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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 6.84
UltraMark1 wrote on 11.04.2024:
[6.0] "For Aew standards this was not the best ppv, most of the matches were average and bad and the last three matches and House of black v Death Triangle saved this show"
Leo Evans wrote on 10.02.2024:
[6.0] "Wenn man unbedingt jeden auf die PPV-Card setzen will, dann darf man nicht 100 Wrestler unter Vertrag nehmen. 12 Matches und fast 5 Stunden sind viel zu lang und nehmen insbesondere dem Main Event richtig was weg. Man hätte hier mindestens 4 Matches streichen müssen, so hat man im Mittelteil der Show echt verdammt viel Mittelmaß und Langeweile. Am besten waren auch die drei wichtigsten Matches (Überraschend, wenn man Wrestling Matches im Vorfeld aufbaut sind sie besser) Wardlow, Arena Anarchy und der Main Event."
theacmoney wrote on 28.01.2024:
[6.0] "This show went on waaaaaaaay too long. Thankfully AEW learned their lesson and never did this again."
tsdenizen wrote on 15.01.2024:
[7.0] "While this show was pretty backloaded, this didn't feel nearly as long as I'd feared. Half of this falls between 'meh' and 'pretty good', bottoming out with the mixed trios match (which was as dumb as expected but brought an overdue definitive end to a bad program), TBS title match (which was more compelling than expected but definitely sloppy, but had a great post-match), and both Owen finals (both more dull than bad and both not too long). Wardlow-MJF was what it needed to be even if it wasn't a classic wrestling match, and Bucks-Hardys was fun if not the smoothest tag match I've ever seen. Everything else ruled. The House of Black-Death Triangle match ruled the first half with crazy fast-paced action and a meaningful interference from Julia Hart. Then, starting with O'Reilly-Allin, the show was fire until the end. Those two had amazing chemistry for what felt like a throw together program. O'Reilly just felt like an absolute monster brutalizing Allin in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways. Rosa-Deeb was somewhat slow but was a technical clinic and the pace made sense. Anarchy in the Arena was MOTN and some of the craziest shit I've ever seen, far outdoing Stadium Stampede. Tag title match was tons of fun with a good story again told with Jurassic Express winning another triple threat because the other two teams are focused on each other. And the main event was a great match and greater moment, a psychology heavy match with Punk in tears as he becomes world champion. I can see AEW fans being put off by the mediocre first half, but it wasn't really bad and we've forgiven plenty of NJPW shows for the same (seriously nearly every NJPW show is intentionally backloaded). This isn't the absolute best PPV they've ever done, but it's another really, really great show. A strong 8 or a light 9."
MarkCarnochan97 wrote on 14.01.2024:
[8.0] "While living in California for my semester abroad I had made the pilgrimage to L.A. for a PWG show and months later I did the exact same to Vegas for this, my first ever AEW show. Having been a fan since their inception, to get to go to a show was incredible. To get to do so in the States made it even more unreal."
ISimon1912 wrote on 10.01.2024:
[7.0] "This edition of Double or Nothing was unnecessarily long, several matches that are on the show could very well have been resolved on Dynamite or Rampage, but now evaluating the quality of the matches themselves. Wardlow vs MJF was a squash but satisfying and in keeping with the construction of the feud (**1/2), Bucks vs Hardys was a match that didn't need to happen but was fun (****), Jade vs Anna was as dark as expected, anxiously awaiting the day that Jade will finally lose this title (*1/2), House Of Black vs Death Triangle was a really cool spotfest and with the long-awaited ending that was Julia Hart's heel gang, if AEW adds a trio division these are for sure the favorites to take the belts (****1/4), the next three matches were all very weak Cole vs Joe was a complete disappointment (**), Baker vs Ruby was better than the men's match, but still it bothers me so much how much AEW forces Britt Baker (***), the mixed tag was terrible, but at least this unbearable feud is over (**), Kyle vs Darby was another match that didn't need to be on PPV, but that it was nice to see and it scares me these crazy spots of Darby, happy for Kyle's win (***¾), Rosa vs Deeb was a great technical match two great wrestlers doing a good catch wrestling (***3/4), the next match was chaos but that was the premise, I particularly found the first 10 minutes a pain, but then the match geared up and became a carnage with the right to Eddie Kingston The Walking Dead that was scary and amazing at the same time, but a totally overrated match (****), match by Tag titles was match of the Night without a doubt (****1/2), Punk vs Hagman wanted Page to continue with the title, but let's see what Punk can bring us (****), and after this huge review of this immense and exhausting show, I hope Tony Khan never but have the idea of ? putting on such a big show like that."
TheAerialDispassion wrote on 31.08.2023:
[7.0] "A show with some great highlights, a dull middle portion, and a big AEW Championship change. Big criticism to the runtime - this show felt as if you could have cut at least 3 matches from the card and had it feel more effective. Regardless, the sum of its parts make up for it. Good debuts from Athena/Hathaway - and although the results of the Owen Hart Cup were a bit of an eye-roll, Martha Hart's speech was a nice moment. Nice show overall."
Michael Morbius wrote on 14.07.2023:
[7.0] "The opener was was what it was meant to be and liked it. Young Bucks vs. The Hardys was pretty good as well even if Jeff could bearly move but the Bucks did everything to make them look good and they did it and the Hardys played the babyfaces very well as really liked the superkick party sequence. The Tbs title match was bad but the ending with the avalanche Jaded was pretty good and it was cool to see Athena debut. HOB vs. Death Triangle had a couple botch here and there but it was a very good fast-paced, back and fourth and exciting match with a great ending. Then the middle of the show was terrible: the two Owen Hart's cup finals and the trios mixed tag team match were bad and didn't deserve to be on the card as the show felt too long and boring. O'Reilly vs. Allin despite having zero build-up it was pretty good even if the crowd was dead. The women's title match started very well but never kicked into the second gear end ended up being just satisfactory. The Anarchy in the Arena was very chaotic and had a couple of great moments but I didn't like it very much. The three-way tag team wasn't bad but wasn't good as well and it's the dissapoitment of the night. The main event was very good until the buckshot lariat botches by Punk that ruined the match as it was much slower and more sloppy in the second part. Great moment for Punk, tho. Overall: the show had some good matches but it was too long with some matches that didn't need to be done on PPV."
rhlgull1331 wrote on 13.06.2023:
[4.0] "An awful way to manage and structure a PPV. The only shining and glimmering highlight was Anarchy In The Arena. Dump everything else about this drizzling shitz incarnate show."
Dkex wrote on 24.05.2023:
[8.0] "Die Show beginnt stark mit Wardlow, der mit MJF 7 Min lang den Boden aufmischt. Das war zwar kein richtiges Match, aber meiner Meinung nach genau das was es sein musste. Hier hat man fast alles richtig gemacht. Die Hardys vs. Young Bucks war zwar gut, vor allem die Schlussphase, aber klar zu lang gezogen. Weniger wäre hier deutlich mehr gewesen. Das Videosegment mit The Acclaimed und den Assboys hat mich doch sehr zum Lachen gebracht, absichtlich so mies, das es genial ist. Nicht gut war dann Cargill vs. Anna Jay. Das war schlechter als ihr Match bei Rampage im Januar. Cargills Entrance war das Highlight des Matches, das sagt alles. Ohne die Eingriffe wäre es besser gewesen. Athenas Auftauchen im Aftermath war dann doch ziemlich cool, die Women's Division kann diesen Zugang gut gebrauchen. House of Black vs. Death Triangle hat mir dann extrem viel Spaß bereitet. Ich werde mehr und mehr zu Brody King Fan. Das Ende durch Julia Harts Eingriff fand ich super, genauso wie der Umstand dass das House of Black endlich vollständig ist. Und ab jetzt geht es erst mal deutlich bergab. Das Hypevideo war ja noch ziemlich gut, Cole vs. Samoa Joe selbst war dann aber sehr enttäuschend, wenn auch immer noch passabel, nur muss man hier mehr erwarten können. Vom Damentunierfinale hatte ich von vornherein weniger erwartet und wurde trotzdem enttäuscht. Aber die Entrances der Damen waren super. Die Preisverleihung für die beiden Tuniersieger war dann aber ein schöner, emotionaler Moment. Die Titel passen optisch perfekt. Aber hier ist nicht einmal die Hälfte der Show vorbei... Puh. Das mixed Trios Match im Anschluss hätte ich auch wirklich nicht gebraucht. Immerhin gibt Van Zant hier ein akzeptables Debüt zum Besten. Allin vs. O'Reilly war dann das Spektakel, dass ich dringend gebraucht hab. Tolles Match, O'Reilly ist der richtige Sieger hier, dazu hat Darby es wieder nicht geschafft sich umzubringen. Rosa vs. Deeb war dann ein technisch tolles Match, dass mich aus irgendeinem Grund nicht vollkommen abholen konnte. Zu hundert Prozent abgeholt hat mich dann das Anarchy in the Arena Match. Himmel nochmal war das ein Fest. Ich musste das Match im Stehen schauen, das sagt alles. JAS als Sieger geht klar. Videosegment mit Andrade hätte man auch auf Dynamite zeigen können, aber nett das Rush da ist. Und ein Interview mit den MotY brauch ich hier nicht, trotz guter Leistung von Sky, die Show ist lange genug. Das Tag Team Title Match hat dann auch stark abgeliefert, auch wenn ich eine Niederlage des Jurassic Express besser gefunden hätte. Die 3 Bigmen haben mich hier am Meisten beeindruckt. Der Main Event war dann ein würdiger Abschluss einer viel zu langen Show, dazu war Punk zu dem Zeitpunkt der richtige Sieger. Die Show zu bewerten ist schwer, dank der Länge und dem doch sehr enttäuschenden Mittelteil. Am Ende war der Rest dann doch zu stark um nur 7 Punkte zu vergeben."
Telecine wrote on 18.05.2023:
[8.0] "Die Show fühlte sich ein bisschen an wie zwei Shows in einer und das nicht nur wegen der fast viereinhalbstündigen Länge. Die erste Show ist bei den beiden Finals des Owen Hart Turniers auf dem Höhepunkt und danach beginnt eine zweite Undercard, die im Anarchy Match und Punk-Page kulminiert. Wardlow-MJF war genau das benötigte Match. Wardlow zerstört MJF und ist nun eines der stärksten AEW Faces. Jeff Hardy war es anzumerken, dass er sich hier verletzt hat. Dennoch bringt er das Match notdürftig zu Ende inklusive dreier Swantons, eine davon sogar auf die Treppe. Hätte vielleicht ohne die Verletzung noch besser sein können. Cargill-Jay fand ich für den Erfahrungsstand beider Frauen OK. Jay kommt hier mit einem Outfit als Hommage an ihr altes Gimmick "Star of the Show" heraus, was nett war. Death Triangle gegen House of Black war wild und enthält am Ende endlich den langerwarteten Turn von Julia Hart. Es ist generell cool, dass viele Gruppierungen bei AEW auch weibliche Mitglieder haben. Die beiden Finals des Turniers waren nicht überragend, aber gut. Bei Joe-Cole fiel mir vor allem Mike Chioda auf, der nach langer Zeit mal wieder ein Match bei AEW leitet. Dass mit Baker und Cole das Vorzeige-Pärchen von AEW die Turniere gewinnt, war ein bisschen gestellt, aber Martha Harts Rede danach war ein emotionaler Moment, bestimmt auch für Jim Ross, der damals die Show, in der Owen starb, kommentierte und die Nachricht der Welt verkünden musste. Danach, als dann die zweite Show beginnt, merkt man dem Publikum eine Müdigkeit an. Im Six Person Tag gibt es eigentlich keine große Reaktion bis zum Superkick von Sammy gegen Tay. O'Reilly-Darby fand ich wirklich nicht gut. Es wirkte wie sinnlos aneinandergereihte Spots und gehörte vielleicht wirklich nicht auf diese Card, die üppig genug gefüllt war. Auch während dem soliden Rosa-Deeb hat sich das Publikum noch nicht so wirklich erholt. Erst als Justin Roberts seine verrückte Ring Introduction für das Anarchy Match macht und Moxleys Entrance länger als nötig spielt, sind die Fans wieder zurück, dafür dann aber auch bis zum Ende dabei. Das Anarchy Match war wild, chaotisch und unübersichtlich und damit vermutlich genau das, was es sein sollte. Für mich hat sich das nicht groß auf die Wertung ausgewirkt, aber für die Fans live war es sicherlich ein Spektakel. Während des Tag Title Matches war ich dann mit der Kraft am Ende und mir fielen für etwa 20 Minuten die Augen zu. Punk-Page fand ich dann aber nochmal sehr gut und perfekt zusammengestellt. Der Fokus lag sehr auf den Finishern der beiden und der erste, der ihn wirklich sauber durchbekam, gewann dann auch das Match. Der kurze Moment des Zögerns von Page kostet ihm hier den Titel, was ein schöner Beigeschmack war, der für Page sicher noch charakterbildend sein kann. Alles in allem bei Weitem keine perfekte Show mit ein paar Längen, die aber dadurch, dass sie in der Mitte liegen, gut kaschiert werden. Bei den größer erwarteten Matches liefert die Show ab"
ProWrestlingGuy316 wrote on 16.04.2023:
[3.0] "In meinen Augen eine miese Show. Man hätte ohne Probleme mindestens vier Matches streichen können und zum Teil müssen, da sie zum Teil derbe schlecht waren bzw. nichts auf einer PPV-Card zu suchen haben. Das fängt bei den redundanten Owen Hart- Finals an, geht weiter mit einer komplett sinnlosen Niederlage für Darby Allin und zum Schluss mit dem unterirdischen TBS Titel- Match sowie den peinlichen Zirkus um PVZ. Und kein Match war erwähnenswert gut, sodass es die (tatsächlich vorhandenen) schlechten Teile der Show nicht ausbalanciert. Schwacher PPV und unsäglich lange."
AnotherSpreadsheeter wrote on 16.01.2023:
[6.0] "Fun B-Level show, but nothing life-changing. [Danhausen/HOOK vs Nese/Sterling] - 2.75 stars. [Wardlow vs MJF] - 2.25 stars. [Hardys vs Young Bucks] - 2.75 stars. [Cargill vs Anna Jay] - 2 stars (Worst of the Night). [Death Triangle vs HoB] - 4.25 stars. [Samoa Joe vs Adam Cole] - 3 stars. [Soho vs Baker] - 2.5 stars. [Kaz/Sammy/Tay vs Ethan/Sky/Paige] - 2.75 stars. [Kyle vs Darby] - 3.5 stars. [Thunder Rosa vs Serena Deeb] - 4 stars. [Anarchy in the Arena] - 2 stars. [Tag Title Match] - 4.5 stars (Match of the Night). [Adam PAge vs CM Punk] - 4 stars. Average match rating: 3.10 of 5 stars (or 6.2 of 10). Rounded to 6 for Cagematch."
KENTAfan wrote on 02.12.2022:
[8.0] "Overall a pretty great show. Grew a bit stale at times, especially toward the beginning, but when it got going it got going. Anarchy in the Arena was just incredible fun, the main event was overall really solid, and there were plenty of other great matches as well."
sxltsnxffxdae wrote on 12.11.2022:
[9.0] "definitely a great show. insanely cool matches, title change and much more. some matches will be reviewed in a new way"
myburnersburner wrote on 21.10.2022:
[9.0] "4 PPVs a year and they cram them with action. 4 hour main shows sometimes a bit of a slog but wh9 cares tbh only a few dips throughout so paced very well. Fantastic wrestling across the board and the arena match was just wonderful caranage."
Tullyallen wrote on 12.09.2022:
[9.0] "9/10, This was the first ppv I ever watched and as such its very special to me, I always liked wrestling as a kid but was never allowed watch ppvs. So im glad I decided to check this out and got back into wrestling after all of these years"
Damian wrote on 04.09.2022:
[3.0] "This show is infuriatingly long and downright exhausting. Maybe watching live this feels enjoyable, but watching on demand this is an absolutely boring chore to sit through. Including the pre-show, this was over five hours of mediocre wrestling. Most of the matches didn't need to go as long as they did, and some didn't even need to happen. Darby vs Kyle was one of the better matches in the card, but had no reason to exists besides "huh we forgot to book something for these two, fuck it, it's a match". The mixed tag is probably a not-even-Dynamite-worthy match that you would randomly see as the opener of a Rampage that no one would tune in for. Wardlow vs MJF, awesome story, great crowd, MJF being squashed felt good and logical... Why did it have to go almost 8 minutes? Couldn't Wardlow just kill him in 3? The Hardys are barely able to move their bodies in non-fluid motions, why have them wrestle for 20 minutes in the middle of a show? Khan seriously needs to leave time management to someone else at this point."
coppercowries wrote on 20.08.2022:
[7.0] "A chore of a ppv. Not because it was bad, but it was so long as to be brain numbing at a certain point. Still, had some wonderful matches, like Anarchy in the Arena and Rose vs Deeb, but there were others that definitely could have been cut for tv, and the main event was underwhelming and a bad look for the new champion."
The Wrestling Otaku wrote on 16.08.2022:
[4.0] "THIS WAS LOOOOOOOONG AND TIRING. The show opened with the most anticipated match and it was perfect for what it was. Multiple matches were as usual spotty and formulaic. Darby vs Kyle was excellent even though it was just thrown in. Also did I mention that it was F*CKING LONG."
TKFrampt wrote on 31.07.2022:
[7.0] "The bar for an AEW PPV has been set astronomically high over the last year, and this one did not reach that standard. With that said, it was still good. The Owen Cup finals were both disappointing, it ran on too long and some matches didn't need to be here *but* the positives far outweigh the negatives. Anarchy in the Arena lived up to its billing by being glorious chaos. The Men's World, Women's World and Tag Team title matches were all worthy of the honor. The Darby v. Kyle last minute addition was a good shot of adrenaline during a long show. The Trios match finally paid off Death Triangle v. HOB & Julia's story while offering an exciting preview of what's possible in that division when belts are properly introduced. Looking back, this was a better show than I might have thought initially just due to how out-of-this-world the shows that came before were. A solid thumbs up on this one."
Aliquickk wrote on 14.07.2022:
[4.0] "This card had great potential but was a complete dud up until the Anarchy in the Arena match, which saved the show from being the worst American PPV event of the year. I was most looking forward to Adam Cole vs Samoa Joe, and it being as average as it was killed me inside. While the show picked up some momentum with Anarchy in the Arena, the title match between CM Punk and Adam Page was littered with botches and sloppy wrestling. CM Punk is not the best in the world, and hasn't been since his return to AEW. The match was good at times, and overall enjoyable, but for a championship match to feature that many botches was sloppy and a fitting end to put a bow on this long, terribly paced, poor PPV."
jreidmke wrote on 13.07.2022:
[7.0] "A rough start w/ HoB v. Death Tri being the lone bright spot. But as soon as the Owen tourney was outta the way, the show found its stride (I'm in the minority but I loved the mixed 6 man tag. Especially Kaz getting fed up). KOR's strikes are full bodied and painful to watch. The women's match is the best I've seen from Thunder. Anarchy was spectacular. Outside the champs retaining, the triple threat tag was killer. The main event told a story and was a fitting end for the Punk/Hangman program."
texasyosh wrote on 27.06.2022:
[7.0] "The show went on way too long. You could cut out half the matches and this could be a 9 or a 10. Instead it end up being an 7 because of the fantastic end to the show starting with Darby/KOR and onwards."
Robinaldo wrote on 16.06.2022:
[5.0] "Viiiiieeeeellll zu lang. AEW hat wirklich alles und jeden in diese Show gequetscht. Ob das Sinn ergab oder nicht, ob das spannend war oder nicht. Völlig egal. Die Last trug der geneigte Zuschauer, der sehen konnte, dass aufgrund dieser Fülle und den damit verbundenen Zeitproblemen die Qualität doch erheblich litt. So schaffte es kein Match bei mir in den Status "absolut sehenswert". Und obwohl die Leistungen größtenteils ordentlich waren und es einige Überraschungen, Auftritte, Storylines gab (also alles, was mein Herz bei einem PPV begehrt) - so habe ich einen derartigen Overkill, dass ich erstmal keine AEW-Show mehr sehen und diesem PPV nicht mehr als 5 Punkte geben will."
Sandmann wrote on 12.06.2022:
[8.0] "Guter PPV von AEW. Nicht so gut wie der vorherige aber immer noch mit Top Matches, auch wenn das ganze große Bangermatch vielleicht fehlte. Wardlow gegen MJF war als Opener gut gewählt nach den ganzen Gerüchten im Vorfeld der Show. Das Match war auch mehr Angle denn Wardlow setzt sich ganz souverän durch ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken. Das Match der Hardys gegen die Bucks fand ich besser als ich gedacht hätte. Ich hoffe mal das der Run der Hardys trotzdem nicht mehr allzulange gehen wird. Das schlechteste Match des Abends war das TBS Titel Match. Das lag aber an beiden Wresterlinnen. Das war mal gar nichts und hat mir nicht gefallen. Aber cool das Athena nun da ist. Es folgt mein MOTN. HOB gegen DT war der Hammer. Genau der Typ Match das ich mag. HOB sahen mit der Schminke aus wie Stars und der lang erwartete Turn von Julia Hart war perfekt umgesetzt. Tolles Match, tolle Atmosphäre. Es folgen die beiden Owen Hart Finals. Die waren beide ganz solide aber auch nicht mehr. Die Rehe von Martha Hart fand ich sehr berührend und dafür hat sich das Turnier schon gelohnt. Das Trios Match danach war gut. Gute Action und schöne Aktionen. O'Reilly gegen Allin war gut. Schönes Match für zwischendurch das Spaß gemacht hat. Rosa gegen Deeb war ein starkes Women's Titel Match. Gutes Wrestling von beiden das einfach Spaß gemacht hat. Anarchy in the Arena war ein wilder Brawl quer durch die Arena. Wohl mit der Szene des Jahres als Kingston Jericho flambieren wollte. Das Tag Team Titel Match hat mir dann auch sehr gut gefallen. Das war genau so ein Matchtyp mit vielen Spots den ich einfach mag. Der Sieg der Champions sehh überraschend. Der Main Event war dann ein gutes Big Match Feeling. Die Crowd hatte nochmal richtig Bock drauf, die Matchstory war gut und auch wenn ich für Page war, war Punks Sieg ein toller Moment."
Muller wrote on 12.06.2022:
[5.0] "Pros: hard hitting main event with Punk title winning moment, finally a good AEW Women? s World title match, Anarchy In The Arena was a fun chaotic fight, impressive presentation and solid match for House Of Black, great segment between Wardlow and MJF (but disappointing as a match). Cons: very long runtime with 4 TV matches in the middle of the card (none of them should have been on the show), the Hardys are unconfortable to watch with this slow old man movement speed they have now, simply awful TBS title match, the tag titles should have been changed from Jurassic Express."
GOK4E wrote on 09.06.2022:
[5.0] "This show was disappointing... There were some good and even very good matches (the tag match, the HoB/Death Triangle), but... most of the matches were forgettable or average. That was far too long. KOR/Allin, Cargill/Jay and Team Kaz vs Team Paige were facultative."
The Narrator wrote on 08.06.2022:
[7.0] "Overstuffed with a lot of matches that had weak builds but it didn't drag too bad. Only one real standout match with Anarchy in the Arena. The main title matches were solid."
frankgallaxx wrote on 06.06.2022:
[5.0] "show went on for waaay too long, there were lots of matches that shouldn't have been in the final card, and the booking was questionable for most matches, specially the ones with interferences and ref bumps, which happened too many times in this show. the action was mostly great as always, but some matches were rough, either because of the wrestling or because nobody cared and the matches served no purpose. punk winning the title was a spur of the moment booking decision purely based on his current popularity (which is not even his peak, as the crowd was clearly split 50/50) and not a story. his first title win in almost 10 years doesn't feel earned at all considering he went through zero hardships regarding his age or ring rust, and won every match in aew except for his loss against the over-protected mjf. this is what we call a payoff with no build-up, also known as TNA booking. this did no favors for hangman either, as his reign was thrown in the garbage and ended up looking like a dumb babyface. nobody in this story ends up being a likable character, unless you want to either cheer for the manipulative, past his prime and aimless punk; or the angry, jealous and childish "babyface" hangman. 5/10 show, watch certain matches, respect your time and don't watch the entire show for your own good."
CM Brooks 667 wrote on 03.06.2022:
[10.0] "This card had 6 incredible matches, one of which might wind up in the MOTY discussion. Oh and Punk won the championship. I don't know what more you could want from a PPV."
Robert Taylor wrote on 03.06.2022:
[7.0] "Das war wieder ein echt guter PPV, der sich vor allem in der Mitte aber etwas gezogen hat und mir letztlich zu voll und zu lang war. Der Opener war mehr ein Angle als Match, in dieser Form aber echt nice gemacht. Hat mir gefallen und Wardlow bekommt seinen großen Sieg. Hardys vs. Bucks wird ganz klar von den Bucks getragen und war insgesamt ein ordentliches Match, vielleicht etwas lang. Das TBS Title Match war leider maximal solide. Fand grad das Timing in den ersten Minuten nicht gut aber insgesamt okay. House of Black vs. Death Triangle war dann ein großartiges Spotfest, Action und Moves ohne Ende, überall knallt es. War gut. Cole vs. Joe fand ich etwas besser als es hier wegkommt und Baker vs. Soho war auch ganz nett aber für mich mit der falschen Siegerin. Die Zeremonie danach mit Martha Hart war sehr schön gemacht und sie findet hier tolle Worte. Mein of the Year vs. Tag, Sammy und Kaz war für mich das zweitschlechteste Match des Abends, was sicher auch daran liegt, dass ich einfach keine Lust drauf hatte. Hier passt wenig zusammen, die Face und Heel Verteilung geht überhaupt nicht auf, dazu eine Debutantin mit Page, die aber eine ordentliche Figur gemacht hat. Immerhin die richtigen Sieger. Kyle vs. Darby mochte ich dann wieder mehr. Nettes bis ordentliches Match mit einem heftigen Botch. Bei Deeb vs. Thunder Rosa mussten sich beide anfangs och etwas reinfinden, danach war das aber richtig gut. Sehr sauberes, einfach gutes Wrestling, was der Titel jetzt auch gebraucht hat. Das Anarchy in the Arena Match war dann völlig Banane. Alles geht kaputt, viel Blut, absolutes Chaos und viele krasse Spots. Insgesamt schon echt gut und völlig bekloppt aber halt auch unterhaltsam. Die Homage an New Jack mit der Musik war such einfach grandios. Der Co Main Event ist dann wieder ein ziemliches high Speed Spotfest aber in meinen Augen besser als das Match mit dem House of Black. Ricky Starks ist ohnehin fantastisch und generell wissen die 6 Männer genau, was sie hier macht. Mochte ich sehr. Der Main Event ist mein MOTN, allein wegen der Bedeutung und dem Storytelling. Es gibt äußerst interessante Reaktionen der anwesenden Fans, die sich nicht richtig entscheiden können für wen sie denn eigentlich sind. Hangman struggled hier wieder ein wenig mit sich selbst, auch eine nette Komponente. Starkes Match mit starkem Storytelling."
wewantpunk wrote on 03.06.2022:
[7.0] "Dieser PPV leidet eigentlich nur unter der Länge. MJF / Wardlow war zweckdienlich für die Fehde. Die Young Bucks lassen die Hardys gut aussehen. Das Damen Match um den TBS Titel hätte man auch getrost streichen können. Das Six Man Tag Team Match ist bock stark, auch wenn die Fehde echt sehr fad ist. Alles um das Owen Hart Tournament war leider vorhersehbar und auch nicht das wahre. Die absolute Perle in diesem PPV war das Anarchy in the arena Match. Das war ein lupenreiner und schöner Brawl. Der Main Event hatte ein tolles Storytelling und für mich auch den richtigen Sieger. AEW büßt hier nicht an Spannung und Qualität ein, aber die Länge des Events war wirklich nicht unerheblich. Nun kann man mit voller Kraft auf Forbidden Door schielen."
CeroMiedo313 wrote on 03.06.2022:
[8.0] "Not a perfect show by any means, but still very fun. MJF Wardlow was fun, MJF finally getting his shit kicked in. Bucks Hardy? s was an all time carry job by the bucks to make this work. Hardy? s just should not be wrestling anymore. Jade Anna Jay was alright, I love the malcolm bivens and Athena pickup I think that should help the womens division in terms of quality. 6 man was an epic spotfest and I need to see singles matches with all of these guys, super talented. Joe Cole was fine, did it? s job. Britt soho was bad, it was cool to see Martha give her speech, definitely a feel good moment. Shame some better wrestlers couldn? t have won the tourney tho. Mixed 6 man was also lame, show was looking bleak here, just completely unneeded. Kyle Darby was a great change of pace, perfect injection to the show even if the crowd was dead. The dynamic worked well. Rosa Deeb was a great technical match, hopefully Rosa can get her reign booked better now, she? s shown she can put on bangers. Arena anarchy is my moty so far. Pure violence, pure chaos, might not be for everyone but it got the full 5 stars from me. The tag triple threat was great but there was no reason jurassic express should have won. Team taz needed that win so bad and now they? re just back to square 1. Incredibly frustrating. Main event was a great slow battle capped off by a tremendous title change. Punks run as champ should be very very fun. Up until kyle darby the show was not very special, but the last 5 matches were all great, which elevates it to a 8/10 show. Should have been way shorter but it was still fun."
MilkDDTea wrote on 02.06.2022:
[8.0] "I was pleasantly surprised at how well-paced this show was. Despite the long run time, it wasn't as exhausting to watch as previous AEW ppvs. None of the matches overstaying their welcome, big moments having more time to play out, and video packages/segments between matches were all positives in my book. I hope that they maintain this type of pacing moving forward. That said, a couple of matches were more fit for television, and did not exceed expectations enough to warrant their placement on this card. The overall match quality on this show also did not live up to the incredibly high standard set over previous AEW events. However, plenty of bouts were still great in their own right. Anarchy in the Arena was quite the spectacle, and the last two matches did a fine job following it."
Muggo wrote on 02.06.2022:
[7.0] "I'm giving this a 7, for multiple reasons. First off, A wrestling show should never be longer than 4 hours, and I fell asleep before the main event, so I had to watch whilst avoiding spoilers. Secondly, bar the 6 man tag, the first half of the show was underwhelming, with a lot of the matches being predictable as hell and probably would have been better off on an episode of Dynamite. But starting from the Darby/KOR match, they were all great. Darby/KOR & Rosa/Deeb were great technical matches which had good endings, The 3 way tag was a fun match despite having the bad multi tag team rules, and whilst I was disappointed on the result, it didn't hamper much. The 10 man tag was batshit crazy, and probably my favourite match of this year. From Wild Thing playing over and over, to Eddie Kingston looking like a damn Serial Killer attempting to set Jericho ablaze, It was what you'd expect from a match like that and much more. Then the main event was a psychological battle in Hangman's most anticipated title bout, in which he lost himself the match due to staying true to his morals. If the show was an hour shorter, and the undercard was a bit better, this would have been an 8 or 9, but alas, it isn't."
theflo438 wrote on 02.06.2022:
[6.0] "Ab diesem Event halte ich das Booking bei AEW für unberechenbar. Das ist ein Wendepunkt und einerseits gut, weil ich die Match-Ausgänge aller bisherigen PPVs fast vollständig erraten konnte. Ab jetzt könnte es spannender für mich werden. Andererseits sind die in letzter Zeit angepriesenen 4 Pillars (Allin, Guevara, MJF, Jungle Boy/Page) so schlecht weggekommen, dass ich mir Sorgen um die Individualität AEWs mache. DoN erinnerte mich sanft an die Rentner-Main Events der WCW. Bei CM Punk als neuem World Champion schrillen bei mir die Alarmglocken. Man sah über die letzten Wochen, das er nicht mehr der ist, der er mal war. Hier leistet Punk sich einen peinlichen Botch beim Finisher-Klau zum Buckshot Lariat und fällt fast vom Turnbuckle vor einem Superplex. Allin hat in einem eigentlich schön knackigen Match unnötig gegen den Tag Team-Wrestler O'Reilly verloren. Das Ende von Guevara vs Team Lambert fand ich wiederum konsequent gebookt, aber auch da wird der eigens populär gemachte Guevara einem Verlierer-Schicksal preisgegeben. Jungle Boy macht seine Sache im Team weiter gut. Da wirds bald zwischen ihm und Manager Cage krachen. Aber Jungle Boy war auch schon mal World-Title-Contender. Und MJF verlässt ja womöglich AEW, was diesen völlig lächerlichen Opener erklärt. War zwar ein emotionaler Moment mit Wardlow am Ende, aber der Heel-Charakter von MJF verdient einfach so viel mehr Zerstörung als ein paar Powerbombs. Worauf ich insgesamt hinauswill mit meinem Fokus auf die 4 Pillars: AEW muss es schaffen, eigene Stars aufzubauen, die nur mit ihnen assoziiert werden können und die Liga standhaft gegenüber WWE machen. Darum gucke ich mir die "Zukunft des Wrestlings" ja an. Nach Jericho, Omega, Moxley und Page wäre die Zeit jetzt schon gekommen für einen MJF (dem Tony Khan, wenn er das genauso sähe, bestimmt auch einen ordentlichen neuen Vertrag vorgelegt hätte) oder einen Darby Allin. Die brauchen aber Siege gegen die Altstars, die die "Fackelübergabe" leisten. Genau dazu seien Punk, die Hardys, Jericho und Cage doch da, dachte ich jedenfalls. Mir ist egal, wer die "Zukunft des Wrestlings" ist, solange diejenigen was drauf haben. Sie müssen aber auch große Siege gegen namhafte Gegner erringen dürfen. Bislang hat AEW darin viel Mut bewiesen. Ich lese den Titelgewinn CM Punks jedoch als symbolische Treuebekundung von Tony Khan zur guten alten Zeit. Die ist aber vorbei. Sonstige Kleinigkeiten, die mich am PPV gestört haben: Bei den Owen-Turnier-Finals trugen die späteren Sieger beide Pink. Das jeweilige Matchende wurde dadurch geradezu vorweggenommen. Und 2 der 3 Matches mit Frauenbeteiligung gehörten zu den schlechtesten des Abends. Thunder Rosa gegen Serena Deeb war die positive Überraschung. Es bleibt dabei: Die Frauen-Division ist eine Baustelle bei AEW."
Prince Osborne wrote on 02.06.2022:
[8.0] "The opener was a great end to one of the great stories of AEW in Wardlow's freedom from MJF. Hardys vs. Bucks had a very good match that didn't reach the high level. Cargill vs. Jay was almost as good as their previous outing with a cool couple of debuts. The trios had a blast as both teams gave the long awaited pay-off in the best way possible. Cole vs. Joe was a pretty good finale from the men while Baker vs. Soho wasn't hence ending the tourney on a mild note. The mixed trios was decent in overall. Darby & KOR shocked with a great match while Rosa vs. Deeb rocked as a spectacular wrestling clinic. Anarchy feels right when done right and we witnessed that craziness! The three way tag was wild while Punk etched the upper echelon again with a exceptional title match against Hangman. The whole PPV was super solid but grueling to watch because of the duration."
Paul04 wrote on 02.06.2022:
[6.0] "Four excellent matches, two horrible HORRIBLE matches, and a lot of decent good Dynamite/Rampage matches"
SimonMatveev wrote on 01.06.2022:
[7.0] "Here's the problem. As a standalone event, without looking at past AEW PPVs, this show is pretty good. But while comparing, it becomes obvious that lack of buildup and enormous card took a lot from the product. Certainly, there were some cool moments, like Wardlow's big win, but great part of matches truly belonged on TV. Both women championship matches were not very impressive, and main event suffered from botches and predictability. Also finishing two matches in a row with interruption is really strange decision, making DoN look like a glorified Dynamite episode. Still, matches like Death Triangle vs. House of Black, triple tag and crazy five on five arena match greatly improved overall impression."
Wishmaster wrote on 01.06.2022:
[8.0] "Der PPV brauchte etwas um in die Gänge zu kommen. Die 1. Stunde war eher standard bis enttäuschend. Durch die realen Geschehnisse um MJF fiel schon mal das gesamte Booking ein wie ein Kartenhaus und man schusterte sich die bestmögliche Vorgangsweise für das Match zusammen. Wardlow squasht MJF nach allen Regeln der Kunst und ist frei von seinem Vertrag und ist All Elite. Hardys vs. Bucks war ok..Jeff Hardy scheint nicht wirklich da gewesen zu sein. Was war da wieder los? Teilweise abwesend; dann ein paar saubere Moves und dann wieder komplett daneben...und das ab dem Entrance (also beim Match dürfte nichts dergleichen passiert sein) Match war dennoch ganz ok aber mit den falschen Siegern. Aus Cargill vs. Anna Jay hat man aus einem unscheinbaren Match enorm viel rausgeholt inklusive Debüts von Hathaway & Athena. Hat mich überrascht. House of Black vs, Death Triangle war ein Showstealer sondergleich. Brody King ist ein Biest und generell haben alle eine absolut tolle Leistung geboten. Julia Hart nun endlich (! ) beim House of Black. Danach gab es das solide aber doch entäuschende Owen Hart Tournament-Finale zwischen Samoa Joe & Adam Cole. War entgegen meiner Erwartung leider nichts besonderes. Da wäre mit einer guten Story eindeutig mehr drin gewesen. Das Frauen-Finale fand ich jedoch, obwohl ich letztens Britt Baker-Bashing betrieben habe, gut. Beide zeigten eine gute Leistung und Soho's unbändiger Wille das Turnier zu gewinnen fand bei mir anklang. Leider jedoch schaffte es Baker und das Power Couple kann sich zu den ersten Gewinnern der Trophäe zählen.Nach dem unterhaltsamen Mixes-Trios Match erfing sich dann der PPV. Kyle O'Reilly vs. Darby Allin & das Womens Title Match waren technisch astrein und schöne Matches mit richtigen Gewinnern. Und ja..der Anarchy in the Arena Brawl. Wie zu allerbesten ECW-Zeiten. Da passte alles wie Arsch auf Eimer. Alleine, dass Moxley's Theme die Hälfte des Matches gespielt hat war atmosphärisch eine Bombe. Noch dazu war das Match teilweise ganz knapp davor von TV-14 ins TV-MA zu springen. Mit der JAS als Sieger war das auch eine richtige Entscheidung denn diese stehen jetzt ultrastark da. Der Co-Mainer war das Triple Threat Tag Title Match und auch das war eine Granate. Überraschend, dass hier Jungle Boy & Luchasauraus verteidigen konnten. Überhaupt kam mir der PPV vom Lineup ein wenig wie ein NJPW-PPV vor..die Undercard zuerst und die Banger alle hintereinander am Schluss. Und mit Punks Titelgewinn lässt man auch noch den PPV enden. Nebenbei gab es noch die Info, dass Rush bei AEW ist und mit Andrade die Ingobernables wiederbelebt. Auch die vielen speziellen Ringattires, die sich quer durch den PPV zogen sind positiv hervorzuheben, dass für dies für die Worker auch etwas Besonderes ist.. ein PPV der am Anfang eher pfui und gegen Ende mehr als hui war."
PavelDragunov wrote on 01.06.2022:
[8.0] "I realized that I was so stressed out about this show. Really cool fighters in their matches pulled veterans hard, and most often they did it poorly. Samoa Joe is the most unsuitable candidate for the finals of such a tournament, it's hard for him to fight with such rivals and in the end it would be better if Kyle was in the finals. I'm sure Owen Hart clearly approved of such a finale a lot more! The Young Bucks, for example, turned out to serve veterans properly, but it didn't work out to steal the show from them like all the times before. Consider the big streak of the best matches on the show from The Young Bucks interrupted. Unfortunately, the TBS title did not meet expectations, as did the first champion. I will not write about the debuts on the show, they are interesting and all the characters are new good workers, I will personally write about them in their first matches. The speech of Owen Hart's wife touched me and I even cried, the title in honor of the tournament was good. The winners are also good, it's a pity the tournament finals themselves came out completely different from what I expected. Wardlow is finally free, MJF and its status is still unclear to me. The House Of Black/Death Triangle is a wildly cool match, give them titles among the trio and they won't let you down, I know that their design already exists (hehe). Sammy Guevara & Tay Conti are the perfect love couple of villains. Kyle O'Reilly and Darby Allin marked the transition of the show to the second stage in which all subsequent matches were very cool and worthy of ppv. AEW Women's World Title Match is the best women's match in the history of ppv AEW as for me, everything was right from start to finish, you can see what happens when you give a match to two professionals. Anarchy In The Arena is a masterpiece of the whole show, I haven't seen such chaos for a long time, a lot of humor, cruelty and original moments, I recommend everyone to watch! AEW World Tag Team Title has become another positive stage of the show, a bright spot-fest that will suit everyone especially for tea or pizza. Well, at the end, CM Punk triumphed in AEW with a pretty good match closer to the final, here I will not say that I am happy for him, for me Adam's championship race seemed not yet brought to a logical finale, but he mentally broke down, he will have to fix it. As a result, if ppv had been reduced, the extra TBS match had been removed and the finals Tournament had been made better and more original, then I would have been more satisfied, but the second part of the show was able to cheer me up and the overall impression was able to level up."
GiveMeTheBook wrote on 01.06.2022:
[5.0] "Pretty bad PPV. If I paid $50, I would be pissed. Anarchy in the Arena saved the show, one of the most fun wrestling matches I have seen so far. Nothing else was memorable at all."
samirandres1428 wrote on 01.06.2022:
[3.0] "Wardlow VS MJF: . The match itself, was relly dessapointing, even if the wiinner of it was pretty obvious, to be tje opener. Was a pretty slow and boring match. [*]; The Hardys VS The Young Bucks: It wasn't the best match of the Tag Team history, but really played a special role to be that nostalgic and last matches of the Hardys at a PPQ. Nothing else than that, absolutely loving the Hardys. [****]; Jade Cargill VS Anna Jay: Most of the things with this match worked really bad for both wrestlers, and make this, again, a failure. There were like 4 interferences that were pretty nonsense, the action in the ring was a total disaster, and the storyrline behind it I don't even remember it. There were just two high points at the match, the Debut of Athena, and the enf of the match. Really bad match. [1/2]; Death Triangle VS The House Of Black: Now this is a tag match PPV caliber, with a bunch great spots and tag team action combinations, to finally leading to an end that leads the door open to another match. Good match. [****1/2]; Samoa Joe VS Adam Cole: Felt like a filler match, with zero charisma, chemistry and very slow wrestling. Terrible to watch. The interference from REDragon was really nonsense. Terrible decision from Tony Khan. [0]; Ruby Soho VS Dr. Britt Baker DMD: Same as the previous one, a match that wasn't as expected, slow and with zero chemistry. [*]; Frankie Kazarian, Sammy Guevara & Tay Conti VS Men Of The Year & Paige VanZant: A filler match that was adequate to give us a pause before the title matches. Nothing special, the clasiccal babyfaces (I guess) beat the heels. [**]; Kyle O'Reilly VS Darby Allin: Same as the previous one, but this being a more stylish and fresh filler match. Kile and Darby are excellent in the ring, but I can't give more than a satisfactory to this filler. [***1/2]; AEW Women's World Title Match: Finally some decent women's wrestling around here. Nice psichology, nice in-ring action, and very nice defense for Thunder Rosa. Let's hope this help her improve her reign. [***]; Anarchy In The Arena Ten Man Tag Team Match: Absolute chaos, with a very WWE'ish style of wrestling, but also veing very brutal and nonsense everyhwere at the stadium. Clearly, the MOTN. [*****]; AEW World Tag Team Title Three Way Match: As expected, very good semi main event. All the spots and flippy action expected, and all the tag team combinations from heavyweights to juniors. It continues the reign of the boy and his dinosaur. [****1/4]; AEW World Title Match: Maybe it's because there has been more than 5 hours of wrestling, but this moment felt special, but not as it was supposed to be. The match was good, the rivalry was pretty good, but at the end, it was just a good not memorable match. [****]; It's pretty sad to say, but this had been the worst PPV of AEW. At least 4 matches that were pretty bad, compapred to other thah were pretty good. This time, Tony Khan failed. [*1/2]"
Mizzle Assault Ant wrote on 01.06.2022:
[6.0] "I thought this was a very mixed show, some stuff was tremendous but some stuff was surprisingly weak, and certainly the show was too long to watch in one go. Loved the Fenix six man, the women's title match, the tag title match, and Arena Anarchy is my new favorite match of 2022. However there were some very strange booking choices. The broken ass Hardys beat the Bucks in a dreadful match? Britt gets yet another win she doesn't need? Darby drops a clean loss to a lukewarm KOR? And the main event for me was disappointing, way too much melodrama and though I like Punk I thought it was poor to see Hangman lose the title in such a weird storyline. Pair that with some other weak matches, like Cole/Joe and the TBS title match, and I have to say that this was likely the weakest AEW PPV yet."
UWF Rules Enthusiast wrote on 01.06.2022:
[5.0] "This was an okay show overall. There were a couple of decent matches (Bucks vs. Hardy Boyz and Rosa vs. Deeb) and a couple of matches that were pretty good (House of Black vs. Death Triangle and Kyle O'Reilly vs. Allin). The rest of the show, including the main event, was nothing special though."
WrestleHAM wrote on 31.05.2022:
[10.0] "This was a great wrestling show, from top to bottom. No matches were ? stinkers? and you will get a ton of entertainment value from This show. Highlights are MJF getting destroyed by Wardlow, Rancid? s performance, and the absolute insanely great Anarchy in the Arena match. You can add to this the catharsis of CM Punk winning his first AEW World Title. If you are a Punk fan, it? s absolutely worth seeing just for that, even if the match is maybe a B+ match. (Hangman Page had better matches with Omega and Danielson) It is a long show, but nothing really drags."
Iceq wrote on 31.05.2022:
[8.0] "Die Show war sehr lange und hatte eindeutig zu viele Matches, daher leidet die Qualität etwas darunter. Jedoch gab es trotzdem viele Matches die sehr stark waren wie, House of Black/Death Triangle, Anarchy in the Arena und den Main Event. Hätte man hier weniger Matches gehabt, dann wäre der Fluss der Show deutlich besser gewesen. So ist sie halt etwas zu lange, hat aber dennoch wirlich viele gute Matches zu bieten."
Vivien Desloges wrote on 31.05.2022:
[8.0] "Not the strongest PPV gave by AEW, but still a great one. The first hour was dull but the trios bout elevated the things up, but the Owen finals were so boring. From KOR vs. Allin to the main-event, that was PPV-worthy. Insane bout on insane bout, that was a crazy atmosphere. I heard that TK bought an extra hour for Martha Hart. As her speach was superb, i'm not sure she spoke all that time. A bit tired at the end, near five hours of pay-per-view, damn, but that was time-worthy."
EddieK97 wrote on 31.05.2022:
[5.0] "I have to give this PPV a 5. Mostly for being way too long and way too much going on. Some of these matches could've went on Dynamite or Rampage. Plus, my PPV Provider cut the feed 10 minutes before it ended for it being too long. At least I got this PPV for half the price over their (aew's) mistake."
Thibault wrote on 31.05.2022:
[7.0] "The average of the notes that I gave to the matches is 6, but I add 1 point to give a 7 and thus reward the length of the show and the quality of the production. But it wasn't, in my opinion, a really good PPV."
ITaughtEnzo wrote on 31.05.2022:
[8.0] "Great show, started with an awesome squash match in MJF vs Wardlow. Hardys vs Bucks was shaky but still better than I expected (I get really uneasy watching Jeff Hardy wrestle now, luckily he didn't do anything nuts on this show). Jade vs Anna Jay was weak, their first match was decent, this match was not good, debuts at the end were nice though so I think things will get brighter on this front. Trios match was AWESOME, a really fun, high energy match, Brodie King looked like a million bucks and I can't wait to see what's next for House of Black. The Owen Hart Tournament matches were underwhelming, I don't think either match was bad, but Britt beating Ruby is not the booking I would have gone for. Felt like Joe and Cole should have went a little harder. Mixed Trios match was not very good, thank god this feud is over, can't wait for everyone involved in this to go onto something better. Kyle vs Darby was a fast paced, short, match that felt really good to watch, I need Darby to slow down a bit though, I am concerned for his future if he keeps these crazy spots up. Rosa vs Deeb was a technical match that worked really well, two vets tearing it up, wonderful match. Anarchy in the Arena was SO MUCH FUN. This match was so frantic and violent and fun. I loved it. Also why did this 10 man brawl through an Arena have less camera cuts than the average Raw match? *ba dum tiss* Triple threat tag match was really fun but I have 2 issues, first I would have put the belts on Swerve and Keith Lee here, and second, STOP DOING THESE RULES. a 3 way tag match should have a legal man from each team at all times, not two legal teams, it doesn't make sense to me and hampers these matches. Main Event RULED, love that Punk is champ and can't wait to see what's next for him and Hangman, Hangman has quickly become one of the best in-ring guys in the world and is such a sympathetic babyface, and Punk's old veteran run has been captivating. I loved this match and it put this show over the top from good to great. Overall, show was too long, but it was a largely awesome show and I had a great time watching it. 8/10"
Tmoney0925 wrote on 31.05.2022:
[3.0] "This was unbelievably underwhelming. I gave 1 point for every match that I thought was decent and ended with 4. Hardyz/Bucks (begrudgingly), Allin/O'Reilly, Rosa/Deeb, and Punk/Page were the only matches worth watching. But I took a point for how long this thing was. Not just long, but horribly dull in long stretches. AEW needs to go back to the drawing board because they're blowing it."
ferrante207 wrote on 31.05.2022:
[6.0] "This was total 10 lbs of poop in a 5 lb bag situation. Overly long, way too much filler. The 10 man was amazing and will be a canonical aew match going forward. The rest was somewhat under whelming. I get that AEW doesn't have monthly PPVs, but this was just way too much, felt like the classic WrestleMania 'get everyone on the card" disease."
enei200 wrote on 31.05.2022:
[7.0] "The PPV was good overall. Nonstop action is always a plus for me. The only match I didn't like that much is for the TBS title. But continuing on this topic, there wasn't anything grand that AEW's previous PPV's had. Sure, Punk won the title, but the match itself wasn't memorable as it could be. Plus, the contless botches we had in almost every single match. Just bad luck probably, but it left a feeling of constantly waiting when the next botch is going to be"
Sebastian V wrote on 31.05.2022:
[8.0] "Gerade vor dem Hintergrund, was im Vorfeld passierte und spekuliert wurde fand ich den Opener gut gewählt und auch anständig, weil es schon mit einer gewissen Katharsis verbunden war zu sehen, dass MJF bekommt was er verdient. Das Match der Hardys gegen die Young Bucks war mehr als anständig und eigentlich genau das, was man stilistisch erwarten konnte. Cargill gegen Jay war zwar das schwächste Match der Show aber ich fand es zumindest noch ganz okay. Das Six Man Tag Match danach war erwartungsgemäß das beste Match der Undercard. Das war ein richtig gutes, PWG haftes Match. Cole gegen Joe fand ich anständig, beide Matches danach solide. Das war zwar die schwächere Phase aber zum Durchatmen her für die "heiße Phase" war das gar nicht schlecht die im erweiterten Sinne schon mit den beiden Matches danach begann, die ich beide gut fand ( O'Reilly gegen Allin war auch in der Kompaktheit der Sleeper der Show für mich) und dann kam mein MOTN. Das Anarchy in the Arena Match hatte viele tolle Momente und war auch durchweg unterhaltsam und wirkte auch nicht so lang wie gedacht. Das Co ME hatte auch coole Spots und besonders Lee und Strickland haben mich positiv überrascht. Das ME war dann wrestlerisch sicher nicht das Topmatch aber es brachte dieses Big Time Feeling rüber und der Sieg von Punk war dann ein großer Moment übrigens genauso wie vorher die finale Hinwendung von Julia Hart zum House of Black. Insgesamt war das in meinen Augen eine gute Show, welche 8 Punkte verdient."
cmchamp wrote on 31.05.2022:
"As always for this company I don't know how to rate it because while there are good things, the PPVs are WAY TOO LONG. I watch wrestling to enjoy it, not to get tired."
Pertinax wrote on 31.05.2022:
[8.0] "When an event that is one of the best PPVs of the year and blows away anything the competition offer is considered one of the weaker offerings in a promotion's catalog, you know that promotion has set the bar damn high. And that is precisely the case here with AEW Double or Nothing 2022. We have seen previous AEW PPVs with no real dud matches or at least where every match had some redeeming qualities, but unfortunately that was not the case here. There were a few clunkers that dragged it down but the good matches were REALLY good and helped wash away the stench from the bad ones. Another must-watch event."
norahdarp wrote on 31.05.2022:
[8.0] "A great PPV with lots of outstanding matches. It wasn't perfect, there were a couple matches that were disappointing, such as MJF/ Wardlow, and Cargill/Jay. However, there was much more good than bad. The Anarchy in the Arena match, the House of Black/Death Triangle match, and the Tag Team championship match were all outstanding. I do feel that it was a bit long at points, and some matches could've definitely been moved for Dynamite or Rampage. 8/10"
Penta Suzuki wrote on 31.05.2022:
[7.0] "A good PPV with a weak middle. The three match stretch of the two Owen Cup finals and the mixed tag was rough, although the Martha Hart speech was very nice. KOR vs Darby turned the show back around with a great match that was followed by an equally great Women's title match. The best match of the night was a straight shootout between the trios match and anarchy in the arena, both insane and fantastic in different ways. The Wardlow/MJF angle was booked perfectly and a great way to start the show. Hardys vs Bucks wasn't as bad as I expected and I enjoyed Jade vs Anna despite its numerous problems. The final two matches were good enough but overshadowed by plenty of other matches and Jurassic Express retaining, along with the choice of Owen Cup winners, are booking decisions I can not get behind. I loved the little Gunn Club/Acclaimed segment, putting those two teams together was genius. It was also nice to see Andrade back after a short absence and bringing Rush in should be great. Unfortunately though, still no sign of Miro."
Mr Mayhem wrote on 31.05.2022:
[8.0] "--- As a whole probably the weakest AEW PPV since DoN 2021, however that's because of the insane standards and expectations for an AEW PPV. ---- In terms of positives, the MJF/Wardlow match was exactly what it needed to be. Wardlow is now a made man, a star and in terms of storyline, officially All Elite which was a beautiful moment. ---- The House of Black/Death Triangle trios match which unfortunately wasn't a good build because of an injury turned out to be one of the best matches of the night. All 6 men are incredible performers, almost everyone in this match could be a singles champion, which tells you the quality of this company. We finally got the payoff fans were waiting for with Julia Hart joining HOB by misting PAC. ---- The presentation of the Owen Hart tournament winners, with Martha Hart getting a moment to give a public speech thanking everyone and allowing Owen to be celebrated again was heartwarming. The Titles also look great. ---- Statlander showing up after the TBS Title match was a smart and deserved move to ease the fans fears that she would be overlooked. Followed up by a debuting Athena (the former Ember Moon) to even the odds. AEW's Women's division is improving here. ----- The final 1 hour and a half was by far the best end sequence of matches of any AEW PPV. 5 great matches in a row. ---- Darby/O'Reilly was physical and hard-hitting. Thunder Rosa/Serena Deeb showed what happens when the best women in AEW are given time to work, in what was one of the best AEW Women's matches in AEW. Anarchy in the Arena was one of the most insane hardcore brawls I have ever seen, basically a Stadium Stampede done live. The music, the chaos, the bodies, the story. It started out fun then took a scary turn with the sight of a bloodied Eddie Kingston walking to the ring with a can of Gasoline (Yes you read that right, Gasoline). The 3-way tag title match was another example that AEW has the best tag division in the world right now, all the 3 teams are over with the crowd, the wrestling was fantastic and again multiple guys in this match that could be singles champions. Finally the main event. Hangman vs CM Punk. The most high stakes, unpredictable World Title match in AEW history. The crowd were rabid, both sides really wanted their guy to win (this was 4 and a half hours into the PPV btw and the crowd were still loud). In the end CM Punk became champion and promised to drag AEW "to the promised land". ------ Now for the negatives which dragged the show down a point. ----- Too many matches on this show didn't need to be on such a big PPV. Hardys/Bucks was a good match, the Mixed tag match, Jade vs Anna (although the post match angle was worth it) and Darby vs KOR. ------ Another negative were the winners of the Owen Hart Foundation tournament. Britt Baker doesn't need any more big wins, it's time to establish other women, Ruby, Statlander and Toni could have really used this win. Adam Cole is becoming stale, his match with Joe"
PunkPariah wrote on 31.05.2022:
[8.0] "I had a lot of fun. First half was pretty good, not amazing but pretty good. Second half was really good though. Main Event is fantastic in terms of story telling, Anarchy in The Arena is mental, The 6 man is awesome, Thunder Rosa and Deeb worked a really good solid match, and Kyle and Darby had the sleeper hit of the night. Really good overall. Not as mindblowingly good as Revolution but what do you expect? Everything can't be the best thing ever."
SkywalkerSpaghetti wrote on 31.05.2022:
"The weirdest AEW PPV ever, the highs are really high, but the lows are really, really low. MJF vs Wardlow: MJF deserved more. [6/10]. The Bucks and Jade's matches are not worthy rating. HOB vs Death Triangle: WHAT. A. BANGER. [10/10]. The Tournament Finals: Terrible wrestling, terrible booking decisions. Imagine having such a roster, packed with good wrestler and giving the Owen Hart prize to two of the worst workers in the company right now. This shit made me incredibly furious. [0/10]. Sammy's match in not worthy rating. Kyle vs Darby: just a exhibition match, could easily be in Dynamite. It was really cool tho, but it's not PPV level. [6/10]. Didn't watched Serena vs Rosa. JAS vs BCC: I swear, i never had so much fun watching professional wrestling before. This one is for the ages! I was having a terrible experience watching this PPV live, but this was absolutely worthy! MOTN easily, and i think it's the best multi-man match EVER. [11/10]. Tag Titles Three Way: Surpassed my expectations. Really good match, although the result is very, very questionable. [7.5/10]. CM Punk vs Hangman: Underwhelming, sloppy, weird. The worst match of Punk in this run he's having, and the worst match of Hangman's reign. The overbooked finish just made things worse. This PPV was entirely built around this dream match, still, the build up was so disappointing. The hype on this one was really, really high and absolutely didn't delivered. [3/10]."
arrancar wrote on 31.05.2022:
[5.0] "I wanted to enjoy this show way more, but there were just far too many mediocre matches, plain bad matches, and underwhelming 'good' matches. MJF vs Wardlow was very basic but still quite fun. MJF's heel work was great and Wardlow's limitations were well hidden. ***1/4. The Bucks vs The Hardys was alright. The Hardys were quite awkward and sloppy at points, but Bucks did well carrying the match with their smooth spots and energetic bumping. ***. Jade vs Anna was pretty bad. Both were obviously quite sloppy, but they had a few okay ideas and played their respective heel/face roles finely. *3/4. Death Triangle vs House of Black was an utterly overkill spotfest but had an exhilarating pace and many creative and (mostly) flawless spots. Lame finish with Julia. ***1/4 - ***1/2. Cole vs Joe was alright. Joe carried this with his wonderfully impactful attacks and his general intensity. Cole's wimpy selling and relatively weak offence was disappointing, though he had handful of nice attacks. ***. Britt vs Ruby had lots of heartless exchanges without anything exciting or compelling. Britt's offence was pretty trash, while Ruby's was just mediocre. **. The 6-man tag had fine work all around but massively suffered from a total lack of heat. Sammy and Tay got good heel heat at points, though. PVZ looked pretty tragic. **1/2. Darby vs O'Reilly was good. O'Reilly impressed with his worked-MMA style, while Darby impressed with his insane daredevil stunts and sympathetic babyface-selling. The mixing of their styles was fun, though they were clearly capable of far more. ***1/4 - ***1/2. Rosa vs Deeb was very mediocre. Some of their interactions were either pretty sloppy or far too obviously telegraphed. Deeb's technical work was good (though even she fumbled a bit), but most of Rosa's offence looked very mediocre, even amateurish at points. Their "epic match" moments were annoyingly try-hard. **1/2. The Anarchy in the Arena match was just a big, mindless brawl. The various separated pairs and constant camera cuts made it impossible to follow what was going on. A few alright spots, but I was mostly just waiting for it to end. **1/2. The Tag Title 3-way was a good little spotfest. Everyone got time to show off, but sadly no-one got enough time to truly impress as a result of constantly having to share screen time. Awful, awful decision for Jurassic Express to retain. Starks and Swerve deserve better. ***1/4. Page vs Punk was disappointing. Page's offence was good, and I enjoyed him leaning into the heel work and that ultimately costing him. Punk was unfortunately an underwhelming opponent in response, looking mostly 'decent' at best and *really* awkward at worst -- definitely not looking like title-challenger let alone champion material. Their "epic-match" moments were annoyingly forced, though they still managed to have a few cool exchanges/spots. Interesting to see how Punk goes as champ, especially with how physically limited he is. ***1/4"
hrtjuulpod wrote on 31.05.2022:
[8.0] "The early matches were boring, the last few made up for it. Overall, pretty fun, good PPV. The Anarchy in the Arena match will hold up for a long time."
Sunny Sapphire wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "A very good and solid show. Which was too long in my opinion. They had too much to really care about everything and if you watch it live, you would feel burn-out. Watching it in the middle of the day helped me with that. I don't think that putting that much on your card helps your workers, but will make people check out earlier than you want them too. Especially if you look at some matches that took place, sloppy, messy, a lot of interferences and such. Waste of time if what we call that. Even so, the show was very good."
robrob77 wrote on 30.05.2022:
[7.0] "This was tooooooooooo loooooooooonnggggg. Come on men, I can't enjoy the show properly if it lasts five hours. I would take out of the card KOR vs Darby and Bucks vs Hardys"
ArghTwentySix wrote on 30.05.2022:
[4.0] "AEW's most up and down PPV. For one, I don't care if they only have 4 PPV's, no PPV needs to be as long as this one was. Also, the booking around a basketball game that anyone who paid $50 for a PPV has on a second screen was beyond dumb and just led to a block of filler that also harmed the women's title match, which was not the kind of energy-infused match that could bring the interest back up enough. There were a lot of questionable booking decisions (JE retaining the tag title, the continued Charlotte-ing of Britt Baker, the finishes of Anarchy in the Arena and the main event) and plenty of matches that belonged on TV or the Buy-In (KOR/Darby, Bucks/Hardys, TNT clusterf***, Jade/Anna). For any other company, this would be a good PPV but AEW has raised their own standards and this show fell way below them. First time I have felt disappointed by an AEW PPV."
eltetechori wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "A PPV with a sweet and bitter taste, I do not hesitate to give it a high rating for what happened, but it is impossible to leave behind those fights that took place in the middle of the PPV, I can not believe that even the Owen Hart tournament ended this way (the best the ceremony), great fights at the end that rescued this DoN."
Kiryyuu wrote on 30.05.2022:
"Wardlow vs. MJF was what it needed it be even though I wished it was a bit longer. The Bucks made The Hardys look like shit. Just shows you how good FTR are having managed to put on a great match with these clowns. Jade Cargill is so comfortable and confident in the ring it's insane, however her work still looks like shit half the time. House of Black vs Death Triangle was decent but doesn't redeem their shitty booking lately. Cole vs Samaoa Joe was ok, they're both a little out of shape so it dragged the match down a bit and Joe should've won imo. Britt Baker, as always, wrestled in slow motion and stunk up the joint. The trios mixed tag had its moments and I enjoyed it for what it was. Darby and Kyle put on a good match, Kyle is becoming one of my favourites in the roster. The women's title match was one of the best of the night, it started real good and they got a little bit sloppy towards the end but they ended it well. Anarchy in the arena was... something. I get why people would hate it but it did feel chaotic and mostly fun to watch. The three way is what'd you expect, a fun spotfest. Ricky's rope spot was hilarious tbh and I think they chose the right winner, now time to give FTR their title shot. The main event was good, it was sloppy at times and the two Buckshot botches almost ruined it for me but as long as Punk is champion now, I'm happy. Now I wanna see Danielson vs. Punk! Overall a decent show made a lot more enjoyable thanks to the great crowd"
Derek Joists wrote on 30.05.2022:
[6.0] "Oof. This was hugely disappointing by AEW's standards, probably one of the weakest shows they've put on, including the TV shows. Some of this was frankly expected going into the show - there were at least two to many matches, the Owen had been poorly booked, and there was a Jade match. Nothing apart from those was below average, but a lot was bang on average, with the exceptions being the trios match, the women's title match, and the Anarchy match. There was also a distinct lack of high quality technical wrestling, which probably contributed to me not really enjoying the show as much as I usually do AEW. I probably also have higher standards for AEW as they're usually much better than this, but as a whole this was a huge disappointment. 6.5 would probably be a fair score, but rounded down due to the disappointment. Hopefully this will turn out to be an abberation, and they improve from here."
NakazawaNumberOne wrote on 30.05.2022:
[3.0] "Way too long, and pointless matches just for the sake of getting people on the card. There was no story to Jade and Anna Jay, the ATT story was just bad, and Darby and Kyle is only starting. You could have cut out an hour and a half and this would be a great card, but as it stands, we turned it off well before the main event and I finished it on my own this morning. Great great talent, but there needs to be some more voices in the booking of the shows to make everyone look their best."
Vaporpunk17 wrote on 30.05.2022:
[7.0] "Compared to the past 2 AEW PPV's, this started off a bit underwhelming. Once the 6-man match took place that's when the pace picked up and from there besides some minor dips, it was mostly a quality PPV."
KennyBiGodOmega wrote on 30.05.2022:
"I'd give this PPV a 7.0/10. This was the first AEW PPV that I found myself just not enjoying. Felt overbooked and overcrowded at times. The first half of the show was an easy 4.0/10 and things really only picked up after the Celtics - Heat Game 7 ended. Match of the night? Deeb vs Rosa. That match set the standard for women's wrestling in this company. The continued push of Britt Baker is mind boggling given that the roster is flushed with women's talent. House of Black vs Death Triangle was also very good and earned my second spot for best match. Anarchy in the Arena match was fun and kept the crowd alive. Tag title match was fun, but Jurassic Express has had a mostly mediocre run due to poor booking and lack of storytelling. Not their fault, just feels like they're transitional champs who are never booked to drop the belts. Hangman vs Punk had good moments, but not a fan of Hangman's nearly three year build being flushed away just to get a title on Punk. Punk doesn't need the title to get over, so it's an odd dynamic for me. Feels like a cry to appease casuals and you can argue that the original era of AEW is officially over."
elvikingo29 wrote on 30.05.2022:
[7.0] "Not quite jumping the shark with ppvs yet, but still weakest aew ppv i can remember, although hot crowds always help. I'm sympathetic to US east coasters dealing with a different pacing. They basically pushed the event forward one hour because of some odd NBA scheduling reasons that'll never make sense to me. The bigger splitting-your-audience's-attention problem is with another ppv coming down the way so soon, combined with the absurd price. The heel/face dynamic in the main was interesting/confusing. Punk was blown up, wonder what kind of champion he'll make. Horrified at a potential aew with him and the hardys as champs at the same time, given Jeff's perpetually dazed and confused nature. The Owen Hart stuff was super lame, with the matching gears and everything, why even bother watching when they come out looking like that? Even with martha hart up there, I'm not gullible enough to give a damn about the Coles in that position - Low point. There were no highs. If you're a new japan fan who catches aew ppvs, skip this one and wait a month."
el camino wrote on 30.05.2022:
[7.0] "Very little was outright bad on this show but it felt roughly half the card was filler. As for the pantheon of AEW shows, this was one of the weaker ones, but still good."
Uweuwesen wrote on 30.05.2022:
[9.0] "Die Show begann eigentlich schon 12 Stunden vorher, als noch nicht klar war, was mit MJF los ist. Wir bekamen einen wunderbaren Storylineabschluss mit dem Triumph von Wardlow direkt zu Beginn. Das Tag Team Match war dann doch ansehnlich und war gesäumt von richtig coolen Video Paketen. Der TBS Titel Fight war das bisher vielleicht beste Match, nein, unterhaltsamste Match von Jade Cargill? Natürlich mit viel Overbooking! House of Black gegen das Death Triangle war ein irre gutes Spotfest mit einem Super coolen Storylineende! Absolut top! Nach beiden Turnierfinals hatten wir eine ganz schöne Rede von Martha Hart. Das mix Trios Match war schöner Sportsentertainment-Kram mit interessanter Szenerie. Hinterher gab es direkt ein echt gutes Wrestlingmatch von Allin und O? Reilly. Die Phase in die wir danach kamen war vielleicht eine der stärksten der AEW Geschichte. Es folgten in meine Augen 4 absolute Banger mit einem krönenden Abschluss der 5 Stunden"
Fineplum wrote on 30.05.2022:
[7.0] "The problems with this show were evident before the start: too many unnecessary matches, which had no business being on this PPV, hurting the stuff that was really great by exhausting you up to that point. You could easily remove three matches from this show, cutting it down to 3.5h and all of a sudden it looks much leaner and focused. Start of the show was great with the culmination of one of the best booked feud in AEW, then the show took a nosedive, fully recovering with 3 last matches."
chuckstuckey wrote on 30.05.2022:
[3.0] "Two major problems with this event - one with the booker, one with the performers. 1.) There was a five match stretch of below average wrestling, completely draining the at-home and in-person crowd. AitA was a pure shot of adrenaline, but it, the tag title match, and main event should've been dotted throughout. 2.) Botches aren't just silly mistakes that end up on Botchamania - they legitimately take the wind out of the audience and can ruin otherwise big moments. Not a single match was free of some kinda sloppiness, which is unheard of from a major promotion. But the ultimate goal - to 'send them home happy' - just isn't possible when Punk botches two Buckshots and kicks out late from a finisher."
Justt wrote on 30.05.2022:
[5.0] "I am not a AEW diehard but usually their PPVs are great. This is not the case. I think this show suffered from nonstop spot matches and the length. It was a four and a half hour show with two or three good matches. I think (and I hope) the Forbidden Door show will be better."
flightaker321 wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "The first half of this PPV was rough with the only match that was actually really good was HOB vs the Death of triangle with everything else being pretty mediocre although MJF vs Wardlow was perfect for what it was. The 2nd half of the PPV that started with Darby vs O'Reilly was awesome tho. Hangman's run was filled with awesome matches but I wish he was presented better the difference in the presentation that he and CM Punk are going to have will be noticeable. Also, this PPV had some matches that had no business being on PPV which caused a really long show, therefore, killing the crowd at times. Matches from best to worst: Anarchy in the Arena match *****, CM Punk vs Adam Page ****1/2, Darby/Kyle ****, 3-way tag match ****, HOB vs Death Triangle ***3/4, Serena/Rosa ***1/2, Hardys/YB ***1/4, MJF/Wardlow ***, mixed tag ***, Joe/Cole**3/4, Britt/Soho **1/2, Cargill/Jay **"
SimonCopp wrote on 30.05.2022:
[4.0] "Woof. This was much too long and consequently the average quality wasn't anywhere near good enough although Anarchy in the Arena was a fitting peak in quality. Bucks vs Hardy was a mess of excess. It was too long, too boring for much of it and when it finally got interesting they did too much. House of Black vs Death Triangle was the only good match of the first half even with a lame finish. This show was better structured than other recent AEW PPVs but it didn't end up making much of a difference to the end result. Rose vs Deeb was good and every other non-Anarchy match in the second half was decent. That is simply not good enough for a promotion with the talent AEW have and for a five hour show."
denierstragedies wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "Definitely too long of a show and with a weak middle, but luckily the last 5 or so matches were great to incredible, with one absolute top match of the year contender. MJF and Wardlow had an entertaining match in my opinion, I think it works for the story and for MJF whether he decides to leave or not, and puts Wardlow over strong. The Bucks and Hardys had some moments but was hard to watch, I don't enjoy the Hardys wrestling anymore. Anna Jay and Jade Cargill was a fine match with some absolute carnage for the booking, there were about 7 run-ins/debuts and it was a bit much for a match with zero build and the third on the card. House of Black and Death Triangle had the first great match of the show, a very PWG-style match with Julia Hart finally joining the House, hope the feud is finished here. The two Owen Hart cup matches were decent to uninteresting, not much to say about Cole and Joe other than "decent" and Ruby vs. Britt had the absolute wrong winner, but it was nice to see the ceremony afterwards even though the two winning heels stood there like friendly company guys. The six-man tag around the TNT title was better than expected but still middling in most cases, hope that feud is over now and they can all move on to actually doing good stuff instead of this terribly booked feud. Things pick up here though as O'Reilly and Darby had a fantastic match for such a nothing build, Kyle basically battered Darby as you would expect from a Darby match and it really worked for me. Rosa and Deeb had a great women's title match, I do hope the future of the division is more like this match and Rosa's last few promos from the go-home Dynamite and the promo package. Anarchy in the Arena was easily match of the night, despite what I felt was the wrong kind of finish it was absolutely beautiful entertaining carnage from wall to wall and I hope we get a Danielson and Kingston feud out of it honestly. The tag title match was entertaining though felt it was lacking that little push to the next level, and I was kind of expecting a swerve (if you'll pardon the pun) or title change, but still great. Finally, the main event took me a couple watches but it was great, and I hope it kicks into an actual feud between the two with some story rather than the weird stuff they'd been doing on Dynamites before this match. Overall a great show, though to be fair one of the weakest from AEW in a while. Match Ratings: MJF vs. Wardlow - 7/10, Bucks vs. Hardys - 5/10, Jay vs. Jade - 6/10, House vs. DT - 8.5/10, Cole vs. Joe - 6/10, Britt vs. Ruby - 5/10, MotY & PVZ vs. Kaz & Twats - 5.5/10, Kyle vs. Darby - 8.5/10, Deeb vs. Rosa - 8/10, JAS vs. BCC & Lads - 9/10, Team Taz vs. Swerve & Lee vs. Jurassic - 8/10, Punk vs. Page - 8.5/10."
lukerocker9 wrote on 30.05.2022:
[7.0] "This was a good PPV but it had way too much stuff crammed into it. From Darby/O'Reilly to the main event the show was really fun with all those matches ranging from 7 to 9 the Anarchy in the Arena and Hangman/Punk being the two matches of the night, the first half was more hit and miss. The six man tag, Wardlow/MJF and the Hardy's/Bucks were all good but the Owen finals were dissapoining, the TBS title match was not good with the surprise debuts after it helping a bit and the mixed tag could've been easily on the pre show. Overall a fun show that could've been streamlined a bit"
DoctorTwin wrote on 30.05.2022:
[6.0] "The show was not as good as I expected for the following reasons: 1. A large number of matches. 2. A lot of not very good matches at the beginning of the show, and all the best ones towards the end - no balance. According to these reasons I was quite bored watching more than half of the show, and towards the end when there was a lot of interesting stuff I wanted to sleep."
Wrestling Forever wrote on 30.05.2022:
[10.0] "Drei Matches habe ich nicht bewertet: Opener (**), AEW TBS Title Match (**1/4) und das Six Mixed Tag Team Match (**1/4). Zu allen anderem mehr in den Guides, 10 Punkte."
Jingu-Reo wrote on 30.05.2022:
"[5.0] Where Revolution 2022 was an A+, this PPV reminded me of All Out 2020 - where Matt / Sammy had the accident - in this show felt like an overbloated mess - The first 4 matches, 3 had outside interference, overbooked run ins and poor in ring wrestling. Adam Cole & Britt Baker are overexposed. They do not have he talent to justify how much they win and are on TV compared to the roster. House of Black vs Death Triangle was MOTN. Just awesome. I loved Deeb & Rosa getting time to actually wrestle. It would have been amazing if the womens divison had matches like throughout 2021 instead of the year long Britt baker reign of terror. I feel the honeymoon is over and Tony needs to get back to basics. AEW is bleeding into WWE Lite/ TNA areas with match outcomes and booking decisions and a highly inflated ego of TK all over CM Punk when Punk feel on his ass not once but twice in your Main Event which had the dumbest character decision of Hangman. I feel Swerve/Keith should have won, they are the most over team currently."
BUIOOMEGA wrote on 30.05.2022:
[6.0] "Better than expected but I have to say I have a lot of low feelings about this one, the ppv less built by'em."
RantsAbove wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "Ridiculously back loaded show out of fear of counter programing the NBA playoffs. Show some pride, AEW! The trios match and Martha's speech were the only things really worth revisiting from the first 2+ hours. (Bit like a B-level NJPW show in that respect.) But those last four matches were nonstop joy! Lots of fun debuts too, so plenty of intrigue going into the summer."
jamzell00 wrote on 30.05.2022:
[6.0] "I swear these US companies have 0 idea how to pace shows. Starting with MJF/Wardlow was interesting and got the crowd going. And then they follow that with only 1 match worth a damn for hours. KOR/Allin got people back into it and then the show became very fun. Legit as if there were 2 shows that took place this night. Thank god I only watch this from time to time"
MaveDeltzer wrote on 30.05.2022:
[6.0] "I'd call this a '5' or '6' overall. All those matches and yet the only one I'd come close to recommending is Darby vs O'Reilly. That's not to say it was all bad but some of it certainly was and the length didn't help. There's a lot here which just shouldn't be featured on a PPV from the second largest promotion in the world."
jcabral04 wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "The first hours of Double or Nothing were a little boring, but after Rosa vs. Deeb the event took off and it was really good to watch."
sverkhchelovek wrote on 30.05.2022:
[6.0] ""Anarchy in the Arena" was great. Triangle vs Blacks, Serena vs Rosa, 3-Way Tag Team and O'Reilly vs. Allin were good. The rest was either meh of bad."
DarkPrince wrote on 30.05.2022:
[6.0] "Double Or Nothing in diesem Jahr war mal wieder ein richtiges Wrestling Fest! Trotzdem bin ich der Meinung, dass es eher ein Durchwachsener PPV von All Elite Wrestling gewesen ist. 12 Matches auf der Main Card ist schon etwas Stark übertrieben und man hätte ruhig 3 - 4 Matches hier weglassen können. Da hätte Ich aufjedenfall die beiden Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Final Matches bei der Dynamite After Double Or Nothing Ausgabe gezeigt und rausgenommen, wie auch Jade Cargill vs. Anna Jay (Obwohl man hier bestimmt das Match nur auf die Main Card geschoben hat wegen Athena, was man aber auch hätte bei Dynamite machen können) um den AEW TBS Women's Championship. Das hätte sogar auch ruhig in die Pre-Show geschoben werden können und man hätte Athena dort debütieren lassen können. Für mich waren die Beiden Matches Of The Night das Six Man Tag Team Match zwischen The House Of Black vs. The Death Triangle & Das Anarchy In The Arena Match. Beide (****1/2). Meine Sterne zu den sonstigen Matches: MJF vs. Wardlow (**1/4). Hardy's vs. Young Bucks (***1/2). Kyle O'Reilly vs. Darby Allin (***3/4). AEW Women's World Championship Match (***3/4). AEW World Tag Team Championship Match (****). Und der Main Event um den AEW World Championship zwischen CM Punk und Adam Page (****1/4). Wenn Ich jedes Match einzelt durchgegangen wäre und zu jedem Match etwas gesagt hätte, wie Ich es sonst immer mache in der Match Card Reihenfolge, dann wäre das definitiv viel zu viel Text gewesen, deswegen wollte Ich mich etwas kurz halten. Ich Denke, Ich schreibe dann noch was zu den jeweiligen Matches in den Guide. Insgesamt wie am Anfang schon erwähnt ein Durchwachsener AEW PPV wo mich leider nicht jedes Match, aber auch nicht jede Fehde wirklich mitreißen konnte. Finde 6 Punkte Gehen hier vollkommen inordnung."
NoSell wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "It's a great show and it's also the weakest AEW PPV since last year's Revolution probably. Quite a few great matches, some bad matches and some really questionable booking decisions."
APP wrote on 30.05.2022:
[4.0] "boring show, nothing really stood out, lots of sloppy matches with questionable finishes. Main event did not deliver and they make Page look like an idiot. People like Jeff Hardy, Anna Jay and Taya Conti should never made to ppv, not to mention astonishing amount of botches"
rhys4peace wrote on 30.05.2022:
[6.0] "A half-decent PPV overall, this was still bloated to shit and wayyy overlong. I was expecting great things after AEW's incredible showing at Revolution in February, but AEW does as AEW does, and they have yet another middling PPV to add to their impressive collection of middling PPV's. Main event was fantastic tho."
JakeR wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "Great show but not quite at the level of the past few aew ppv's which were all timers. Feel like the matches could have been ordered very differently. It gave the final third of the show a great run but it killed the middle part of the show with all the less exciting matches back to back to back. If say the tag title match got put between some of the more quiet matches that would have helped keep the crowd alive through the middle. The crowd came back to life though with the final third and they were perfect for the main event. House of black match and the main event were my matches of the night. Jade match was the worst of the night but was nothing terrible just below average. I loved the debuts after the match and never going to complain about looking and Jade and Anna. Overall great show with some great matches just didn't deliver for every single match like some of the past aew ppv's, which itself shows how much of a high standard this company and its shows are held to."
Martin03 wrote on 30.05.2022:
[6.0] "Das der Fake Goldberg gewinnen wird war klar, allerdings wie ist ein Witz. Ich bleib dabei und sage es immer wieder, der Kerl ist so ultra schlecht, kann absolut 0, 0 im Ring und 0, 0 am Mic, dem würde ich am liebsten Minus Punkte geben. Das die Hardys gewonnen haben hat mich etwas überrascht, die sind über den Zenit, da kommt nicht mehr viel, die Bucks mussten ordentlich Gas raus nehmen um die alten Herren gut aussehen zu lassen. Cargill Matches sind und bleiben für die Tonne. Erstes gutes Match und sinnvolle Sieger House of Black. Cole gegen Joe war eine volle Enttäuschung, dass darauffolgende Damen Match war im Niveau nicht viel besser. Das Six Man Tag mit dem Porno Paar war ebenfalls völlig Panne. Kyle O'Reilly hat den Dreirad Zombie verprügelt, dass war in Ordnung. Rosa wie zu erwarten war hat den Belt verteidigt, dass war so auch ok. Keine Ahnung aber das Anarchy Match hat mich nicht abgeholt, viel zu viel Chaos, die Kamera wußte gar nicht wohin zu schalten und dabei das meiste verpaßt. Der Co-Mainer war besser als erwartet. Der Mainer war jetzt auch nicht der Mega Burner, von "Best in the World" ist der meilenweit entfernt. Fazit: Punk die goldene unantastbare Kuh als Champ ist ein Witz, dass ist ins Gesicht gespuckt von allen die sich von Beginn an für die Company den Arsch aufgerißen haben. Page hat so 'Klasse Matches abgeliefert und Punk darf sich zum Titel botchen. Da kannst nur mit dem Kopf schütteln. Die AEW wird immer mehr zur WWE. Die Card war insgesamt viel zu überladen. Ein OMG Moment oder große Überraschung im Booking war nicht vorhanden, fand den Event nicht besonders gut und mehr wie 6 Punkte sehe ich hier nicht."
Grissom wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "Double or Nothing war ein sehr unterhaltsamer PPV, wenn auch nicht der stärkste AEW PPV aus In-Ring Sicht gesehen, da diesmal nicht so viele Matches ein Top Level hatten wie bei den vorherigen PPV's. Im Großen und Ganzen hat es aber durchgehend Spaß gemacht."
TheLegendaryEric wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "A decent show that unfortunately suffered because of how long it was, the 1st half really dragged in someparts and although the 2nd half of the show was really good, fatigue had really set in too soon."
kakkakikkare wrote on 30.05.2022:
[7.0] "First half of the show was okay at best, the latter half was pretty good. Anarchy in the arena was the match of the night."
Roodolph wrote on 30.05.2022:
[4.0] "I think it was the worst ppv aew ever. Only 5 good matches, the others very avoidable and full of mistakes and botches. Please, we are sick and tired of Britt Baker. Bet on TONI STORM or Ruby Soho. On Punk I won't even comment, he just disgusts me so much as a person. Rosa and Serena are the best women you have available and they showed it. Hardys embarrassing, time to retire. Guevara and Conti have broken up. PPV too long and boring. Embarrassing TK's move to contact Stokley during the 90 days, but for dirty sheets it's ok."
JustDan wrote on 30.05.2022:
[7.0] "This show felt like it went pretty long. The first half kinda dragged, but really picked up after Darby Allin vs Kyle O Reilly. The last three matches of the card were especially great. One of the weaker AEW PPV, but still pretty good."
Matt Macks wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "I was debating with myself in regards to the final rating for the pay per view. On one hand, 12 matches and 4 1/2 hours is a bit too much for me. Especially since some of the matches on the card, despite their quality, had little to no build up and seemingly were put on because the workers involved needed to get on the PPV. On the other hand, despite a mediocre mid card, over 2/3 of the show were great and had a must-see atmosphere, in-ring action and audience reaction. You could go 7 or 9 for the rating based on which parts of the earlier description speaks more to you, but I decided to just go with the middle. MOTN turned out to by the Anarchy in the Arena match despite me not liking the beginning. Close seconds were the main event, which was great from a storytelling perspective; the Tag Team titles match, which was able to hold over the excitement from the AitA spectacle; and the House of Black vs. Death Triangle extravaganza. Also good: the opener, which delivered despited all the news over the weekend, KOR vs. Darby, which was a war out of nowhere; and Rosa vs. Deeb. Hardys vs. Bucks were fine, but incredibly limited and a while I get all of it, a bit of a waste of the Bucks on the PPV stage. The Owen tournament matches were fine, but I did not really want to see any of the final participants win in either bracket, so I was not emotionally invested. I skipped the second Six Man and the the TBS title match because of the PPV length."
arkhamoutlaw10 wrote on 30.05.2022:
[9.0] "Wardlow/MJF - ****1/2 Hardys/Bucks - ***1/2 Cargill/Jay - ***1/2 House of Black/Death Triangle - *** Cole/Joe - *** Baker/Soho - **** Sky, Page and VanZant/Guevara, Conti and Kazarian - **** O? Reilly/Allin - ***1/2 Rosa/Deeb - **** Anarchy in the Arena ***** (a Meltzer 6 for me) Jurassic Express/Team Taz/Strickland and Lee *** Punk/Hangman - ****1/2 I at least liked everything! Loved a bunch of it. Anarchy in the Arena one of the best matches I? ve ever seen live. Wardlow was perfect, the Martha Hart speech was unbelievably beautiful, got emotional over Punk winning his first world title in almost a decade. Even the stuff I wasn? t huge on, such as Jurassic Express retaining instead of a Team Taz victory, wasn? t ruining or terrible. It was a ton of fun and even though I? m now tired, it? s one of my favourite AEW PPVs."
LivingLegend wrote on 30.05.2022:
[5.0] "One of AEW's weaker PPV showings, Double or Nothing had a very weak build, and the event itself failed to deliver as well. The opener was what it should have been, an extended squash win for Wardlow. Hardys VS the Bucks was meh. Glad the Bucks lost though. Jade and Anna failed to follow up on their fairly solid match from earlier this year. Malcom Bivens and Ember Moon are cool additions to AEW though. I just hope Ember gets the treatment she deserves and doesn't end up putting Cargill over and rotting on Dark for the rest of her contract. Six man tag was a ridiculous spot fest that had a cheap finish and another pinfall loss for Pac. Seriously that guy is fantastic but clearly Tony Khan doesn't think he's anything besides a fall guy for a midcard faction. Joe and Cole had a fairly bland match. Ruby and Britt, similar to Cargill and Jay, failed to live up to the expectations set by their previous match. Ruby Soho's AEW career is almost certainly dead after this. The Owen Hart tournaments were a massive waste of time. All they did was give two heels who don't need it a bigger spotlight while slapping Owen's name on it to make it seem important. At this rate I won't be surprised if Britt is champion again by Full Gear. Mixed tag was a mess. PVZ is greener than grass, and clearly wasn't ready for this. Doesn't help she had to work with Tay Conti, who's spent more time as a manager than a wrestler in the 3 months. At least this dumpster fire of a feud is over now... right? O'Reilly and Allin had a fun sprint but this absolutely did NOT need to be on PPV and just felt like a "we need Darby on the card for some reason! " move, rather than something that benefits the show. Women's title match was awesome. Hopefully Rosa actually gets to appear on TV more after this, but I don't count on that happening with Baker, Jade, and now Ember Moon taking up all of the promo/ring time we are likely to get on an episode of Dynamite. The ten man brawl was ridiculous. Not going to say if that's good or bad, but the finish was definitely bad. This feud doesn't need Blood and Guts, and now Bryan and BCC have lost all of their aura losing to a bunch of jobbers. Sometimes predictable booking isn't the best option. Tag title match was another spot fest. I wanted Hobbs and Starks to win. Main event was fine, but it got a bit sloppy the longer it went. I have my doubts with Punk as champ, but at least Hangman doesn't have the belt anymore. AEW did him so dirty during his reign. Not a single Dynamite main event to his name during his 7 month run. Overall the show had some good stuff but it was way WAY too long. By the end I was exhausted. This show's issue was all of the unnecessary fluff. The Owen Tournaments were a waste of time, we didn't need Kyle VS Darby, nor the mixed tag. Had this been a 8-9 match show, it would have been way better."
TheRealCarson37 wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "I am so mad that my feed went out halfway through the main event but otherwise this was a good show. It kind of dragged on for a bit in the middle but then that Anarchy In The Arena match woke me up. And then the triple threat tag match after that was awesome too. And CM Punk winning was a great moment even though I didn? t get to see it live."
Swendive wrote on 30.05.2022:
[7.0] "Solid show but one of the weaker AEW PPVs. I'm absolutely amazed the crowd kept their energy throughout the whole thing, it really helped."
birdmanswag wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "It was a good show. But it is not the best AEW has put on. To be fair it will be hard to top All Out 2021, that might have been one of the greatest wrestling shows ever. It sets the bar high. But AEW puts on great PPV events. This was a more than satisfying show though with a great, stiff main event. Hangman and Punk were beating the shit out of each other at some points. Was hoping for new tag champs and Christian turning on JE but I am guessing that will come soon. Only bad match for me was the Jade match. Anarchy in the Arena was ridiculous and awesome, rivaling Stadium Stampede. Might even be better. The lengths these people will go for our entertainment deserves praise no matter what. The House of Black vs Death Triangle match was a spot fest but a fun one at that, PAC is so good. I would love to see him wrestle Ibushi one day. Unless they have and I? m just not aware. The show went long for sure but tends to fly by. 8-8.5/10. I do wonder what will happen with Hangman now. Hopefully eventually, he will become the first to hold the title twice. But then again, Omega will be in the mix I am sure. We will just have to see. Hope Punk can step it up a bit as champ."
Wuzong Shen wrote on 30.05.2022:
[5.0] "Apart from disappointment, I don't know what else can describe my feelings at this moment. The card of this PPV was already disappointing, and the matches was even more frustrating. Only the match between House Of Black and Death Triangle and the Anarchy In The Arena Match (maybe also the Tag Team Title Three Way Match) was acceptable, and the rest part of this show aren't worth paying for watch. Especially the main event, is there really anyone that thinks Punk deserved to be AEW Champion? It was definitely a wrong decision to let Punk be the Champion, I can't accept it. Worst AEW PPV of all time for me, disgusting."
2bitterforyou wrote on 30.05.2022:
[9.0] "What a crowd! I think the Las Vegas' crowd deserves as much credit as the wrestlers for holding this event together. Nowhere else you can find people keeping that level of energy for almost six hours. About the event itself, the first few hours were very uneven, with some good matches followed by others not so great, but the last two hours or so amazed me. The O'Reilly-Darby, Rosa-Serena, Anarchy in the Ring, 3-way Tag, and Hangman-Punk combo didn't have one lame moment. That's very rare and special."
TheWay123 wrote on 30.05.2022:
[10.0] "Amazing pay per view, an incredible experience totally worth the money spent. Most of the matches had my jaw hitting the floor at multiple points, and it's incredible how it kept my attention for the full 4 hour and 40 minute runtime."
boisecombatclub wrote on 30.05.2022:
[9.0] "An amazing beginning, an uneven middle, and then a heart-stopping sprint to the finish. Very much begs the questions of whether it's better to overstuff a show that you ask people to spend $50 on or do some editing to prevent burnout. A couple of matches probably should have been cut but I tend to land on the side of the former, and because the energy of the show still managed to peak in the closing stretch, I think this was a stellar PPV. I just don't know how Tony booked 46 wrestlers on this show without any of them being FTR."
genericusername wrote on 30.05.2022:
[8.0] "A bit too long with some duds, but a lot of fun moments and a handful of really great matches. I'm tired"
RoscoeSantangelo wrote on 30.05.2022:
[9.0] "A few matches could've been cut but overall incredible show. MJF vs Wardlow whether the original intention or not was the perfect squash to end this feud. Won't rate it bc it was barely a match but was a perfect start to the show. Young Bucks vs Hardy's I thought was great but maybe I'll be in the minority? I always expect Jeff to be rough and I thought that was the story of the match, the Hardy's not being at the level of The Bucks, so I enjoyed watching them have to fight from underneath like that. Obviously not at the level of the classic ladder match ****1/4. Jade vs Anna Jay was fun. A little under their first match which was surprisingly great, but a fun match with some fun post match stuff with Athena ***. Death Triangle vs House of Black was everything the PWG spotfest you'd hope. Absolutely insane trios match ****3/4. Joe vs Cole was a great match. Maybe could've been better but was still very fun and Cole won on his own ****. Baker vs Soho was really good and really well wrestled ***1/2. Mixed Trios Tag was fine. The dissention between Frankie and Sammy was fun and got the crowd to pop. Hopefully the end of this feud **3/4. Darby vs O'Reilly was so good it had a tired crowd coming back by the end. With a hotter crowd this would've been even more epic but even with a tired crowd this was fantastic. Surprised but happy to see a big KOR win ****1/4. Rosa vs Deeb was fantastic, great brutal wrestling by them both ****1/4. Anarchy in the Arena was an absolute classic brawl. Going down as one of the best matches in AEW history and incredible brutality. Insane fun *****. Tag Title match was epic and insane fun. Nonstop action as you'd hope with everyone working well together ****1/2. Hangman vs Punk was a classic. Exactly what I hoped for. Hard hitting with a red hot crowd for every move. Some rough spots but they worked through them well and it compiled into an excellent story. Was rooting for Hangman but it's awesome to see Punk as champ *****."
superhyperultrakick wrote on 30.05.2022:
[9.0] "The first half could've been better (Hardys are washed, Britt Baker and Adam Cole shouldn't have won) but other than that, this pay-per-view was loads of fun and it lived up to my astronomical expectations, especially with the women's world title match."
Johnpap6 wrote on 30.05.2022:
[10.0] "This was an amazing show like every ppv that aew has ever done, it could have been a little better but it was still 10/10."