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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 1.47
DanTalksRasslin wrote on 30.03.2024:
[2.0] "Another rough event from a rough year for WCW. Here we do at least a good Tag Title match in DDP & Kanyon vs Benoit & Saturn, and another decent tag bout from the No Limit Soldiers vs West Texas Rednecks feud in Konnan & Rey vs Hennig & Duncum. But otherwise there's not much to recommend here - the Nash-Savage main event felt like it was just going through the motions and was hindered by both Savage being severely limited at this point and by a huge amount of overbooking (at least the Sid return was somewhat memorable); Sting vs Rick Steiner had somewhat OK wrestling but was completely derailed by a dog attack finish (yes, a dog attack finish) that was both distasteful in concept and lame in execution; Flair and Piper again felt like it was going through the motions of a cheat-filled match that did at least get good crowd reactions; Hak vs Knobbs showed that WCW just didn't "get" hardcore at this point, and most of the rest might as well have been on Nitro or Thunder (a random extended squash by Hammer over Whipwreck; a match with Ernest Miller against Horace Hogan that probably would've been a lot better with originally-scheduled opponent Scott Norton, and a random Buff Bagwell vs Disco Inferno match that was admittedly mostly OK and would have been fine as a TV match). I'd at least rank it slightly above the 1999 Bash at the Beach, but that's really not saying a whole lot."
Burning V Sternness wrote on 15.03.2024:
[1.0] "Not only was there only one match that hit the 3* barrier by my watch, but 7 bouts on the card ended with some kind of Heel beat down at the end, to the point that all the HEAT angles just became tiresome. WCW actually had a pretty hot crowd for this show, but by the end theyd just beaten any excitement out of them with all the Heel beat downs and terrible finishes. That Steiner Vs Sting match and finish remain some of the stupidest stuff Ive ever seen on a wrestling show. None of the big matches on this card really delivered, whilst the undercard had a few matches that felt like TV bouts that WCW just happened to put on a pay per view in an effort to fill time. You want pay per view quality bouts on a pay per view, especially when you have as stacked a roster as WCW did at the time, but instead we had Van Hammer working a weekend show level squash with Mikey. Mikey did a great job from his perspective, but thats not a match you just throw on pay per view cold. This show is pretty much as bad as I remember it, so I dont recommend watching it."
Dirty Diego wrote on 05.03.2024:
[1.0] "This is the worst wrestling ppv event Ive ever seen its so bad its kind of hilarious, every macth apart from the tag team macth with Benoit and Saturn absolutely stunk , absolutely zero storyline build up the only thing I thought was amusing was mr perfect story with konnan and the rap is crap thing, I really feel sorry for everybody that payed their money to watch this garbage either at home or in the arena , absolute torture watching this"
Burner wrote on 29.11.2023:
[0.0] "This show was wretched, and the only positives exist on a technicality - they aren't great but they're better than what you otherwise got so I guess that's okay! As of my writing this you've already got 3 matches in the 3.0 range and 4 in the 1.0-0.0 range. How is that not a fail at every possible level?"
benny5bellys wrote on 11.11.2022:
[1.0] "Other than the Rednecks vs No Limit Soldiers match this is pretty much Heroes of Wrestling level of bad. An insult to the viewers intelligence on almost every level."
Giantfan1980 wrote on 09.09.2022:
[2.0] "It's weird, the WWF was known for crappy under cards and a good main event back in these days, and WCW was the opposite side of that coin by usually having a good under card and crappy main event. This show was the exception as it's about 95-98% crap throughout! I was going to give it 3 stars out of 10 for the tag title match but too much offensive trash holds this one down. I always thought Fall Brawl 98 and WW3 98 were two of the worst shows but this one might have outperformed them both. If you thought this show was bad, just wait until you get to Bash At The Beach 99! (shudder! )"
MilkDDTea wrote on 21.08.2022:
[2.0] "Terrible finishes. Insulting story-lines. Embarrassing referee work. A bunch of low effort brawling. The list of bad decisions goes on. Thankfully we got two pretty good tag matches in there, but this show desperately needed more than that."
Emmingott wrote on 30.07.2022:
[0.0] "This is perhaps the worst PPV in history, worse than ECW's December to Dismember, there is not a single redeeming match on the card. Avoid at all costs."
Derek Joists wrote on 15.07.2022:
[0.0] "It's rare to look at a card and see not a single match that looks appealing, but this one managed it. The one decent match was the tag championship match, but even that was formulaic and over long, and couldn't come close to rescuing the event. The company was completely creatively bankrupt by this point, and the talent either couldn't or wouldn't work round that to at least put on decent matches."
5nicoShuffle wrote on 09.07.2022:
[1.0] "I'm just gonna say this right now... there wasn't anything Great about this American Bash. Pretty low on starpower, crap finishes and only two title matches were on offer here. [1st match] Clueless, mostly one-sided weapons match. No plan to it, just hit Hak with things very hard. WWE seemed at least to be creative with their Hardcore matches. * [2nd match] Feel bad for Mikey here. After an amazing Cruiserweight title match some months back, he's seemingly been forgotten about and being fed to ex Flock members. Mikey tried here at least, which is more than can be said for Hammer. *1/4 [3rd match] It was ok, finish made Disco look dumb though (perhaps intentional? ) **1/2 [4th match] Fun early going but got dull when they slowed down, and it dragged the crowd down too. Finish missed & ignored until the replay. **3/4 [5th match] Heatless, flat & a failed attempt at being Babyface for Horace. -* [6th match] Low effort, yet the crowd loved it. Dumb swerve at the end though. 1/2* [7th match] What started somewhat promising ended in a farce. DUD [8th match] Decent but felt in low gear for most of the match. *** [Main] Slow & lumbering. Randy's harem get involved constantly. Nash sold Ms Madness's dropkick like death. Seemingly spared from more awfulness by the dumb DQ finish, yet the aftermath only adds confusion. DUD I know times were bad here for WCW, but I never imagined it was THIS BAD!"
DerHitman wrote on 18.12.2020:
[2.0] "Die ersten drei Matches haben von der Ansetzung und dann auch von der Qualität absolut nichts auf einer PPV Card zu suchen. The No Limit Soldiers gegen The West Texas Rednecks ist zumindest ein solides Match. The Cat gegen Horace ist fürchterlich. Ric Flair gegen Roddy Piper ist schwach. Rick Steiner gegen Sting verkommt zu totalem Unsinn. The Triad gegen Benoit und Saturn ist ein starkes Match ***1/4. Der Main Event ist ein Witz von einem Titelmatch."
Fountain of Misinformation wrote on 30.06.2019:
[4.0] "Ich fand's ehrlich gesagt nicht so übel, wie es viele meine Vorredner gesehen haben, vier Punkte kann man hier schon geben, obwohl die Highlights bei dieser Show rar gesät waren. Der Semi Main Event war klar der Kampf des Abends, der Main Event war eine schwache Vorstellung, der "Macho Man" war damals aber auch bereits Ende 40 und versuchte mit dem Körperbau, den Damen und dem ganzen Drumherum davon abzulenken, dass er es im Ring damals nicht mehr so drauf hatte wie früher. Die Show ist in meinen Augen keine Zeitverschwendung und kann man sich schon angucken."
RatingsMachine wrote on 22.09.2018:
[0.0] "This show was absolutely awful, with wall to wall garbage and a relentless parade of the worst that professional wrestling had to offer. And it was all capped off with the 'long awaited return' of a certifiable psychotic nutcase."
Mizzle Assault Ant wrote on 21.11.2017:
[1.0] "An awful show from an awful era. Sandman/Knobbs was pretty bad, not the worst garbage match WCW has done but very mindless. Knobbs especially sucks. Whipwreck/Hammer was pretty weak, no idea why it got on PPV. Bagwell/Disco is TERRIBLY dull. We finally get something good in the Rap vs. Country feud, Mysterio and Hennig mixing it up is way fun, even if No Limit Soldiers was a horrible group in the end. Miller/Horace is terrible, the Cat wins with a red shoe. So awful. Flair/Piper is just putrid, Bagwell comes out to help Piper but Flair and Piper end up joining up to beat up Bagwell for no possibly explainable reason. Rick/Sting is the worst thing on the show, which is a very low bar. Sting looks terribly sloppy and Rick just looks old and tired, but the thing that pushes it over the edge is the match "ends" when Sting is "attacked by dogs" backstage, in one of the cheesiest, stupidest things I've ever seen in wrestling. Benoit & Saturn against the Triad is pretty good, but there's so much terrible stuff on this show it's not nearly enough to save it. Savage/Nash is another terribly dull match, and their feud is all time bad, based on makeup, actual poop, Nash trying to book himself to be the new Steve Austin, and finally vehicular manslaughter. Only one thing could make this worse, that's right it's the return of Sid Vicious, who ends the main event in a DQ and does a terrible powerbomb to Nash before leaving with Savage, whom he just cost the title. So. Insanely. Bad."
test85 wrote on 19.11.2017:
"1. Der Opener war mies. WCW versucht die Hardcore der Division der beiden anderen Ligen zu übertrumpfen. Hierfür werden auch einige Superstars der anderen Ligen gekauft. Nur hilft das alles nichts wenn ein solcher Mist dabei rauskommt. Zudem: Wer will schon Knobbs sehen. (1/4*) 2. Van Hammer gegen Whipwreck wird auch nicht in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen. Kann man bei einer Weekly bringen. (3/4*) 3. Bagwell gegen Inferno dagegen war schon okay. (2 1/4*) 4. TT Match siehe Guide. (3 1/4*) 5. The Cat gegen Horace war schlecht. Wer kauft den bitte dafür einen PPV? B oder C Weekly Niveau. (0*) 6. Dann ging Flair/Piper in die nächste Runde. Zu diesen Zeitpunkt brauchte ich das Match nicht mehr. Lebte nur von den Namen der beiden Legenden, denn im Ring wurde nichts gutes gezeigt. Und dann das ganze Blabla um Bagwell. Zudem der eigenartige Turn von Piper. Mit diesen Match ist eigentlich auf der Stelle liegen geblieben. Warum das ganze Theater um Bagwell. (1/2*) 7. Das FCA Match war dann Booking Crap. Vom Match habe ich mir schon nicht viel erwartet. Dann bringt man kurz nach dem tragischen Unfall von Owen Hart einen solchen Mist. Da frage ich mich auch ob Sting sein Hirn verblasen hat. Bei einem solchen schwachsinnigen Stunt mitzumachen. Geht absolut nicht. (-*****) 8. TT Title Match war dann in Ordnung. Aber das Wechselspielchen geht nun bei den Tag Team Titles auch weiter. (3 1/4*) 9. ME war dann enttäuschend. Es geht um den wichtigsten Titel der Promotion. Man hat zwei Big Names, von denen einer nocht ziemlich gut im Saft ist und bringt dann sowas. Nicht mal 10 Minuten und dann auch noch ein DQ Ende. Einzig Sids Comeback ist für mich hier positiv. Alles andere war Mist. Man verarscht mit dieser Show das zahlende Publikum. Wenn ich für diesen PPV hätte 50 $ oder mehr hätte bezahlen müssen hätte ich die WCW auf Schmezensgeld verklagt. (0*) 2 Gnadenpunkte für die beiden TT Matches."
cradlerocker wrote on 30.09.2016:
[2.0] "Das war nichts. Eine von vorne bis hinten inspirationslose Card und kaum anständiges Wrestling. Begleitet von obskuren Turns, sinnlosen Bookingentscheidungen und Trash-TV, wie bei Sting vs. Steiner. Lediglich das TT-Title-Match sticht heraus. Ist aber auch nichts besonderes insgesamt."
DaBB wrote on 15.03.2016:
[1.0] "Selten so eine schlechte und vor allem langweilige PPV Veranstaltung gesehen. Die gesamte Undercard stinkt total ab, besonders The Cat gegen Horace Hogan und der viel zu lange Van Hammer Squash Sieg. Flair und Piper verpacken alle ihre schmutzigen Tricks in die 8 Minuten Matchzeit und schaffen es so tatsächlich, am Rande der 50 Lenzen noch ein akzeptables Match zu liefern. Nicht, dass die Standards bei dieser Show besonders hoch wären. Für Lacher sorgt das Post Match von Sting gegen Steiner, das war wirklich WCW Crap Booking vom allerfeinsten. Apropos Crap, leider wurde der Main Event dem "großartigen" Aufbau aus den Video Packages nicht gerecht. Die waren wenigstens Unterhaltung, zwar nicht auf hohem Niveau, aber immerhin. Bleibt nur noch ein ordentliches Tag Match übrig, das ich aber bei weitem nicht so stark gesehen habe wie Meltzer. Dafür war die Heat Phase einfach viel zu lang, vor allem nach so einer ermüdenden Card. Zu mehr als einem Gnadenpunkt reicht es nicht. Den gibt es auch nur für die stellenweise so-bad-it's-good-Angles und die Leistung von Flair, Piper & Benoit."
Grissom wrote on 27.12.2012:
[2.0] "Was für ein lausiger PPV. Das war von vorne bis hinten einafch nur langweilig. Einzige Ausnahme ist das Tag Team Match im Co-Mainer, was recht ansehnlich war."
LexLuger4ever wrote on 24.02.2008:
[4.0] "Ohje, ein furchtbar schwacher PPV! Nur ganz wenige Highlights, naja, immerhin noch 4 Punkte und dies vor allem wegen des starken Tag Team Matches kurz vor dem Ende."
Bhandu wrote on 19.11.2007:
[2.0] "Tränenreich verabschiedet sich die WCW mit diesem PPV auf Monate von irgendwelchen Qualitätsstandards. Tränen hatte ob dieses PPVs leider auch der (zahlende) Zuschauer in den Augen."