. ***"
Michael Morbius wrote on 28.11.2024:
[5.0] "High expectations for this one that didn't payoff. They hit each other very hard and the first part of the match was pretty fun. However after Jamie forgot to kickout things started to go quite wrong as they were a few mistakes, especially from Jamie. The ending wasn't exciting at all. Hopefully these two can run it back. 5/10 - 2.75*/5*"
madcatt wrote on 28.11.2024:
"Probably rating this one better than most because this is exactly the type of match I want to see from women such as Hayter, Stat, Willow, Aminata, etc. Great hard hitting match with plenty interesting spots that showed the character from each wrestler. 3.75*"
benny5bellys wrote on 28.11.2024:
[5.0] "I was looking forward to this but it just did not work. They hit each hard but there were a lot of mistakes in there mostly from Jamie when she forgot to kick out and ref had to stop count and when she just moved on from a pin attempt without waiting for Animata to kick out."
AfRotaker wrote on 28.11.2024:
[4.0] "Das war leider sehr enttäuschend. Da ist ja kaum was passiert. Mir scheint, es gab keinen wirklichen Matchplan, somit auch keinen Spannungsbogen. Das Gezeigte wäre ja technisch ganz ok gewesen, aber leider wurde halt nun Mal so gut wie gar nichts gezeigt"
Chris wrote on 28.11.2024:
[7.0] "[***1/4] A short but hard hitting match that put Jamie Hayter over strong but gave a lot to Queen Aminata."
Rodrigo Andres wrote on 28.11.2024:
[8.0] "Jamie Hayter vs Queen Aminata **** what a way to hit each other hard, great fight . Two wrestlers who have a lot to give in the future."
DOUKI4CHAMP wrote on 28.11.2024:
[5.0] "Weird structure to this match that didn't do anything to build into a hot finish. Good execution of manuevers and nice looking strikes that helped things out. **1/2"
danzitorock wrote on 28.11.2024:
[5.0] "Good performance by Queen Aminata, I really like her as a wrestler, they were hitting each other hard the entire time, and this was also probably the best match from Jamie Hayter since the return, at least the one that she looked more fluid, despite a horrible mistake at the end, where she didn't even waited for the kickout and pulled Aminata, which even got Excalibur embarrassed. But excluding this mistake, the match was nice, it was easy to watch and had a lot of reversals - {**1/4}"
Rocky7 wrote on 28.11.2024:
[6.0] "Fine match, with Queen Aminata continuing her gradual improvement, but Jamie Hayter as the bigger name moves on to face either Serena Deeb or Willow Nightingale (hopefully the latter) for the chance for a spot at the Tokyo Dome. Interesting tease after the match of Hayter's impending feud with Julia Hart."
Codebreaker wrote on 28.11.2024:
[6.0] "Solides Match und etwas besser als man es sonst oft von der Women's Division bei TV Shows sieht. ***"
TNBG2381 wrote on 28.11.2024:
[4.0] "The match was average to me. They both are good in the ring but I think the match was average for TV standards."