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Name of the event:
WWF SummerSlam 1996
ca. 17.000
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:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: match length < 5 minutes. ::::
Free For All Match
Steve Austin defeats Yokozuna (1:52)
WWF World Tag Team Title Four Way Elimination Match
- The Smoking Gunns eliminate The Body Donnas (4:00)
- The Godwinns eliminate The New Rockers (7:18)
- The Smoking Gunns eliminate The Godwinns (12:18)
Singles Match
Goldust (w/Marlena) defeats Marc Mero (w/Sable) (11:01)
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: match length < 5 minutes. ::::
Singles Match
Jerry Lawler defeats Jake Roberts (4:07)
Boiler Room Brawl Match
Mankind defeats The Undertaker (26:40)

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Current Total Rating (?)
Valid votes: 109
Number of comments: 48
10.0 1x
9.0 0x
8.0 4x
7.0 11x
6.0 53x
5.0 18x
4.0 16x
3.0 6x
2.0 0x
1.0 0x
0.0 0x
Average rating: 5.59  [109]
Average rating in 2025: 5.00  [1]
Average rating in 2024: 5.24  [21]
Average rating in 2023: 5.55  [11]
Average rating in 2022: 5.43  [7]
Average rating in 2021: 5.43  [7]
Average rating in 2020: 5.25  [4]
Average rating in 2019: 5.67  [3]
Average rating in 2018: 6.00  [5]
Average rating in 2017: 6.00  [7]
Average rating in 2016: 4.90  [10]
Average rating in 2015: 6.00  [4]
Average rating in 2014: 5.75  [4]
Average rating in 2013: 6.00  [4]
Average rating in 2011: 5.00  [2]
Average rating in 2010: 5.00  [1]
Average rating in 2009: 5.67  [3]
Average rating in 2008: 6.17  [6]
Average rating in 2007: 6.44  [9]
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