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FSW Attitude Error

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Vegan Wagon (Meat Wagon) (Anderson Daniels & Troy Ryan) (c) defeat SinerGEN1 (James Grayson & Prince Pele)
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Tag Team Match
Forbiddenweights (Aiton Steen & Harvey Jukes) defeat Zubaplanet (Dave Birch & Philip Michael)
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Reverse Battle Royal
Teddy Reay defeats Connor Patrick Reilly and Peter Sedohr and Slam Johnson

All workers
Aiton Steen, Anderson Daniels, Chris Ridgeway, Chris Ridgeway, Connor Patrick Reilly, Damon Leigh, Dave Birch, Forbiddenweights, Harvey Jukes, Hollie Barlow, James Grayson, Joey Hayes, Lana Austin, Lily Summer, Lily Winter, Meat Wagon, Peter Sedohr, Philip Michael, Prince Pele, Sam Bailey, SinerGEN1, Slam Johnson, Teddy Reay, Tony Wright, Tony Wright, Troy Ryan, Vegan Wagon, Zubaplanet
Current Total Rating (?)
Valid votes: 1
Number of comments: 1
10.0 1x
9.0 0x
8.0 0x
7.0 0x
6.0 0x
5.0 0x
4.0 0x
3.0 0x
2.0 0x
1.0 0x
0.0 0x
Average rating: 10.00  [1]
Average rating in 2025: 10.00  [1]
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