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Name of the event:
KWO/XICW World's Collide

:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: dark matches cannot be recommended. ::::
Dark Match
The Great Tiger defeats Jay Scut
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: dark matches cannot be recommended. ::::
Dark Match
Nick Green defeats Royce Carney III
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Singles Match
Billy Ray Daniels defeats Sheepy
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Kyler Coleman (c) defeats Devon Ryker
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Tag Team Match
Aaron Orion & Ryan Matthias defeat Kevin Kalloway & Sean Tyler

All workers
Current Total Rating (?)
Valid votes: none
Number of comments: 0
10.0 0x
9.0 0x
8.0 0x
7.0 0x
6.0 0x
5.0 0x
4.0 0x
3.0 0x
2.0 0x
1.0 0x
0.0 0x
Average rating: ---  [none]
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